[問卦] 林書豪為台灣地震受災戶祈禱

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 林書豪為台灣地震受災戶祈禱作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:5

I know I cant fully understand because I wasnt there, but my heart goes out
to all those affected by the earthquake in eastern taiwan. To all those who
were hurt, to the family and friends of the wounded and to all those who wereaffected by the earthquake. Praying for a speedy recovery!



書豪真暖 身處在中國

特地翻牆發文為台灣同胞祈禱 ^_^



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sd09090 09/19 09:24廣東

zxc2331189 09/19 09:24都是中國人

Howard61313 09/19 09:25謝謝美國人

walife 09/19 09:25微博要被出征了 綠共紅共一樣套路

EddiePENG 09/19 09:28蟑螂進攻囉

EXIONG 09/19 09:29出征是一定會的 紅的說你獨 綠的說你舔

lee7922412 09/19 09:43寫到Taiwan先備份,可能等下就拿掉了

DarenR 09/19 09:58謝中國的關心,我們血濃於水,但我是台獨

LoveMakeLove 09/19 10:01Amen

hoesi 09/19 10:05辱華

bye296lctc 09/19 10:13乳了啦

Mareeta 09/19 10:57eastern Taiwan 西台灣小粉紅要崩潰惹

Mareeta 09/19 11:00