[問卦] 水很深的英文怎麼說?

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waakye 10/20 15:22DPP

lmf770410 10/20 15:23Don’t ask anymore

Yude0109 10/20 15:23water is deep

twelvethflor 10/20 15:23ocean deep

STi2011 10/20 15:23many money

kisweet999 10/20 15:23Water is very deep

diabolica 10/20 15:23You're playing with fire.


gtcb 10/20 15:24show dpp money

andyher 10/20 15:24take care ddp

tntbear 10/20 15:24TOO DEEP

doveplus 10/20 15:25Dont trust anyone

Ericz7000 10/20 15:26You know nothing. John snow

※ 編輯: Yan963 ( 臺灣), 10/20/2022 15:27:41

beatnik9100 10/20 15:29dark

cosmosET 10/20 15:30don’t ask

BBScom 10/20 15:30Need not to know.

suika0918 10/20 15:31DDP

suika0918 10/20 15:32Dpp 幹 打錯


michael7860 10/20 15:33please suscribe

※ 編輯: Yan963 ( 臺灣), 10/20/2022 15:33:30

ntuarthur 10/20 15:33dp water

rivers 10/20 15:34dpp is everything

sellgd 10/20 15:35fishy

fur 10/20 15:37I don't know anything.

kming327 10/20 15:38money sea

abcyting 10/20 15:39It’s complicated

demangel 10/20 15:41three million

fire124 10/20 15:42give me the money

mabilife 10/20 15:42mizu wa fukai

kcclasaki 10/20 15:46Gulugulugulu

mirageblue 10/20 15:46Tsai ee

mmoomm77 10/20 15:50EE’s Hole

cymtrex 10/20 15:53DPP water

HiggsBoson 10/20 15:57雖哼生

paphos 10/20 15:58Democratic Progressive Precious

abcde79961a 10/20 16:00Johnny Deep

abcde79961a 10/20 16:00*Depp

alotofjeff 10/20 16:02it's complicate

Townshend 10/20 16:11the water is deep

ptychodera 10/20 16:19Dpp alchemy

alexarchit 10/20 16:23don't look up

m800728m 10/20 16:26Dpp water

kennyhen 10/20 16:32Deep pool,簡稱dpp

Expend 10/20 16:34deep precious pool aka DPP

cc02040326 10/20 16:36So deep oh god oh

anneal 10/20 16:40it's complicated

OoShiunoO 10/20 16:40dpp in the water

cc02040326 10/20 16:40Fuuuck oooh yes

pikeman 10/20 16:53Too DPP, you know

midnight6998 10/20 16:59Say my name

ryuhuang 10/20 17:20Deep P

ualileigod 10/20 17:37I'm so cold

zzz71084482 10/20 17:41tight tight tight

fish3932000 10/20 17:43Water so deep

bnb89225 10/20 17:46I am DPP

dharma123 10/20 18:07DPP

sthelse 10/20 18:33gulu gulu

zxcvbnmnbvcx 10/20 18:44Joker

keith780902 10/20 18:56DPP water

fir191938 10/20 19:04water is deep

selvester 10/20 19:58Too deep don't Remember 簡稱TDDR

fallinlove15 10/20 20:36Dpper

lazikat 10/20 23:12water hell

flashseal 10/21 08:52Deeeeep DPPPP