[問卦] 如何用英文精確表達我他媽吃定你了?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 如何用英文精確表達我他媽吃定你了?作者
時間推噓79 推:82 噓:3 →:23






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kcclasaki 12/05 08:54I want to fuck your ass hole

Dcwei 12/05 08:55I’m eating u

chunfo 12/05 08:55f*ck可以代替任何字

RWT512 12/05 08:55I’m DPP

starwillow 12/05 08:56you died

share8426 12/05 08:56I`m fxxking got you!

chenyp 12/05 08:56I am fucking eating you

alqozmg1 12/05 08:58Hey, little pussy. I’ll fuck you unt

johnhmj 12/05 08:58you're mine, you're dead.

alqozmg1 12/05 08:58il you die.

oh123oh 12/05 08:58your asshole is mine.

ventelp 12/05 08:59Say my name

rainbow321 12/05 09:00I eat your mom

kent0398 12/05 09:01I am gonna beat you

pttnowash 12/05 09:02I his mother eat order you.

bullace 12/05 09:02bite me

pttnowash 12/05 09:02"I fucking own you."

flora11883 12/05 09:04i his mom eat din u

NexusI 12/05 09:05I He Mom Eat Din You Ler

xeins 12/05 09:05Say my name

Insania 12/05 09:06I owned you, pussy

Emper 12/05 09:06B gin s s zone der

t19960804 12/05 09:06Suck my dick

leatica 12/05 09:08港片不是中音文字母都有嗎?重看一下就好

rattrapante 12/05 09:08I'm gonna F you up!

uni1 12/05 09:08I came here to tell you:U R my biXch

seal998 12/05 09:09I take losers like you for breakfast

uni1 12/05 09:09No question asked.

zzz71084482 12/05 09:10Your ass is mine!

uni1 12/05 09:11I totally own you, sucker.

EGOiST40 12/05 09:11suck my dick

dontaskme 12/05 09:12U’re goddamn right

initialdark 12/05 09:15Imhotep

ericthree 12/05 09:16窩腰感斯尼

star1023 12/05 09:20I his mom eat order you

AriasEros 12/05 09:21I own you 就是了,上面有個已經答對

giantwinter 12/05 09:25Suck my dick

bah 12/05 09:28you are fucked

lpsobig 12/05 09:29ill suck u out

winwillwin 12/05 09:29eat you alive

Win7 12/05 09:32you are my bitch

running1 12/05 09:32I'll make U an offer U could't refuse

isaka 12/05 09:35I'mma eat you alive.

NTUisgood 12/05 09:35say my name

Japanese 12/05 09:37U r dead meat

q123212 12/05 09:4354088!

italwayswin 12/05 09:46I fucking your mother ass hole to

italwayswin 12/05 09:46 eat

momo403 12/05 09:46I eat you out 好像在碳變看過這句

dcshoecousa 12/05 09:48My mother will eat you at all

AHHHHH 12/05 09:48I’m gonna fuck you up!

AIRWAY1021 12/05 09:50your ass hole is my

dick929 12/05 09:52教父裡有類似的I'm going to make him an

dick929 12/05 09:52 offer he can't refuse.

mopigou 12/05 09:52I am dpper

dick929 12/05 09:52雖然語氣沒這麼霸道,但是更有力量

sy4826951 12/05 09:53I’m DPP 笑死

TomChu 12/05 09:58me and your mom will eat you today

regen1005 12/05 09:59Your hole is mine !

taot917 12/05 10:00I'm DPP. 比較霸氣

antigay44 12/05 10:02認真回 U r dead man

somedayborn 12/05 10:03I’m fuxxing own your ass.

tw11509 12/05 10:05over my dead body

hackfox 12/05 10:05DPP

bobby4755 12/05 10:10I'll eat your mom bitch

jaydenkoo 12/05 10:10i am DPP, you are not.

koim 12/05 10:12she, my mother, eat you badly

tonylolz 12/05 10:13You are the woman that can be my mo

tonylolz 12/05 10:13ther.

liuman 12/05 10:29I’m not asking your opinion. I’m ask

justin0309 12/05 10:29You are my little bitch

liuman 12/05 10:30ing you to f— ing listen and do it.

goodboy98 12/05 10:31只有中文才能這麼雞歪!英文無法

kohanchen 12/05 10:34I have your mom for dinner for sure

IJuBan 12/05 10:41尼段話真係經典

ljxc 12/05 10:48I he mother eat certainly you the

idiotofwind 12/05 10:53

ymbin 12/05 10:55I own your ass

wasabi5566 12/05 10:57I eat you up

lovemanado 12/05 10:59Make sure gun more

QQ5566 12/05 11:06fucking own you 應該不錯

joe9211 12/05 11:09say my name!!

cchua 12/05 11:11I’m gonna fuck you up

yowhatsupsli 12/05 11:25I own you.

lacseven 12/05 11:25My mother wanna eat you the

kaeyo 12/05 11:26I FUCK OWN U

brendan 12/05 11:32 You are mine

kuang7cheng 12/05 11:34I owe your ass son

brendan 12/05 11:35 或是 You will be mine

roso4258 12/05 11:46I’m English

Vray 12/05 11:50I fking own u!

lololjo 12/05 11:50I need no talking, you are mine.

Belial1991 12/05 12:24You jump I jump

cothuho 12/05 12:39I am telling you.

bibiglp 12/05 12:50I LOVE YOU

phix 12/05 13:08wo ta ma chi ding no lo

AUwalker 12/05 13:10I'm English chai.

hydralee 12/05 13:46You Me eat eat

takamiku 12/05 14:30i want eat u

B9702115 12/05 14:36I own you

rick6304 12/05 14:50i am dpp, you r china

jacklin2002 12/05 15:10Democratic Progressive Party No.1

garcia 12/05 15:26Hail DPP

will284vu86 12/05 16:36一定要塞fucking進去 就像了

Fkym08 12/05 16:54This is not over

Beetch 12/05 18:17you're deadman!!

ppm2013 12/06 10:14have sb eating out of yor hands

theknight 12/06 13:06I"M DPP AND YOU DEAD