[問卦] 門都沒有的英文怎麼說?

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door all don't have嗎?



※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址
※ 編輯: lovesaber ( 臺灣), 12/06/2022 20:46:20

chadmu 12/06 20:46ドアがない

cena0605 12/06 20:46no door

k385476916 12/06 20:46no door

Roooz 12/06 20:46have no door

tools 12/06 20:46nothing left

LukeSkywaker 12/06 20:46backdoor

ha0118 12/06 20:46no su

LukeSkywaker 12/06 20:46hold the dooooooooor

melonlon 12/06 20:46no door

ketter 12/06 20:46how do you turn this on

reich3 12/06 20:46No Way

diabolica 12/06 20:46never

s123150914 12/06 20:47How Door You

kevin77605 12/06 20:47No way

S2aqua 12/06 20:47fa-Q

Huntresswizr 12/06 20:47Not a single chance

Huntresswizr 12/06 20:47Don’t even think about it

koreawargod 12/06 20:47mailman 沒有門

skullno2 12/06 20:47Please come in

easyfish 12/06 20:47door all no have

p72910 12/06 20:47no chance

Nigger5566 12/06 20:48don't have fucking door

Huntresswizr 12/06 20:48Your mom gay

reich3 12/06 20:48That’s not gonna fly!

Horatio5566 12/06 20:48we care door

jerrylin 12/06 20:48no way 那麼簡單.

wagayidnf 12/06 20:48whosyourdaddy

laugh8562 12/06 20:49taiwan is useless

rabbitcheaty 12/06 20:49 Door even no

xw741953 12/06 20:49fuck me

Stupidog5566 12/06 20:50hell no

sm981512 12/06 20:50幹 how door you蠻好笑的

kabor 12/06 20:50no way就是門都沒有

bornwinner 12/06 20:51Give me a door

GLUESTICK 12/06 20:51norway

nitvx 12/06 20:51no door left

akiranon 12/06 20:51歡迎光臨 my 縫

maple0425 12/06 20:51no door

ev331 12/06 20:52HOLDDOOR

b2305911 12/06 20:52no door

DarkerDuck 12/06 20:52Taiwanese are easy.

q5h67z 12/06 20:53all you can eat

Chanlin01 12/06 20:53No door

Chanlin01 12/06 20:53DPP Forever

maverik 12/06 20:54We door

Chia2323 12/06 20:54no door

gbcg9725 12/06 20:55men do may yo

wakenpig 12/06 20:55you can't have that door.

snsdakb48 12/06 20:55There is no door

aggressorX 12/06 20:55no fucking door

godo 12/06 20:56man door mail

Supasizeit 12/06 20:56GFY

ByronX 12/06 20:56Hold the door

james0146 12/06 20:56there is even no door

voyhanxu 12/06 20:57door all no

O928 12/06 20:57no doors

LeafLu 12/06 20:58no door

andyher 12/06 20:58men do Mei yu

zxc54781 12/06 20:58Only windows

LiveInNow 12/06 20:58a house without door

dcshoecousa 12/06 20:59without doors

gichin 12/06 20:59Don't count on the door.

lupin2401 12/06 21:00no way

donation12 12/06 21:00no way

powerfulman 12/06 21:01EE park

villagemen 12/06 21:01there isnt any door

ccucwc 12/06 21:01Don’t even have a door

neo5277 12/06 21:03not evne a chance

Doub1eK 12/06 21:04China toilet

xeins 12/06 21:04Talk to the hand !

sunnywing 12/06 21:04windows 95

ElrosHsun 12/06 21:04there is no door.

O928 12/06 21:05no Truman

deutyi 12/06 21:05YOU SHALL NOT PASS

cc02040326 12/06 21:05How door you我覺得可以欸= =

deutyi 12/06 21:06中文夠好的人才翻得出來的

jimmy12332 12/06 21:06Hold the door

wolve 12/06 21:06door no gate nono

jamesLD 12/06 21:07door doo no

olivewood 12/06 21:08EE has no assholx

hcshin 12/06 21:08Man Door May Yo

longley 12/06 21:09Dpp is the door

NaouZ 12/06 21:09show me the money

ironkyoater 12/06 21:09How door you 讓我大笑

bb819597 12/06 21:12no door

llgod 12/06 21:14taiwan needs help

yeay 12/06 21:15阿門

chy19890517 12/06 21:15how door you XDDD

bckkt 12/06 21:15No fucking way

cozeely 12/06 21:17Don’t give a shit

minlochen 12/06 21:17Hold the door

kerry0496x 12/06 21:18Where is the door?

kerry0496x 12/06 21:18推 deutyi: YOU SHALL NOT PASS

kerry0496x 12/06 21:18怎麼我第一時間沒想到呢?

PopeVic 12/06 21:20How door you wwwwww

weijinsusu 12/06 21:21no costco & ikea

ginopun10477 12/06 21:21No a door

peterou1236 12/06 21:22You dream吧

Vassili242 12/06 21:23meng door may yo

bobby4755 12/06 21:23main door mayor

Sherlock95 12/06 21:23You have no door

anleyou 12/06 21:27Not even close

Rosmarin 12/06 21:28No way

KiniroMosaic 12/06 21:30no door

goodice 12/06 21:30How door you 快笑死

iory11 12/06 21:30win95

CelicaGT 12/06 21:31How door u 也太好笑

kamisanma 12/06 21:31照翻啊

s95087162 12/06 21:33 No door for you

cccone 12/06 21:33now way

aquarius0wks 12/06 21:34climb wall

edison 12/06 21:34doorless

doctorapple 12/06 21:35We are easy.

AgentZero 12/06 21:36ee no door

SteveSmith 12/06 21:36Over my dead body

Automatic620 12/06 21:36No way

larry8550 12/06 21:37nosu

slayptter 12/06 21:37eight doors are opened

seldom 12/06 21:37No door to get in

sangola 12/06 21:37Dont even think about it.

tonylolz 12/06 21:41You are welcome

rommel1990 12/06 21:42no fucking way

BingLing 12/06 21:44CPTPP繼續騙

an1235 12/06 21:46DPP

hcshin 12/06 21:47how door you 有啥好笑???

henry8168 12/06 21:47Holdor

henry654 12/06 21:47Not a chance 選我正解

pttcage 12/06 21:48man door may yo

proletariat 12/06 21:49Hodor

haian 12/06 21:49duck bubi

haian 12/06 21:50Taipei people hahahahahaha

randykaku 12/06 21:51u dont have a door,what a shame

TOCIBS 12/06 21:53干 嘴角輸給how door you

hcshin 12/06 21:54how door you 有啥好笑? 莫名其妙不懂裝懂

wsx88432 12/06 21:54Free sex

kulololu 12/06 21:54way of ee

Lowpapa 12/06 21:55hodoor

HIDEI524 12/06 21:57Do doctor

annielu 12/06 21:583 doors down

lavign 12/06 21:59don’t go back

monar 12/06 22:01How Door You超好笑

hcshin 12/06 22:02how door you 有啥好笑? 莫名其妙不懂裝懂

airmax369 12/06 22:03Not even close

nfsong 12/06 22:05never gonna happen

MRfridge 12/06 22:08no door

donotggyy 12/06 22:09fuck me hard

BaRanKa 12/06 22:10就用好豆你吧

gc1319 12/06 22:10No way

yeap193 12/06 22:13NO DOOR :(

userkka 12/06 22:14f**k u

princeyu 12/06 22:15door no no

will331 12/06 22:15man doh may yo

ohrring 12/06 22:16Man door may yo

z810638 12/06 22:16Hodor

leeyongdae 12/06 22:18no su很好笑

freepenguin 12/06 22:20Taiwan can help

fgh81113 12/06 22:20怎麼有人這樣也能吵優越感?

walkcloud 12/06 22:23china toilet

Pixma258 12/06 22:24in your dream

Pixma258 12/06 22:24you wish

jombo 12/06 22:24Even dont have door 選我選我

joeduck 12/06 22:24i dont car

ukcm 12/06 22:26fbi open up

siopp 12/06 22:27挪威

youngglasses 12/06 22:27over my door body

happylinadog 12/06 22:28china bathroom

loloman 12/06 22:30IKEA

hw1 12/06 22:30no doors

Mellissa 12/06 22:30no su

tofay000 12/06 22:31whose car

csghuuguh 12/06 22:32Suck mine

ricky1111w 12/06 22:37there is no fxxking door

Ymie06 12/06 22:39Costco

malebito 12/06 22:39no way

showermi 12/06 22:41door all no

sumaihui 12/06 22:41no way

TomChu 12/06 22:41no door

JamesChan51 12/06 22:42No door

Asato163 12/06 22:45windows only

fabledqqman 12/06 22:48no door

NewPassat 12/06 22:52all door宰

arcanite 12/06 22:57no way

kkoo5888 12/06 22:58hot door

wantai943 12/06 22:59over my dead body

withoutmoon 12/06 23:02no door

wbar 12/06 23:02No way. That’s impossible. Never think.

HOLLANDpa 12/06 23:02被how door you 戳到 笑死

easonli000 12/06 23:03hold the door

zusuki 12/06 23:03door all not have

wbar 12/06 23:03there's no such thing as a free lunch.

RiverMan1 12/06 23:06Not even a door!

ms0545173 12/06 23:06Kiss my ass

Numbydully 12/06 23:10don't even think about it

UKULULU 12/06 23:14Over my door body

scemoorso 12/06 23:14hodor

kanhyuu 12/06 23:15may show gun more

snoopy5151 12/06 23:17挪威

andymoscoz 12/06 23:18watchdog missing the doors

davis0918 12/06 23:20All for you for free

dahIia 12/06 23:23door fuck you

luckyalbert 12/06 23:26No way 阿

spinner 12/06 23:26

luckyalbert 12/06 23:27連門都沒有是要走到哪裡去?:)

Doreen1010 12/06 23:27men dou mei you.

diguachi 12/06 23:34Nothing at door

brian0611 12/06 23:35man doll may your

Clinff 12/06 23:37hold door~

ll1117 12/06 23:41如果沒有50次no door我就裸跑

haiwen115 12/06 23:46看到 mailman 我笑死

legendd 12/06 23:47no door

Matix1211 12/06 23:49Man door may yo

kybay 12/06 23:55No way!

k7t7v7 12/06 23:55Door all no

luciffar 12/07 00:00GG GO TO America

charliebitme 12/07 00:08not today~~~

a781106a 12/07 00:08open the }%€#];$643

a5566jkl 12/07 00:14Over my dead body

hiyida 12/07 00:14Hold the door

Trulli 12/07 00:15I am coming!

KURO1214 12/07 00:16how do u do

KURO1214 12/07 00:17mailman=沒有門

Cervelo1995 12/07 00:21door bad

igsq58 12/07 00:21Mern doll meyo.

pro33342 12/07 00:23Hold the door

tony5361627 12/07 00:29allways open

tony5361627 12/07 00:29always open

jfgt7j8qgx 12/07 00:39don't even think about it

dalipkid 12/07 00:43FBI OPEN THE DOOR!!!

wpd 12/07 00:44這我知道 麥馬漢先生有教: no chance in hell

s3333408k 12/07 00:46No way fag.

youwilldie 12/07 00:50Only wall and window

archon 12/07 00:55Not even a door

rebeliao 12/07 01:10man do may yoyo

twfrank159 12/07 01:11I have dog

ntuwalker 12/07 01:11Door even no no

wenzao6040 12/07 01:18No doraemon

holebro 12/07 01:36Nodoor

Bonkon 12/07 02:14Hold the door

pttTKboy 12/07 02:14no door

abbag 12/07 02:28Show me the money.

enskyzuso 12/07 02:36There is no door.

herculus6502 12/07 02:36No fxxking way

k5a 12/07 02:40No way

shane09513 12/07 02:44nope

smi1e 12/07 02:55it's out of the question

leterg 12/07 03:00We are going to build doors in Arizona.

HNO3 12/07 03:56no way 最貼切了

jju514 12/07 05:20Oh China

engineer1 12/07 07:08Nope

VirgilAeneid 12/07 07:12谷歌翻譯:there are no doors.

VirgilAeneid 12/07 07:12翻得很爛還有文法錯誤。

traceofwind 12/07 07:18who doors

PTTakatsuki 12/07 07:31ok

Delerium 12/07 07:32ee ass door

gameking16 12/07 08:09shut the fuck door

ganjuro 12/07 08:15how door you !!

cagman 12/07 08:30Not a chance

cherrysweet 12/07 09:45Not on your life! 正解

paul34 12/07 09:53No fucking way

yurian 12/07 10:03There is no door!

foryou168 12/07 10:34No door no pain

tamynumber1 12/07 11:19no way

freezee 12/07 12:29認真回 you wish!

Papee 12/07 13:02ドアさえなく

gcaptt 12/07 13:09只知道中文,宋楚瑜

bryanma 12/07 13:13no forking way

AliceHsu 12/07 14:45No su

AliceHsu 12/07 14:46Never

pups003 12/07 16:39man door mayo

YiYaochAng 12/07 16:40Not a chance

nodoors 12/07 17:15找我?

Nov9th 12/07 19:47哪有命脈被端走?欠噓!

kk8821 12/07 22:16unavailable

johnsonlin16 12/08 09:58In your dreams

pica177253 12/08 19:372024,干朕屁事