[問卦] 浮屍英文怎麼說?

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kent 12/15 19:58kaohsiung body

Virness 12/15 19:58Volkswagen

FZ5566 12/15 19:59你是不是想看COSTCO、IKEA這種老爛梗?

garybawbaw 12/15 19:59over my dead body

v7q4 12/15 19:59fuss

sinohara 12/15 19:59das auto

wpd 12/15 19:59over dead body

bonfferoni 12/15 20:00shiawase

Jake940 12/15 20:00dead boby on water

chocopoodle 12/15 20:00happy warm body

Vincent6964 12/15 20:00simfu der city

mopepe5566 12/15 20:00love river

i7851 12/15 20:00democratical corpse

waldo34 12/15 20:01wakuwaku

Sabo5566 12/15 20:01democratic sacrifice

Dimitre 12/15 20:01幸浮城市

rekomiss04 12/15 20:01Swimmer Fail

ilohoo 12/15 20:01她什麼也沒說

Roooz 12/15 20:01Fu Body

blessbless 12/15 20:01kaohsiung

la8day 12/15 20:02fools

daniel50508 12/15 20:02drown body?

hitomi47 12/15 20:02dead body floating on asshole

eddie04 12/15 20:02Das Auto

crystal0504 12/15 20:035F

cychine 12/15 20:04FOX

smalltalker 12/15 20:05floating body

sunlman 12/15 20:05floating angel

sck3612575 12/15 20:05TAKAO kaohsiung

booth 12/15 20:06juicy meat MIT

neoa01 12/15 20:062020 dpp win , Taiwan hell.

Everforest 12/15 20:08EE effect

xpxp123xp 12/15 20:08EE Park

shintz 12/15 20:08她看到了,但是她什麼也沒說

good90150 12/15 20:09EE body

syntax123 12/15 20:10you will float ,too

sheep531531 12/15 20:10warm body

Ganer 12/15 20:11Happy Ending ^^

fcuspy 12/15 20:13Happiness city

chupachups66 12/15 20:13Visitor from water

starfishfish 12/15 20:16EEer

iamgg3be0 12/15 20:16臭豆腐

super0949 12/15 20:18浮屍英文什麼都沒說

KOIBU 12/15 20:18Taiwan value body

logogo 12/15 20:20Floating dead

fabledqqman 12/15 20:20fuz

tobbiam 12/15 20:21Taiwan can help

moth543 12/15 20:22GG

jiangchaoyou 12/15 20:22EE happy

ssnpiggy 12/15 20:22哈哈哈哈哈

jiangchaoyou 12/15 20:22DDP comedy

noname78531 12/15 20:23anti diver

cgluck 12/15 20:24Warmer

sean1436 12/15 20:24推文哈哈哈哈哈

citima 12/15 20:25Warm city body

Tina741214 12/15 20:25Fusss

ChenYenChou 12/15 20:25浮屍英文說是民主的浮屍

oplk 12/15 20:25volkswagen

ymsc30102 12/15 20:26Volkswagen

NMNS20th 12/15 20:27warm

hkr91511208 12/15 20:27Fuzz

xzr 12/15 20:28floating body

GW1014 12/15 20:30推文笑死

kenco 12/15 20:30DPP deed

nijivon 12/15 20:31fall in love forever

asdzxc1662 12/15 20:33她又不受訪 是要說什麼

shuterlo 12/15 20:33DDP HATER

GarritCole 12/15 20:35over my dead body

dou0228 12/15 20:35fox

kevin8203 12/15 20:36Green value cold body

sushi11 12/15 20:36fuzzy

haruna1214 12/15 20:37EE

sushi11 12/15 20:38笑死

easonli000 12/15 20:39no investigate

Audien 12/15 20:40this is a body

Bonkon 12/15 20:42dead body with democracy

modernpkman 12/15 20:43膩了

weiyudanbing 12/15 20:44Volkswagen

figowang 12/15 20:45EE

tello 12/15 20:46southerners

Asato163 12/15 20:47corpse with happiness

gn01993343 12/15 20:47DDP slave

Cersei 12/15 20:47floating corpse

mingchaoliu 12/15 20:49Volkswagen

Cersei 12/15 20:50是嗎?

jipq6175 12/15 20:52EE product

Ahhhhaaaa 12/15 20:54她不接受聯訪 是要怎麼說?

sazabisazabi 12/15 20:55我都唸costco

heloo 12/15 20:57中共同路人會拼FS

andytaso 12/15 21:08toro

longley 12/15 21:08不要打擾我吃法國菜的心情

fir191938 12/15 21:08她說 怎麼又放跑了一個

kryadsr 12/15 21:10什麼屁都沒說阿肏

D600dust 12/15 21:11EE

onetear 12/15 21:12Taiwan sea man

b2233a44 12/15 21:15你是不是害怕說出口?

esho 12/15 21:17who cars

koct 12/15 21:19Fuji

hcastray 12/15 21:19Warm

ctt1 12/15 21:20Fox

slayptter 12/15 21:21不要抬頭 不要問

slayptter 12/15 21:22輪到你時乖乖下水就對了QQ

pantakill 12/15 21:22foss

flashbaby 12/15 21:27英文不見媒體怎麼說

handtall 12/15 21:28Taiwan can help

tessmimi 12/15 21:352樓 XD

librabay 12/15 21:35浮屍EE

hylio7754 12/15 21:39you know what

dharma123 12/15 21:40DPP can help

killdidee 12/15 21:44suicide

choasX 12/15 21:46Drowned

mow1982 12/15 21:47DBB

airaqua 12/15 21:49floating body

pig0038 12/15 21:50too rude, duck not necessary

matuser 12/15 21:51Warm Body

lavender1227 12/15 21:53Fos

aids893001 12/15 21:54warm

u832u03s84 12/15 21:55

sliuliu 12/15 21:55floating corpse

zealone 12/15 21:56MIT

billy5588tw 12/15 21:57EE

kilhi 12/15 21:57EE

sholin 12/15 21:58volkswagen

polestar0505 12/15 22:02推文真有才

sinted 12/15 22:04hao si

ck890381 12/15 22:05sichungderman

miuccina 12/15 22:12EE-Kaohsiung

jesiuty 12/15 22:16Research unnecessary

HNO3 12/15 22:19DDP is good

leyes 12/15 22:20EE body

create8 12/15 22:27母豬神隱去了,幹,垃圾

bottony20 12/15 22:49ee

attpp 12/15 22:57die up 挖特

pullpower 12/15 23:00Floating body

IronicKnight 12/15 23:08Go with the flow

uniqueufo 12/15 23:12Vlok是什麼梗

mynewid 12/15 23:31john doe

loloman 12/15 23:32floating corpse

malaman 12/15 23:36EEFS

jojomickey2 12/15 23:53Llucky wet body

mio8390 12/15 23:57VW

king22649 12/16 00:24英文什麼都沒說

colamaz 12/16 00:59VW

caesarh 12/16 02:59沒有讀稿機不會說

lemomo0212 12/16 03:35happiness body

jim1122 12/16 03:55漂浮body

yuchun1214 12/16 07:43Floating corpse

houu 12/16 09:00EE

k1233479 12/16 09:38democratic body

s871413 12/16 11:20Dead English

orzkk88 12/16 16:33EE

Aliensoul 12/16 17:18happy teachers