[討論] CNN報導各國領導包括蔡總統對安倍的關心

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29 min ago
World leaders share well wishes and concern for Abe

A number of world leaders have shared their well wishes and messages of
concern for former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe after he was shot on

Speaking before before a meeting with Indonesia's Foreign Minister Retno
Marsudi at the G20 foreign ministers meeting in Bali, US Secretary of State
Antony Blinken said he was "deeply saddened."

“I do have to say before we meet how deeply saddened and concerned we are by
the news coming from Japan about the attempt on the life of Prime Minister Abe," Blinken said. "We don't know his condition ... Our thoughts, our prayers,
are with his family, with the people of Japan. This is a very, very sad moment and we are awaiting news.”
Marsudi added that representatives from the G20 also conveyed their "sympathyand our prayers" for Abe.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese wrote in a Twitter post: "Shockingnews from Japan that former PM Shinzo Abe has been shot - our thoughts are
with his family and the people of Japan at this time."

Former Australian Prime Ministers Scott Morrison and Kevin Rudd, whose time in office overlapped with Abe, have also separately posted their own messages.

"PM Abe is a great and wise friend of Australia and one of the most importantglobal leaders of the post war era. Our prayers are with him, his wife Akie
and the people of Japan at this very difficult time," Morrison wrote.

Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen also denounced the shooting, calling Abe a
good friend in a Facebook post.

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard wrote on Twitter that he deeply
regrets the shooting. "We hope that he can overcome the serious medical
situation in which he finds himself," he wrote.





違停巧芯 開單阿x5


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os2CV07/08 13:56到底多好孝啊,連這也要關注?

tetani07/08 13:56普丁和安倍是真實的好友 普丁一定會慰問

Hohenzollern07/08 13:56CNN漏掉阿北 一定是垃圾綠媒

akway07/08 13:56反正藍白紅畜也只會跳針蔡英文幹嘛關心

tetani07/08 13:56只是西方國家媒體可能會故意不報普丁消息y

cck52507/08 13:56So….?

yun011207/08 13:57還好啦,我目前看過最孝順的是中國普親兒

meredith00107/08 13:57四趴賤初:垃圾綠媒 怎麼不報柯cf的

oliver8140507/08 13:57

swatseal07/08 13:57阿北慰問為什麼沒報導,什麼塔綠班側翼啊

MVPGGYY07/08 13:59蔡就真的跟安倍有認識跟交流不是嗎


Gavatzky07/08 13:59笑容 破麻英這個時候最會蹭聲量了

WTF5566556607/08 14:00台日關係這麼緊密 不只是經貿 國防外交都密不可分

WTF5566556607/08 14:00關心根本正常 這可是會牽動未來10年的大事

orinsinal07/08 14:01悲報 怎麼不是報柯文哲


※ 編輯: suntw ( 臺灣), 07/08/2022 14:02:50

akway07/08 14:01塔綠班每天怎麼漏掉我家阿北

yun011207/08 14:02連韓導都發文了,蹭聲量XD

virginia77907/08 14:03推小英 日本祖國加油~

lineage61007/08 14:06菜母豬

※ 編輯: suntw ( 臺灣), 07/08/2022 14:08:42

jorden07/08 14:12CNN塔綠斑側翼 無誤

jeff2303107/08 14:15柯市長也有關心,為何不報導?

joe207/08 14:15因為岸田首相已經定調這是 「對民主主義國家的卑劣行為」

joe207/08 14:15習近平跟普丁哪敢吭聲 聲援安倍就變成聲援民主主義國家XD

ntuwalker07/08 14:38等著發訃文就好了

boycome07/08 15:03