[情報] 01/10 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 01/10 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:0

The year has a whole new name. We recently said goodbye to 2021, and now we're getting to know 2022. Like many people though, dear Leo, you may be having atough time thinking hopefully about what this year will offer you. Will therebe anything special to make this year stand out? Will there be moments that will make you smile? Yes, of course, there will be. Today, try to embrace the as-yet-unknown possibilities that this year will bring to your life. A hopeful sign will show up for you soon enough

親愛的獅子們,你們將會有一個全新的一年。我們剛剛告別了2021年,並即將開始迎來2022年。就像其他許多人一樣,你可能很難想像這新的一年將會帶給你什麼 — 會有一些特別的里程碑讓這一年變的特別嗎?會有許多讓你打從心底開懷大笑的時刻嗎?






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oceanfishwu 01/09 21:31加油!

henei 01/09 23:43hope so。感謝

a3624806 01/10 01:02加油!謝謝翻譯

jamie332132 01/10 01:28很簡單卻很鼓舞人心!

yuanfan 01/10 06:26謝謝