[情報] 01/30 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 01/30 Daily Horoscope 作者
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Yoh may have been going back and forth in your mind about making a big decision, Leo. You are usually far more decisive than this. But you have added up all of the facts and compared the pros and the cons, and still, you aren't sure.That's maddening for you. In a position like this, when the next move you make will be such an important one, it's essential that you feel comfortable withwhat you do. It might be time to just listen to that little voice that is pushing you in a certain direction. When you make your choice formal, a sense of relief should validate it.


當你處於這樣的時刻,對作出的選擇感到自信及自在是很重要的。請試著聆聽心中試著把你帶往某個方向的微小聲音,當你下定決心時,如釋重負的感覺將會讓你知道你做出了正確的決定 :)


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※ 編輯: minicha ( 泰國), 01/30/2022 15:23:17

henei 01/30 22:46感謝