[情報] 02/05 Daily Horoscope
You may be going along with what you think someone else wants, simply becauseit's easier to do things that way. You also might want to avoid any controversy or arguments. But how can you be sure about what the other party wants unless you have a conversation about it? Don't make assumptions today, Leo, even if something seems obvious to you. It would be a shame to go along with a plan that could be better, and simply speaking up and asking questions could make that happen.
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[情報] 01/24 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 24 2022 某人可能不喜歡今天你說的話, 或你做過的決定, 他們可能甚至會非常直接地表達他們的怨氣和憤怒,魔魔。 但你需要做對你而言正確與最佳的事情,6
[情報] 10/05 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 05 2022 你想對某人敞開心胸, 告訴他這段關係中困擾你的事, 但你也擔心這麼做會以某種方式傷害你們之間一起擁有的東西。 但如果你們不能好好討論這個,6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/26今天要記住一件事,你不是在和他人競爭以獲得你想要的東西。沒有別人擋著你,儘管它 看起來是這樣。你唯一的競爭者是你自己,阿牛。如果你允許自己發光發熱,並且展現自 己的天賦,你就會脫穎而出。不要羞於分享你的特殊之處。為了體現你想要的東西,這是 你需要去做的。 ——2
[情報] 12/03 the daily horoscopeA happy or thrilling experience is even better when it is shared with someone you enjoy and care about. You may be on the verge of an adventure, Gemini, and you may be perfectly willing to experience it alone. But what if you invited someone along that could enhance the adventure? It could be so wonderful. Don' t be shy about expressing your desire to have a special person come along for1
[情報] 12/10 the daily horoscopeWouldn't it be a shame to become embroiled in a conflict if it wasn't necessar y? You may be on the verge of an argument with someone you care about, Gemini, but it's possible that a simple clarification could stop it in its tracks. Th at would, of course, require a mature exchange of thoughts, with each side tru ly listening to what the other side has to say. You are capable of that, and y1
[情報] 01/06 Daily HoroscopeYou may have more leverage than you realize in a current negotiation. If you a re bargaining for something - at work or in your personal life, you have the w isdom and insight to make the most of it and to get what you want. You may not feel that you should challenge the other party, though, because they may seem to be more knowledgeable. But you aren't giving yourself enough credit, Leo.