[情報] 03/23 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 03/23 Daily Horoscope 作者
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A tough morning does not have to lead to a tough afternoon. A tough afternoondoesn't have to wind up in a tough evening. A tough day, in general, does nothave to become a difficult week. You get the picture, Leo. Yet although none of this has to happen, it often does. Human beings tend to roll with whatever they are feeling at the moment. Just like happiness, gloom can be contagious. You could have many reasons to smile today. Do your best to catch a happy vibe- no matter what you may be going through at the moment - and spread it around.

一個辛苦的早晨不一定會伴隨著困難的午後時光,困難的午後不必以一個難熬的夜晚結束。 一般來說,棘手的一天不一定會導致曲折的一周。 獅子們,你們大概可以看見這樣的全貌吧?儘管這一切不必然發生,但這樣的情況卻經常發生。

人類是一種隨著當下情緒波動的生物,就像幸福一樣,憂鬱也會傳染。今天的你也許有很多微笑的理由,不論現在的你正在經歷什麼不快樂或過不去的坎,用盡全力去捕捉當下這份快樂的氛圍,並把這份快樂散播出去 :)


如有誤譯還請指正 :)


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