[情報] 12/12 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 12/12 Daily Horoscope 作者
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Assumptions are very often based on familiarity with the topic at hand and past experience. But even when you make an educated guess, you can still be wrong. Think about this today if you are tempted to draw a conclusion about a situation you are entering. It might seem to be fraught with trouble and challenges. It might not seem like something you want to get involved in. But don't base your thinking entirely on what you already know. You may soon discover thereis much more to an endeavor you are considering, Leo.


獅子們,從新的視角切入可能充滿麻煩及挑戰,甚至你可能也不想淌進一潭混水,不過請記得:不要完全以你過去已經知曉的邏輯思維去行動,很快的也許你會發現一條嶄新的道路喔 :)


如有誤譯還請不吝指正 :)


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avendia 12/12 08:05感謝翻譯!

avendia 12/12 08:05好期待新思維的切入點,揪竟是什麼事情呢

yuanfan 12/12 11:08謝謝