[情報] EPIC 釣魚遊戲限免 估摸估摸

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Call of the Wild: The Angler


Invincible Presents: Atom Eve


《theHunter: Call of the Wild》的創作者們帶來了一場開放世界釣魚體驗! 在最喜歡的地方放鬆身心,或與朋友一起探索美麗的戶外。乘船、駕駛越野車或步行穿越多樣而令人激動的環境,探索隱秘的池塘、寧靜的湖泊和當地的景點。認識其他的釣魚者,踏上成為釣魚大師之旅吧。

在受實景啟發的廣闊開放世界中體驗釣魚的自由。 乘船、駕駛越野車或步行穿越多樣而令人激動的環境,探索隱秘的池塘、寧靜的湖泊和當地的景點。 無論你決定做什麼,都會不虛此行。

掌握獨特的釣魚技巧以獲取最豐厚的漁獲! 你可以購買多種用具,使用多樣魚竿、線軸、誘餌、魚鉤、浮標和鉛頭鉤創建定製釣魚裝備。 此外,你還能創建和定製釣魚人的外形及屬性。 完成挑戰獲得獎勵並且通過富有意義的故事關卡探索開放世界。

獨自在最喜歡的地方放鬆,或選擇最多 12 名玩家的在線合作多人遊戲,與好友一起在開闊水域馳騁。 結識其他垂釣者,創造終生難忘的回憶。 你還在線下模式中感受不被人打擾的快樂。

團隊將繼續與社群密切合作,直接根據玩家回饋提供引人入勝的功能、內容和更新。 請繼續回來享受全新又令人難忘的釣魚體驗!

Invincible Presents: Atom Eve is the first original Invincible game from Skybound Games, the creator-led company behind Invincible and The Walking Dead. Experience an original story with striking art directed by Rossi Gifford and creative direction by award-winning writer Jill Murray, and explore the life of Atom Eve in a world filled with beloved characters. Based on the comic book by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley.
Atomic, With Agency

Play as Atom Eve, the fan-favorite superhero from the Invincible universe! Get to know Eve like never before as she navigates her life with the Teen Team, her family, and her friends while figuring out the best way to use her incredible powers as a force for good.
Determine Your Destiny

Doing the right thing sounds easy until you’re the one making the decisions.
Your choices shape your relationships with the people around you and will define the outcome of the story across multiple paths.
Choose how to develop Atom Eve’s skills and increase her power, unlock special combat skills, or choose to unlock unique dialogue options to further play your story, your way.
Comic Book Combat

Take on new and familiar foes in light, turn-based combat woven into visual novel gameplay and wield the powers of Atom Eve as your story flows seamlessly into vivid action that feels like a comic book come to life.


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finhisky 03/22 08:56習大大知道你釣了什麼魚

zsp9081a 03/22 08:58與其讓個資被莫名其妙賣掉,還不如讓個

zsp9081a 03/22 08:58資有感增加價值

gicattommy 03/22 09:05我沒有釣 我只是把餌放下去而已

DudeFromMars 03/22 09:10個資早就

beauman002 03/22 09:18全台個資不是早就打包暗網賣了嗎

TainanGoldx5 03/22 09:22你以為你的個資還有價值?

lovedls 03/22 09:28笑死,這年頭還有人不知道全台個資早就

lovedls 03/22 09:28被政府外洩了

fakon 03/22 09:32健保個資都不知道賣幾次了

ja11s4o1n7 03/22 09:33小草好急喔

longkiss0618 03/22 09:35辜.摸... 辜.摸.... 估摸~~~

ciadera 03/22 09:38好像知道樓上在說什麼..

ImCPM 03/22 09:43怎麼有政黑仔崩潰 柵欄壞了

xdoranges123 03/22 09:48古摸 古摸 啊咧啊油~

symeng 03/22 10:05蔡大小姐不就是全台最大的個資販賣商嗎?

symeng 03/22 10:06你不賣,政府幫你賣

labiron 03/22 10:06谷摸....谷摸....谷抹!!估抹!!

dot0911 03/22 10:11政府幫忙賣,讓大家安心下載,太貼心

freezesky81 03/22 10:13啊啊類優

neosnow5413 03/22 10:17估摸老梗欸 推

Ceferino 03/22 10:25反觀鴿子被白嫖

sana113821 03/22 10:38還在個資 40%都幫你賣完了 別擔心啦

CaptainWill 03/22 10:44可惡 以為真的是以前的flash小遊戲

magichuang 03/22 10:51zsp9081a 笑死人了

wwtop 03/22 10:52好玩嗎?想找俄釣替代品

magichuang 03/22 10:52你以為你誰 把自己捧這麼高喔

ja11s4o1n7 03/22 11:0726%覺得自己是多數XD

good90150 03/22 11:11我記得政府賣的個資還超詳細的,地址

good90150 03/22 11:11電話啥的都有,詐騙集團人手一份必備

ja11s4o1n7 03/22 11:11

good90150 03/22 11:11而且沒有半個人為個資外流負責,嘻嘻

ja11s4o1n7 03/22 11:11萬八仔XDDDDD 怎麼兩萬不講話了

TGTplayer 03/22 11:39數發部:個資很重要。

jack3321 03/22 11:39懷念以前的養魚遊戲,魚便便就是錢

RealNigga 03/22 11:43小草好慘

piggy51350 03/22 12:24謝謝你 蔡ee 讓我無後顧之憂的領遊戲

Dragula 03/22 12:38釣魚遊戲適合老人,感恩

janyk 03/22 12:57當初聽信個資讓我的個資掉價

janyk 03/22 12:57少拿了很多遊戲!!

REITs 03/22 13:14感謝分享~

karyu 03/22 13:26小草滾

AZ09 03/22 13:34哈哈 詐騙都一堆了還以為你個資沒外洩喔

timmyjjljg 03/22 14:39可悲雜草

aa014228 03/22 14:56釣魚遊戲還是俄釣手感好

CrackedVoice 03/22 15:12我還以為估摸有在epic推出咧

mars10135 03/22 15:14估摸估摸~阿哪優~

ParuruChan 03/22 15:32小草包:

sonycatcan 03/22 15:38感謝分享

jen10969 03/22 16:22這不是我要的估摸估摸

snow0214 03/22 16:47柵欄又壞了 我就是養鴿子 勸你們別多

snow0214 03/22 16:47管閒事

lovedls 03/22 17:56笑死,沒辦法反駁全國個資被政府外洩,

lovedls 03/22 17:56只能在那草草草XD

Hua0722 03/22 18:00政黑柵欄又壞了

IDMimic 03/22 18:16笑死

HowLeeHi 03/22 18:58全國戶政個資早就....

kaj1983 03/22 19:00個資一份現在有沒有1塊錢都不知道了

alteralter 03/22 19:12就dˇ但ˇ

alteralter 03/22 19:13被小孩亂按手機sorry

jimmy0909 03/22 19:22真懷念 姑~摸~姑摸XD

a95462015 03/22 19:39估摸~~挖卡悠斗

a19851106 03/22 19:46個資外洩無法護航

XDdong 03/22 19:47估摸~

OBaSon 03/22 20:39推文看得懂估摸的好老喔XDD

OBaSon 03/22 20:40靠北 我也看得懂QQ

OBaSon 03/22 20:40太懷念了吧 標題我看了就有聲音了XDD

abian 03/22 21:54

Krix 03/22 23:15估摸好好玩

wenOWO 03/22 23:23推古摸

co0072002 03/22 23:27個資真的很重要嗎?感覺很多人都是嘴巴

co0072002 03/22 23:27在乎而已

XDdong 03/23 03:19現在還玩的到這款遊戲嗎 會重製嗎~~~

XDdong 03/23 03:19~~

Bhme 03/23 10:48推估摸,有聲音XD

majorland 03/23 15:20你以為你的個資多值錢== 早就被賣出去

majorland 03/23 15:20了好嗎

bobboy8755 03/23 21:16在座各位別再幻想你的個資多重要了==

yangbob1203 03/24 01:27估摸 搜尋 釣魚樂 應該就有了 前幾個

yangbob1203 03/24 01:27月才載來回味而已

iceprincess 03/24 02:25天啊好懷念估摸,好想玩!