[閒聊] Dplus KIA 推特 Thank you Thanatos

看板LoL標題[閒聊] Dplus KIA 推特 Thank you Thanatos作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:5

Dplus KIA’s contract with Thanatos (Seung-gyu Park) has expired.
We’d like to thank Thanatos for all of his strong, reliable play, and we’ll
cherish the memories of all that we accomplished together.
We sincerely wish Thanatos nothing but the best in his future endeavors.

"Thanatos (Seung-gyu Park) farewell interview video will be released later
through the team's YouTube channel."

Dplus KIA 官宣二隊上路 Thanatos 合約到期離隊

根據先前的消息,Thanatos 將會加入 Cloud 9 取代 Fudge 擔任先發上路
接下來就等 C9 官宣了

希望這隻去 NA 不會壞掉

Sent from BePTT on my Sony XQ-DQ72


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Mistysnow 04/16 20:02去NA比在DK合約監獄連訓練賽都沒得打好

Yu112927 04/16 20:03終於把Fudge這爛咖換掉了

pentasy 04/16 20:25他不是在CL超虐嗎 怎麼不拉他上來換fmvp

cornsoup 04/16 20:29因為有傳言說阿明不想帶太多新人

softflame 04/16 20:31fmvp其實也不一定比他弱啊

JWrld4L 04/16 20:34Fmvp越打越好也沒機會換他了

davidliudmc 04/16 20:35不覺得FMVP有越打越好 溝通脫節問題季後賽還在

kevinduh4 04/16 20:59好耶fudge 再嘴砲啊

amos30627 04/16 21:06fudge不練習 活該

rikowendy 04/16 22:05這隻去年底就被引移出春季名單了 不知道怎了

SC30Warriors04/16 22:48應該是去年底就要走了吧 唉唉沒拉上來開箱個幾場真

SC30Warriors04/16 22:48可惜

alicelee121804/16 22:52沒上場機會只能走了

Iamtitlehgm 04/17 01:12問題是看DK語音可以發現FMVP和新人打野是主caller.

Iamtitlehgm 04/17 01:13許秀通常幹話比下call還多

reiden 04/17 02:59Fudge 能走好事啊

Banchero 04/17 19:27字母哥哥就是爛