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我們很榮幸宣布半導體公司 AMD 成為 PSG TALON (巴黎聖日耳曼塔龍電子競技戰隊)官方贊助合作夥伴!
AMD 是一個備受信任的電腦處理器品牌,為我們提供了效能頂尖的 Ryzen™ 9 7950X3D
未來 PSG Talon 將會持續以稱霸賽區、挑戰世界賽事為目標。雙方的新結盟拓展 PSG
Talon 在比賽和訓練表現的追求,期待與 AMD 一起開創更加輝煌的電競未來。
想知道更多 AMD 的合作相關消息,可以點擊留言區連結觀看更詳細的報導。
PSG TALON, Asia Pacific’s most dominant League of Legends, is thrilled to
announce a sponsorship agreement with AMD, the world’s leading semiconductor
AMD is a worldwide well-known desktop processor brand. In this exciting
partnership, PSG TALON will leverage the cutting-edge Ryzen™ 9 7950X3D
desktop processor, featuring the revolutionary "Zen 4" architecture. And thisequipement will help us more easily to reach our goal to championship.
As PSG TALON continues its relentless pursuit of dominance in the
Asia-Pacific region and prepares for the PCS Summer Split, this new alliance
with AMD further solidifies their commitment to excellence in competitions
and training. PSG TALON and AMD are excited about forging a brighter future
for esports together

新爸爸來了 五年內世界冠軍.


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※ 編輯: lspslaw ( 臺灣), 06/16/2023 12:48:20

super0949 06/16 12:4699 amd

ngo19801001 06/16 12:46樓下星空大師

Nigger5566 06/16 12:47太神啦蘇媽

jinx5566 06/16 12:47現在是老黃的時代 蘇媽過氣了

hpj0126 06/16 12:47有喔 U寶走後一切都好起來了

tavern 06/16 12:48AMD YES

wwl0909 06/16 12:48

kickvsbrad 06/16 12:48HPS有嗎

wwl0909 06/16 12:49不要被抓到顯卡用n的

shin840628 06/16 12:49沒有皮衣刀客的贊助我可是不要的喔

weliche 06/16 12:52結果抓包顯卡都用對家的

FOB5566 06/16 12:52PSG對上JDG = AMD大戰INTEL

wuchianlin 06/16 12:54京東筆電滿香的

hpj0126 06/16 12:55要打到京東需要先16強

harryron9 06/16 12:57AMD YES

yellout 06/16 13:02PSG SUMAYUSI

Nuey 06/16 13:04線下賽PSG能用裝了N卡的電腦比賽嗎 KEKW

Kuroyukihime06/16 13:09星空被退註了

kobe9527 06/16 13:10AMD也有贊助地獄豬

lay10521 06/16 13:13A+A

whangkiahao 06/16 13:20恭迎母豬教教主

touurtn 06/16 13:27這合作強調的是處理器又不是顯示卡...

ap9xxx 06/16 13:27AMD YES

b2305911 06/16 13:28我只服皮衣刀客==

EvansChang 06/16 13:29怎麼不找UBER

ig49999 06/16 13:41最頂的cpu

jokerpok 06/16 13:55畢竟intel把esl包了 amd就跑去贊助riot

daniel50508 06/16 14:02歐硬amd了

jason2325 06/16 14:08樓下星空大師

heybro 06/16 14:09AMD顯卡驅動是坨_

qskingq 06/16 14:18HPS不是也有嗎

jevin 06/16 14:22再加一個TMD就完美了

locusVI 06/16 14:22好耶

jonathan793 06/16 14:38只剩vram能說嘴 慘

jidytri815 06/16 14:40你怎麼用RISU 我要去抵制你

Crios 06/16 15:52廣告都打了 股價該衝了吧

kanding255 06/16 16:067950拿來打lol

q123038468 06/16 16:42AMD YES

wolver 06/16 16:43被老黃壓在地板摩擦的那個AMD?

jackylin199906/16 18:17沒差啦 amd根本不想好好弄顯卡

jackylin199906/16 18:18Intel再爬起來之前amd 不會醒的

CTHsieh 06/16 19:16韓援買起來?

smes95303 06/16 19:38U寶走了一切都好起來了

chrisdddd 06/16 19:56贊助設備