[閒聊] Inspired 推特
前情提要:RGE 在聆聽 Inspired 的報價,有可能把他賣去 NA
I hate EU weather
我討厭 EU 的天氣
然後 Perkz 就在底下跟他一搭一唱ㄌ
do u like chicken burgers ?
I like american cheeseburger even more
grab a bite of mainchick hot chick for me bro
兄弟 幫我買點 Mainchick 的炸雞
註:Mainchick 是美國的連鎖炸雞店
希望他只是在跟 Perkz 一樣耍白爛 不要真的去 NA QQ
Sent from BePTT on my Sony J9210
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] Barkley:喜歡Curry和KT 但我討厭勇迷消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: During a break in play at the American Century Celebrity Golf Tournament in South Lake Tahoe, Barkley let his true feelings about Golden State fans—爆
[閒聊] RGE 隊員 推特(發錢)Inspired Couldnt Carry with Olaf sucks 沒辦法用歐拉夫 Carry 糟透了37
[閒聊] C9 推特(影片) Blaber開啟第三次世界大戰 影片是Blaber實況片段,內容如下。 Blaber: 「最愛的披薩配料?我喜歡意式臘腸以及... 對,我喜歡鳳梨。」50
[閒聊] G2 推特 有人忘記帶行李出國囉Of course, someone didn't bring hand luggage for China Who do think it is? We'll REVEAL who in one hour. 想當然耳,有人忘記帶手提行李去中國了。43
[閒聊] Perkz 推特 關於勒布朗換位回去Regarding my 2nd death I was trying. to micro LB clone to spit in @Inspiredlol face but oh boy scenes when i realized it was my ult that distorted over the wall 關於我送的第二顆頭嘛,當時我試著要操控 LB 的分身往 Inspired 臉上皮33
[閒聊] Perkz 推特I would like to take a moment to truly appreciate @TSMDoublelift 's career Not only NA hero, but also EU hero - he is the one who gave EU the first interna tional trophy in MSI 2019 Thank you Peter you are a legend24
[外絮] KMT(CFO教練)推特As a Japanese it was always hard for me to understand American, What was weird to me is they like bragging about freedom because I didn't think that I have any less freedom than them. I always thought What is the difference? I finally understand it. NA is just so fucking free8
[閒聊] Nisqy 推特absolutely shitstomped na in scrims today this is the year of EU 今天團練完全屌虐 NA,今年肯定是屬於 EU 的一年 不過 Perkz 在四天前也發過一模一樣的推特:8
[閒聊] Reddit:C9 vs RGE-- -要是第二輪在同一週打的話就不會有 EU 第二週了 -被 Riot Outplay 了 -唉,Riot 又偏袒 NA 了
[閒聊] 巴哈熱議 : 如何零成本變強76
[閒聊] PSG FB 柯基教練續約72
[外絮] KDF X(Pyosik、Berserker、Life加入)60
[閒聊] chovy kiin ruler +熊 最新反T1戰艦?56
[情報] DRX:Thank You, Rascal34
Re: [閒聊] chovy kiin ruler +熊 最新反T1戰艦?60
[情報] TGA遊戲大賞(LOL相關)29
[外絮] DK X(Thank you Kingen&Kellin)21
[閒聊] T1訓練賽成績不好正賽卻敢照自己理解打?13
[閒聊] GenG 團長X22
[外絮] KT IG (多人離隊, Casting續約)9
[閒聊] 遇到兩等就查無此人的SUP有通解嗎?17
[閒聊] ARAM的分配機制是不是怪怪的?6
[閒聊] 奧術倖存者杰西 完整語音 (奧術雷)5
Re: [閒聊] ARAM的分配機制是不是怪怪的?5
[外絮] FOX X(Clozer/Hena/Duro離隊)21
[閒聊] 玩上路爆線 賴線龜塔是不是最優解X
[問題] 請問t1天貓海外旗艦店會上架五星外套嗎