[閒聊] Astralis 推特 Zanzarah 離隊

看板LoL標題[閒聊] Astralis 推特 Zanzarah 離隊作者
時間推噓13 推:13 噓:0 →:2

1,5 years
3 splits
Endless Trundle and Skarner bans
Countless laughs

Today, one chapter ends, and another begins. Thank you for everything,

Astralis 發布推特,宣布打野 Zanzarah 離隊的消息

As u guys know Astralis allowed me to explore options for the next split! It
was a good 1.5 run but its time to ff and go next)) Looking for any
opportunities. U can contact me through dm or [email protected]

RT is respectable)
(picture to draw attention)

Zanzarah 也在推特發文求職

根據前 Upcomer 記者 anonimotum,AST 的下個打野人選是目前在 IMT 的 Xerxe
Xerxe + Kobbe

2019 Splyce(2/5)

Sent from BePTT on my Sony J9210


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DioEraclea 04/28 19:11笑死 還真的喔

DioEraclea 04/28 19:13那要不要再一個Norskeren

diefish5566 04/28 19:14終於踢對人了...

amos30627 04/28 19:22Xerxe也是爛==

Simon951434 04/28 19:33終於認真重建了嗎,不過要中路練起來+老大回春才行

henry12188tw04/28 19:51再踢上路 起飛

c871111116 04/28 19:55上路不是早就被踢了嗎

c871111116 04/28 19:56白騎士跟PromisQ之前就已經被踢了吧

amos30627 04/28 20:04被踢了啊 賽季一打完就秒踢

DioEraclea 04/28 20:06之前還有傳恰吉要加入A星 真的要夢迴S9?

diefish5566 04/28 20:08回S9但沒Humanoid有什麼意義= =

davidliudmc 04/28 20:13幹話人滾了 沒人main採訪了

TryKillMe 04/28 21:30這人根本caedral幹話加強版 上主持台應該不錯

Kuribohrn 04/28 22:47這隊唯一的看點沒了QQ

Simon951434 04/29 12:10A星簽了一個韓國Support,看誰要翻譯