[情報] Hector Neris to Cubs 1yr/9M

看板MLB標題[情報] Hector Neris to Cubs 1yr/9M作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:8

Right-handed reliever Hector Neris and the Chicago Cubs are in agreement on aone-year, $9 million contract that includes an option for 2025, a source familiar with the deal tells ESPN.

The $9M team option converts to a player option at 60 games. Total max w incentives: $23.25M.



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※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 01/27/2024 23:25:39

zxc90638301/27 23:29他居然年薪沒10M

kenkuo168801/27 23:30好啦...補後援給推 我熊這季末好安靜

zxc90638301/27 23:32金寶 13M 查普曼 10.5M

Fukudome01/27 23:35這價碼有夠便宜,可惜我費沒簽

saiulbb01/28 00:23俗 真的俗 比起其他張我覺得這張對小熊很棒

dragon5011901/28 00:30這樣看Robertson超貴欸

tyrone092301/28 01:25話說這是不是小熊這休賽季第一筆補強?

vince468701/28 01:53當今永空氣?

vince468701/28 01:54蘿蔔去年丟第九局 又是資深老將 當然貴

tyrone092301/28 01:58喔喔,忘了今永

JustinIdiot01/28 02:03Robertson有5M延遲

geneaven01/28 07:33他去年2.5war欸,這約便宜到像發現受傷

superLM01/28 08:13好賺

CPBLlincecum01/28 08:22bWAR已經沒太大參考價值了,fWAR才0.8

choobii01/28 08:59他在費城就專門砸鍋的