[情報] Richard Bleier:這不是我印象中的金鳥迷

看板MLB標題[情報] Richard Bleier:這不是我印象中的金鳥迷作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:12

Red Sox reliever Richard Bleier, who was part of the Orioles' roster from 2017 to 2020, called out inappropriate behavior by some Baltimore fans during the three-game series that took place this week.

紅襪中繼投手Richard Bleier於2017-2020是效力於金鶯



According to WEEI, many Red Sox players had complaints against security and fans at Camden Yards on Tuesday night, as multiple Boston relievers were reportedlyspit on or sprayed by beer.


Bleier later confirmed the incident in an interview with The Boston Globe that was published on Wednesday.


"Completely inappropriate. I played here and that's not the fan base I remember. It was something I've never seen before," said Bleier, who joined the Red Sox in January.



"It's unfortunate, for sure. Hopefully they're doing things that prevent this from happening again. It's definitely not acceptable. I've been in some rough areas in terms of bullpens where we're, like, right in the middle of it, and I've never had that happen before."



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