[情報] 去年有球隊願意薪資全吃換Chris Sale

看板MLB標題[情報] 去年有球隊願意薪資全吃換Chris Sale作者
時間推噓13 推:16 噓:3 →:9

Chaim Bloom's demise may have been the result of the moves he didn't make during his tenure as Boston Red Sox chief baseball officer.

One glaring example, according to WEEI's Rob Bradford, occurred around the 2022MLB trade deadline. Bradford reports Bloom and Co. had a chance to send oft-injured ace Chris Sale to a team that was willing to take on all of the money left on his contract, but the Red Sox front office wouldn't budge.

"Per a major league source familiar with the situation, just before the 2022 trade deadline - and a few weeks after Chris Sale had broken his finger in his second outing of the season - a team approached Bloom about dealing for the lefty,"Bradford wrote. "The acquiring club was agreeing to take on all of the money left on Sale's contract (2 1/2 seasons of more than $50 million), while sending some semblance of players. The Red Sox wanted better players than were offered andno deal was done."

Just a couple of weeks later, Sale broke his wrist in a bicycle accident and was forced to miss the remainder of the 2022 season. Through 17 starts in 2023 (86.2 innings), the 34-year-old has a 4.88 ERA and 1.20 WHIP. He missed time duringthe summer due to left shoulder inflammation.






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Sechslee09/15 20:46太慘了

lowl9909/15 20:46哈哈,該不會是費城人嗎?

RodrigueZ81009/15 20:48條子嗎 有蒐集輪椅巨頭的癖好

otaku3228609/15 20:48今年季中也是啊 Paxton不少球隊來談 但沒Bloom滿意的

otaku3228609/15 20:48包裹(躲人認為出價太高) 然後Paxton下半季就炸了也躺

RodrigueZ81009/15 20:48

otaku3228609/15 20:48

MapleLeaf15109/15 20:53那時間點包裹大概是低階福袋吧

catsondbs09/15 21:06哪個盤子

QOO914209/15 21:06Bloom真的該走 紅襪原本有機會換到很多好菜

joua10109/15 21:20有接盤俠來接盤居然還拒絕

Darvish556609/15 21:40道奇吧 我躲專吃紅襪爛約

ShockHo22209/15 21:45我猜是躲人,紅襪的專業接盤俠

polanco09/15 22:07去年出車禍前也才投兩場而已 哪隊這麼敢啊XD

dinos09/15 22:29Bloom該不會想拿回當初同等級或更好的新秀包吧

Sulstan09/15 22:33Hindsight is 20/20

Mikufans09/15 22:33也有兩年沒投球只投2局就直接簽21M的雷神

ckranger09/16 00:29季中沒望該清人補農場還高姿態,真的0分GM

lookers09/16 00:37這個時間爆出來是要幫炒魷魚增加正當性這樣?

CHERRYCOLA09/16 02:19所以是哪隊??內文看不出來呀

Sulstan09/16 02:20Rizzo should have been fired by the same token!!!

minicat09/16 04:47籃球就算了,棒球還敢貪婪 87GM不意外

laking09/16 07:33把Sale賣能幫吃薪資就不錯了==

laking09/16 07:34怎麼還還肖想能換到不錯的小聯盟球員

Sulstan09/16 11:15放著簽了肥約後4年只先發8場,還對"年金"不滿的傢伙還能拿

Sulstan09/16 11:16新合約。Bloom只能怨嘆自己的老闆不姓Lerner 呵呵

ivan226009/16 17:45去年條子打那麼爛幹嘛換

yaes11109/16 18:01不讓人接盤 然後自己盤了故事哥 可憐哪