Re: [情報] 教士16歲捕手被指派到低階1A

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※ 引述《zxc906383 (無無)》之銘言:
: At 16 years old, Padres prospect Ethan Salas has been added to their Single-A La
: ke Elsinore roster.
: Salas will make his @MiLB debut tonight and will be the first 2006-born player t
: o play in the minors

: 去年教士隊砸560萬美金簽下的委內瑞拉籍16歲捕手
: 於今年被指派到低階1A
: 也是2006年梯次球員,首位進入小聯盟的
: 目前他已名列官網百大86+教士農場第三
: Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 45 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 | Overall: 55

Salas加入Lake Elsinore後球隊裡有小聯盟中現役最年輕以及最老的球員. 現年47歲的
Matt LaChappa在1996年比賽熱身時心臟病發之後就一直以輪椅代步. 教士隊為了讓他保有健保補助就把他列為Lake Elsinore球員名單一員,也因此讓他成為Salas隊友

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be.
we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills.
We shall NEVER surrender.
--- Winston Churchill


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saidon06/01 06:30教士這樣對待lachappa也是有情有義

saidon06/01 06:31跟道奇每年都會跟andrew toles續約的情況很像

reborn622906/01 16:11好心推

bYvYd06/02 08:40真的有情有義