[外電] David Ortiz稱Mike Fiers料耙仔

看板MLB標題[外電] David Ortiz稱Mike Fiers料耙仔作者
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David Ortiz: Mike Fiers looks like a 'snitch' for exposing Astros scandal

ESPN: Joon Lee 2:35PM ET

FORT MYERS, Fla. -- Red Sox legend David Ortiz expressed his displeasure withOakland A's pitcher Mike Fiers, the whistleblower in the sign-stealing
scandal that has engulfed baseball for the past few months, saying that the
former Astros hurler should have said something in the moment about the
infamous trash-can banging scheme instead of waiting until he was on another
紅襪傳奇Big Papi表達了自己對綠帽投手Fiers的不滿,該員抖出的太鼓達人案在過去

"I'm mad at this guy, the pitcher who came out talking about it," Ortiz said
at JetBlue Park on Thursday. "And let me tell you why. Oh, after you make
your money, after you get your ring, you decide to talk about it. Why don't
you talk about it during the season when it was going on? Why didn't you say,'I don't want to be no part of it? So you look like you're a snitch. Why you
gotta talk about it after? That's my problem. Why nobody said anything while
it was going on?"
"我對這個爆料投手感到火大"Ortiz週四在Jetblue Park表示。"跟我解釋為什麼你錢入
袋了戒指也拿了才出來放話。你為什麼球季打到一半不講? 為什麼你不直接說你不參與?所以我的看法、你就是個放馬後砲的料耙仔。為什麼當時連個屁都沒有人放?"

Ortiz said he did not understand how somebody in the Astros clubhouse did notspeak out earlier about the cheating schemes being developed in Houston.

"The Houston Astros, I know they put themselves in a situation and I just
still don't know how come nobody was like, 'That is wrong.' I just don't knowhow no one say something about it," Ortiz said. "During, not after. I was in
the clubhouse for a long time and never anything like that comes up. Now,
they're going to have to deal with that for a long time because it's not onlya situation that involves players. You're talking about the whole franchise."“我知道太色人是自找的,但是我不懂為什麼沒人出來指正這件事”Ortiz說”是當時、

Fiers pitched for the 2017 World Series champion Astros before leaving for
the Tigers, and now pitches for Oakland. Ortiz, who's a special assistant to
the general manager for Boston and is also a broadcaster for Fox, added that
he thinks commissioner Rob Manfred is receiving too much criticism for his
handling of the scandal, saying that he doesn't "agree with him getting all
the heat."

"To be honest with you, I've been watching the whole thing and the
commissioner has been getting so much heat like it was him that made that
mistake," Ortiz said. "I don't agree with him getting all the heat and the
reality is that not one player came through and was like, 'Hey, it was me
that started this up.' Everyone is passing the ball like when you're playing
basketball. All the commissioner can do is have the team investigate what is
going on and do what he knows how to do."

Ortiz continued his defense of Manfred's handling of the scandal, saying thatpeople are criticizing him like he was directly involved in the sign-stealingscheme.

"The commissioner Manfred has been legit since day one and I don't think it'sfair for everyone pitching him questions and blaming him on things," Ortiz
said. "We all know that he has the power to suspend people and make
decisions, but it's only until a certain point. After that, he had no controlwhatever happened in the investigation. I saw an interview that he did the
other day. I feel bad for him because people are asking him questions like hewas the person who started this s--- up. Like I see players trying to talk
about what he needs to do. He don't tell you how to hit or how to pitch, so
let him do his job. He's going to do what is best for the game. He's not the
type of guy who's going to accept you screwing things up in the game and tellyou where to go. People need to chillax. People need to let him do his job.
People need to let him do what he thinks is better for the game and
everything else. Stop putting him on the spot and telling him what to do.
That's what I think."


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※ 編輯: broken543 ( 美國), 02/21/2020 06:25:50

abc1281202/21 06:32如果沒收冠軍 Fiers的戒指能保留嗎?

SinShih02/21 06:41ortiz和同鄉martinez口徑一致 但我不認同他們的看法

※ 編輯: broken543 ( 美國), 02/21/2020 07:05:42

KEDEN02/21 07:02抱歉這個言論各人沒辦法接受

BlitzX02/21 07:07Ortiz自己就是個屁孩

alcard2202/21 07:09這護航說法真有夠弱的

gustavvv02/21 07:11護航主席

Valter02/21 07:13我知道老爹人緣很好 但這次不太能認同

tfrence02/21 07:15這個護航我不行

keltt02/21 07:20這次我不認同老爹

Aaronko02/21 07:24**相惜

mmchen02/21 07:26老爹是怕紅襪被查出什麼嗎?

Edison117402/21 07:27很多人也在懷疑紅襪喔

conerwind02/21 07:31完全不認同

raygod02/21 07:32LOL

porten81202/21 07:33藥蟲給我閉嘴

GaryMatthews02/21 07:36老爹一世英明 講這種話

mrlucas889102/21 07:38老爹還是繼續去毒奶世界大賽吧 別護航了= =

leonini02/21 07:40??

tomho120202/21 07:40what did you just say?

timmyen02/21 07:41#最高道德標準

mkopin02/21 07:41

chaolin02/21 07:43對爆料者拳拳到肉 對作斃者輕輕放下...

hydreigon02/21 07:45坦蕩蕩還禁評? 老爹這次真的不OK

a38202/21 07:47大怕皮是在工三小

appshjkli02/21 07:48不意外

Roshiel02/21 07:49前面勉強還能認同,17整年都沒球員良心發現嗎?

Roshiel02/21 07:49後面護航主席整個黑人問號

ennakura02/21 07:50原來是被主席救過全家

kk202502/21 07:52吹哨者的處境會艱難有部分就是這種人害的

sustainer12302/21 07:58藥爹智商 不意外

a1234c02/21 08:00解決找出問題的人

kenkenken3102/21 08:00難得賭爛Ortiz的看法

littlebonnie02/21 08:08打鼓打藥打槍打好打滿 果然是不會守備的裝熟尼哥

littlebonnie02/21 08:09Kenken居然支持過打藥的 原來是也是姑息吃藥雙標仔

spppeter02/21 08:10好笑,檢討吹哨者,噁心

Gilbertsky02/21 08:14罵成這樣真的好笑 那剩下不講的自殺? 說謊的五馬分屍?

Gilbertsky02/21 08:16為何這麼晚才爆出來 因為其他人更爛阿 檢討相對好的人

bond3042202/21 08:16******

chopinlee02/21 08:20揭發時間點見仁見智,但有弊是事實,不應檢討吹哨者

tedandjolin02/21 08:21美國待這麼久了還是跟落後國家出身的一樣思維

nsx02/21 08:21前面認同,但後面主席那段很糟,當主席這就是主席該面對的

nsx02/21 08:22說明一下,認同的是太空人該有人跳出來揭發

ahuahala02/21 08:23三小,這時候講這種屁話他腦子還好嗎

ck2oliver502/21 08:26哈哈哈可憐吶

flexin02/21 08:27這不是被捧上天的可撥仔嗎?呵呵

ddeny0324tw02/21 08:30解決提出問題的人??

shashayou02/21 08:32哈哈哈 噓一下

calbert02/21 08:34如果換成老爹當時在太空人,他敢爆料嗎

Sechslee02/21 08:36這個問題應該問被作弊會生氣的阿偷伯啊 都很生氣了怎麼

Sechslee02/21 08:37還乖乖繼續打不出聲呢?

kingcharlie02/21 08:39看他之前待哪隊 就可以略知一二了

wei71702/21 08:42先跪舔主席這樣之後被查出來也可以比照辦理輕輕放下?

uuss02/21 08:48火已經要燒到紅襪了,他在警告不要繼續出現吹哨者嗎

soilstone02/21 08:49如果隊上那麼多人作弊,應該沒有人敢在還沒離開球隊時

soilstone02/21 08:49就爆料,而事實上也是如此啊。我不太相信Ortiz敢 XD

c87111111602/21 08:53他前面那段還好吧 批評的點還算有理

c87111111602/21 08:54後面幫Manfred講話不太認同就是了

yrt316802/21 08:55所以老爹怎不嗆一下17年到現在還在太空人的球員?

t34008123102/21 09:03紅襪的 不意外☺

DavidFoster02/21 09:09老爹還真想當反指標

hakk02/21 09:17哈,這等水準

o8037202/21 09:21供三小?

TsukimiyaAyu02/21 09:23老爺看起來是知道什麼了 紅襪應該要爆了

aborwang02/21 09:26講啥

corlos02/21 09:33yeah

yeng121702/21 09:38共三小

yankees73302/21 09:39還敢護航作弊仔

s87009812302/21 09:40...........這言論

birdy59002/21 09:40他是投手 要參與什麼?

ken72033102/21 09:48無聊

ging199502/21 09:50失望...

zerosaint02/21 09:50老爹這水準不行

Timekeeper02/21 09:51噓文的是第一次認識Ortiz嗎?他本來就這種咖啊

boybread02/21 09:51尼哥一個

JackSmith02/21 09:53他之前幫Cora說話就覺得有點怪怪的了

Rayshief02/21 09:55老爹晚節不保,名人堂恐不保

Timekeeper02/21 09:56晚節不保...? 他球員時代人品就這樣了啊==

es9114ian02/21 10:03某u跟某s兩襪迷呢?

es9114ian02/21 10:03不是很愛出來秀

jackwula921102/21 10:04這次不行

kimula902/21 10:05噁心!

TZephyr02/21 10:06不爽就打爛電話,這咖水準就是這樣

mark7453102/21 10:10呵呵作弊者的思維

dragon5011902/21 10:10講這鬼話比太鼓人還噁心

chaobii02/21 10:12這種邏輯難怪被人___,可惜打錯地方了

crazypeo4502/21 10:19那時候直接爆出來隔天大概會在附近的沼澤被發現吧

vance102402/21 10:21現在說這話是要讓火燒更旺嗎

wx19002/21 10:32ok 跟某國很像 處理不了問題我們就解決提出問題的人

a215670002/21 10:43中國歡迎你

a215670002/21 10:45鼓襪一家親

AZBTPATONY02/21 10:45笑死 嘔嘔嘔

jones21027202/21 10:49紅襪也嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔

jones21027202/21 10:49作弊一家親

zzs12334402/21 10:50鼓襪一家親

yaisu02/21 10:54當你寄人籬下最好是你當下敢講啦 太嘴

broken54302/21 10:58第一次發文發到有這麼多噓,小弟與有榮焉

ethel766902/21 11:00好弱的護航唷藥爹

littlebonnie02/21 11:00Ort*z 那一根打藥打到看不見了

ethel766902/21 11:02Mike Fiers是英雄 因為他是第一個跳出來講出事實的人

ethel766902/21 11:03你自己做了什麼虧心事惹到黑道要你死還沒講清楚咧

Zhang27402/21 11:14隱瞞不說才是問題吧 @@

BMW740Li02/21 11:30這邏輯完全不行

ca112302/21 11:32不是有多支球隊向大聯盟檢舉太空人嗎,主席當然有事呀

chiahunl02/21 11:32老爹,令人失望

thb9630002/21 11:41A肉>>>老爹

trickart02/21 11:43噁心

tovshang02/21 11:49啥邏輯

Scherzer3102/21 11:59老爹氣到將台語

gt1234502/21 12:03吃藥仔 哈哈

Redchain02/21 12:04事後講的「投手」被老爹檢討為何不當下講,那從不講,被

kamihio02/21 12:04莫非襪襪也

Redchain02/21 12:04查到還在辯的「打者」呢?那麼捧主席的懶,是在維護紅襪

Redchain02/21 12:04還是要在聯盟找工作?

cpujerry02/21 12:09紅襪呵呵呵呵呵

mecheers02/21 12:12晚節不保

Grammy02/21 12:12紅襪笨藪 當初沒被一槍打死現在來講幹話

visda02/21 12:15襪襪不ey

raygod02/21 12:22也是啦 Ortiz是2003名單的受害者 當然不爽料耙子

mygoing02/21 12:26前面跟老爹想的一樣 為什麼17年他知情的當下不出來講(或

mygoing02/21 12:27許怕在團體中無法生存) 但為什麼18年也不講

ethel766902/21 12:27幫襪襪打預防針耶頗呵

MindWork02/21 12:28真的晚節不保

alcard2202/21 12:42這麼大的事情多猶豫一陣子才決定說也沒什麼好不正常的

alcard2202/21 12:45很多人對吹哨者的要求標準很奇怪,好像自己沒在群體生

alcard2202/21 12:45活過一樣。而且這件事情有不只一支球隊跟聯盟反應過,

alcard2202/21 12:45不去質疑聯盟沒有動作,反過來質疑吹哨者?

persefone02/21 12:49用最高標準檢視Fiers 但卻沒用這標準檢視主席

percy9072302/21 12:53尼哥文化本來就是不能接受告密者阿==

rayisgreat02/21 12:57呵呵

Jinx02/21 12:58???????????

idtvgame02/21 12:59我才不信有多少人敢在團體裡面就吹哨 檢討別人很會

EvilCerberus02/21 13:06搞不好老爹被bangbang就是因為有人去告密害的啊!沒

EvilCerberus02/21 13:06說清楚誰知道?

lordi02/21 13:11脖子粗成這樣,呵呵

edhuang02/21 13:15這些人在幹譙Fiers之前有先砲轟死不認錯的作弊仔嗎

edhuang02/21 13:17沒有的話根本是非不分啊 笑死

decorum02/21 13:18作弊症感染嚴重 要先打疫苗喔

SaLion02/21 13:22襪迷覺得不行

ganhua02/21 13:23老爹這次說法不行

NotLikeThis02/21 13:32OMEGALUL R T I Z

ylrafale02/21 13:37有些人已經太放肆了喔。

Martie02/21 13:39已經變成主席的形狀了

SpursTony0902/21 13:41摁摁 紅襪

wei71702/21 14:00他這樣講就在打預防針了 紅襪大概也難逃了

Tyrone02/21 14:03沒想到我會噓老爹,還有什麼令人失望的言論一起來吧

survivalteru02/21 14:27可以下去了

Bartleby02/21 14:33子彈是打到身體還是打到腦 講這啥低能的話

pttOwO02/21 14:36這篇有機會挑戰XX

xyzzz02/21 14:43要警告紅襪的不要出現吹哨者啦~顆顆

sunnydragon702/21 14:44還沒跟媒體爆料前,綠帽高層早跟聯盟檢舉了…沒下

spencers02/21 14:44低能 只要是事實告密就沒問題

sunnydragon702/21 14:44

realmd02/21 14:44老爹也懂解決提出問題的人

spencers02/21 14:48還有當然是已擺脫那環境再告密才是上策

Timekeeper02/21 14:48大家冷靜 新☆板皇開示他要開鍘了

ylrafale02/21 15:19是Timekeeper版友呢,沒等到您出來參選讓我覺得好可惜喔

jeter869502/21 15:23先檢討吹哨者啊藥仔

Timekeeper02/21 15:35對啊 你身為前板主CD的親友團,選上了我也覺得很惋惜

benkao8502/21 15:37坐等紅襪被調查的結果

starchiang02/21 15:47作弊的沒被處罰,吹哨的被死亡威脅,歡迎來到現實世

starchiang02/21 15:48

TameFoxx02/21 16:00標題殺人吧 他意思是如果真的這麼有正義感 當初就該講

n6120802/21 16:04標題殺人+1

zx246800tw02/21 16:13★★★★★★★★★★★★

joe072602/21 16:22不管怎樣 檢討吹哨者>檢討作弊者 還是很奇怪啊

joe072602/21 16:23我是認為老爹邏輯不會這麼差 也不至於與現實脫節成這樣

joe072602/21 16:24所以剩下只有一種可能 帶風向 不然紅襪之後搞不好...

godchildtw02/21 17:09解決問題,就是把提出問題的人解決掉

roka02/21 17:15怎麼不護航一下獎盃不過是片金屬這樁?

roka02/21 17:15換了位子果然腦袋就不一樣了呢。

yeng121702/21 17:16把紅襪以前的獎盃拿出來說只是片金屬我就信了

Xenogamer02/21 17:22標題超譯

Datow02/21 17:43他原文都說了"So you look like you're a snitch"

Datow02/21 17:46原標題也這樣寫 翻ji軿-p嵾悧雀W譯

mtyk1010002/21 17:53老爹晚節不保

tupacshkur02/21 17:55老爹滾喇!

willywasd02/21 18:00沒有Fiers 現在太空人還是繼續偷

MedEngineer02/21 18:10噁心 無法認同 完全對老爹失望

george22140802/21 18:15他贊同曼佛地魔處理?

CKluber02/21 18:19老爹母湯喔

leowwe02/21 18:28這發言不行...

ennakura02/21 18:35老爹是在幫自己進聯盟工作鋪路辣

ganhua02/21 18:45護航曼佛地魔就給噓

micotosai02/21 18:56図星☆

chaobii02/21 18:59今年回國要多注意噢

nonsence3102/21 19:39噓一個 會這樣氣噗噗是有鬼嗎

Miyanishi2502/21 19:59噁心 跟Dwyane Wade一樣

shadowshaikh02/21 20:18晚節不保的爹

nomo161602/21 20:49護航主席是怎樣,就真的超爛

howie0021502/21 21:46

ganhua02/21 22:29噁心

jimmich1902/21 22:57尼哥不意外

greenpeace2102/21 23:05下去

Beantownfan02/21 23:19令人失望的發言

Cueto02/22 00:53反指標

pejawade02/22 05:31作弊仔很怕冠軍被沒收齁

Kobelephants02/22 08:31毒癮又發了嗎

gondou02/22 09:42人家是爪耙子 那你是槍靶子

edhuang02/22 11:39其實說真的也不一定跟邏輯有關

edhuang02/22 11:39就是刻意從某個角度講合理化自己的言論


※ 編輯: broken543 ( 美國), 02/22/2020 12:20:20

mathrew02/22 19:09尼哥 意外嗎

SuperBMW02/22 22:53鼓襪一家親,共園中國夢

AaronWei100702/23 00:27紅襪哈哈哈哈哈

Datow02/23 04:37在那邊尼*尼*的種族主義者也沒什麼臉檢討人作弊啦

Datow02/23 04:38太鼓人作弊很爛不代表大家就要跟著沒格

howiejao02/23 09:34老爹安內母湯喔

Roshiel02/23 09:35幫噓爆

simple72102/23 10:05事實就是Fiers在當下也動貪念阿

youngluke02/23 15:13幫你紀念

pigger052702/23 16:07老爹不意外

alcard2202/23 17:46還有人想幫太空人開脫,可憐

lordi02/25 11:32死黑肥不意外,這咖只有紅襪迷會狂捧

tbbyan02/26 21:05檢討吹哨者...智商有慮