[情報] Cody Allen 決定退休

看板MLB標題[情報] Cody Allen 決定退休作者
時間推噓12 推:12 噓:0 →:1

Cody Allen, 32, drew some interest but has decided to retire. Nice career. 153 saves, all but four of them with the Indians. Was the closer of their 2016 World Series team, pitching in 4 WS games, and allowing no runs while striking out 12 in 6 innings, and saving Game 3, 1-0.

32歲的後援投手Cody Allen即使吸引一些球隊興趣,但他決定退休了,生涯拿下153次救援成功,其中149次在印地安人拿的


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allhsuen3202/17 22:44wow辛苦了

※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 02/17/2021 22:46:43

wahaha567802/17 23:29竟然!

Roshiel02/17 23:31當年還以為是橡皮手....

Timekeeper02/17 23:59好早...

acerow8302/18 00:00被玩壞了

whhw02/18 00:02被用壞了嗎…

sustainer12302/18 00:30推個

jefflin082402/18 00:4632而已耶

prayer51302/18 00:51三千萬美金可以改行了 再投太累了

Blitzkrieg6302/18 05:35好早.... QQ

roywow02/18 07:51挖 好早

Sizemore2402/18 08:07Tito 成就了他,但也讓他比不少牛還早衰退

triff02/18 08:21可惜