[情報] Bob Melvin 成為新任教士總教練

看板MLB標題[情報] Bob Melvin 成為新任教士總教練作者
時間推噓18 推:18 噓:0 →:12

Sources: The Padres and Bob Melvin have agreed to a three-year deal to make Melvin the next manager in San Diego.

運動家總教練Bob Melvin下一季轉戰國聯執教教士,雙方簽下三年合約

The A's allowed Melvin to interview with the Padres. No compensation headed to Oakland for the hire.



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DanielHudson10/29 08:32綠帽慘遭戴綠帽嗎

※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 10/29/2021 08:38:37

saiulbb10/29 08:50恭喜R 換運動家要找教練惹

es9114ian10/29 09:06運動家要開賣了嗎?

hdotistyle10/29 10:08綠帽慘遭綠帽

mt048110/29 10:28放Murray去打美足 烙跑 放Melvin去面試 也烙跑 管理層也太

mt048110/29 10:28愛當好人了吧... 還是綠帽也想換總教練?

catsondbs10/29 11:59原來他也當10年總教練了

Cueto10/29 12:00這隻壓的住休息室嗎?有綠帽迷幫解析一波嗎?

whhw10/29 12:12ntr

ck32610/29 12:15好少見喔,約沒滿就跳槽到別隊當

AhCheng10/29 12:21執行合約 然後跑去面試,綠帽笑死

angelawen10/29 12:22說好的拉丁美洲裔?

supan0610/29 13:13教士起飛

Toy1710/29 13:13豆爺人真好?

TrRosenthal10/29 13:24會贏球就沒有休息室問題

gs20048383110/29 14:20笑死

appshjkli10/29 15:39綠帽有可能要開賣了

terminator310/29 15:45That seals the deal. I am no longer a Dodgers fan

terminator310/29 15:45. This team is a pure and utter embarrassment to

terminator310/29 15:45the city of Los Ángeles. I officially will not b

terminator310/29 15:46 renewing my plan next season nor will I watch on

terminator310/29 15:46 tv ever again. I’m going to San Diego where the

terminator310/29 15:46y know how to run a mega dynasty

phoinixa10/29 16:09笑死 每次都有人推這串xD

BlakeSnell10/29 20:33 1M/1Y分15年付 笑

BlakeSnell10/29 20:33死 客家之光難怪要跑

zxc90638310/29 21:10他上一張年薪有2.5M欸 怎麽新約扣那麽多

Sulstan10/29 22:05Mac now officially runs A's!

andynanpa10/30 05:48綠帽那客家薪水是想找啥樣的總A啦XD

chiz210/30 08:044年1M?