[情報] 俄羅斯在大諾沃西利卡附近推進

看板Military標題[情報] 俄羅斯在大諾沃西利卡附近推進作者
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DeepState項目的分析師於1月18日晚報導,俄羅斯在頓涅茨克州的多個聚落,包括大諾沃西利卡(Velyka Novosilka),發起攻擊並取得進展。DeepState指出,俄軍已開始對一些地區發動襲擊。


引述:「俄軍在Kotlyne、Udachne、Novoandriivka、Sukhi Yaly、Vremivka以及大諾沃西利卡取得進展。」






Russia advances near Velyka Novosilka, storms area near settlement, DeepState reports
Ukrainska Pravda — Sunday, 19 January 2025, 00:14

The analysts of the DeepState project reported in the late evening of 18 January that Russia has advanced in multiple settlements in Donetsk Oblast, including Velyka Novosilka. DeepState noted that Russian troops have started storming someareas.

Source: DeepState

Quote: "Russian troops have advanced in Kotlyne, Udachne, near Novoandriivka, Sukhi Yaly, Vremivka, and Velyka Novosilka."

Details: The analysts also reported that Russian troops have become active in the east and north of Velyka Novosilka.


On the night of 15-16 January, it became known that Russia had occupied Neskuchne and that the circle around Velyka Novosilka was shrinking.
It’s been reported that Russian forces, which have been approaching and encircling Velyka Novosilka in Donetsk Oblast since the autumn of 2024, are preparing to storm the town
For reference: In general, the conditions for defending Velyka Novospilka have become highly challenging, as Velyka Novospilka has been partially encircled since the autumn of 2024. The distance between the two extreme points of the Ukrainian positions in the north and the southwest, or the width of the neck through which people, ammunition and provisions are delivered to Velyka Novoselka, is about seven kilometres. Logistics are complicated, and driving into the settlement with equipment is no longer possible.



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