[外絮] Kerr相信curry不會吹密 "一輩子勇士"

看板NBA標題[外絮] Kerr相信curry不會吹密 "一輩子勇士"作者
時間推噓推:134 噓:11 →:41

來源:Fadeway World

Steve Kerr Believes Stephen Curry Will Never Ask For A Trade: "A Warrior For
Steve Kerr相信Stephen Curry未來不會要求交易:「一輩子勇士」

by Gautam Varier

Steve Kerr doesn't believe Warriors fans should be worried about Stephen Curry ever asking out.
Steve Kerr不認為勇士球迷應該擔心Stephen Curry會要求離隊。

▲圖片來源:John Hefti-Imagn

The Golden State Warriors have been one of the more disappointing teams in the NBA this season, sitting at 12th in the West with a 19-20 record. The
Warriors' struggles have left their fans worried that Stephen Curry might askout, but head coach Steve Kerr stated on Willard & Dibs that he doesn't
believe that is ever going to happen.

金州勇士是本季讓人失望的NBA球隊之一,以19勝20負的戰績位居西區第12名。勇士的掙扎讓他們的球迷擔心Stephen Curry可能會要求離隊,但總教練Steve Kerr在"Willard &Dibs"表示,他不相信這情況會發生。

"I don't think so," Kerr said. "I just think Steph loves the Warriors. He
loves the idea of being a Warrior for life. I think that's so meaningful for
him. He has no intention. That's what makes him unique and different. That's
why he's not asking the organization to trade everything to go get him help.


"Steph is so special in so many different ways," Kerr continued. "His self-
awareness is just incredible. It's so meaningful for him to be a Warrior. I
don't think our fans have to ever worry about that... He's just an incredibleperformer and we're all lucky to watch him play. Hopefully, that's something
that goes on for another few years, it sure looks like it."


As Kerr pointed out, Curry stated the Warriors should avoid desperate trades
that would hurt their future. We are accustomed to superstars hinting that
they might leave a team if they don't get more help but the 36-year-old is
publicly stating he wants the team to keep an eye on the future.


Curry is an extremely smart individual and you'd think he realizes he is
hurting his chances of winning one last championship by acting in this manner. It is quite admirable for him to have this stance, even though it might not
be ideal for his career.


Curry is also an exception to the norm in today's NBA as someone who wants tobe a one-team man. The 10-time All-Star is currently in his 16th season with
the Warriors after they drafted him with the seventh pick in the 2009 NBA


The Warriors struggled in Curry's early years in the league and he nearly gottraded to the Milwaukee Bucks in 2012. It was reported that the Bucks' medical staff advised the team not to go ahead with the trade because of his ankle


If true, the Warriors dodged the bullet there, as Curry would start to
dominate a few years later. He won MVP in 2015 and led the team to their first championship together that year.


Curry then became the first unanimous MVP in NBA history in 2016 by leading
the Warriors to an NBA-record 73-win season. They proceeded to lose in the
Finals but then added Kevin Durant the following offseason to win back-to-back titles in 2017 and 2018.

Curry隨後在2016年帶領球隊贏下破紀錄的73勝賽季,並拿下史詩級的全票MVP。最終輸掉總冠軍後又在休賽季得到Kevin Durany加盟,並在2017、2018年得到衛冕冠軍頭銜。

Durant would leave in 2019 after a Finals loss to the Toronto Raptors and thefollowing years proved to be a bit rough. The Warriors didn't even make the
playoffs in 2020 and 2021 but then shocked the world by winning another titlein 2022. It looked like the championship window was going to be open for a few more years but that hasn't been the case.


The Warriors have won one playoff series since then and aren't likely to add
to that tally this year either. If that proves to be the case in the coming
years as well, you wonder if Curry would consider leaving.


Back in the offseason, Curry stated he wanted to be a Warrior for life but did warn that things could change quickly. Time will tell if he'll change his


Curry, who is averaging 22.7 points, 5.1 rebounds, 6.1 assists, 1.2 steals,
and 0.5 blocks per game in 2024-25, will be in action next against the
Minnesota Timberwolves at Target Center on Wednesday at 9:30 PM ET.

Curry在2024-25賽季,場均22.7分、5.1個籃板、6.1次助攻、1.2次抄劫、0.5個火鍋,他將在週三晚上9:30(ET)在Target Center對決明尼蘇達灰狼。



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Texsogood 01/16 18:25一輩子警告

Hakase5566 01/16 18:25

poggssi 01/16 18:26

y5721389 01/16 18:26

akko76815 01/16 18:26

cor1os 01/16 18:26科燈

Kai877 01/16 18:27有你在可能真的會吹

ankai 01/16 18:27

goury 01/16 18:27Kerr是在?

BroccolYee 01/16 18:27GO起來

Qorqios 01/16 18:27大量發生 警告

robin2311 01/16 18:27原來科學家是燈粉

fack3170 01/16 18:27我相信

e8e88 01/16 18:28GO!

ginopun1047701/16 18:28好了啦 咖哩哥 柯爾哥

momoflower 01/16 18:29哭貍沒有迷宮就吃土了,怎麼可能吹

QOO9142 01/16 18:29這標題,推文又要Go了

kiolp 01/16 18:30廢話 他吹還要帶著綠師傅才能用麻煩死了誰要阿

a2156700 01/16 18:31不上不下最難過

wc4eva 01/16 18:31一輩子

nobrothers 01/16 18:31這應該算是勒起來了吧哈哈哈

some61321 01/16 18:32一生…

ccccccccccc 01/16 18:32@steven183

wegblon 01/16 18:32情勒?

CsvsLinginoo01/16 18:33這算情勒吧 先喊先贏喔

jpevo101 01/16 18:33急了?

chichiwater 01/16 18:34一輩子

benen 01/16 18:35廢話為了救你這爛咖

Y1999 01/16 18:35一輩子

mrfootball 01/16 18:35沒有人期待今年勇士吧,怎麼會失望

cm223600 01/16 18:36這是情緒勒索嗎

ohiyo104 01/16 18:37發言人?

jason911152 01/16 18:38抄「劫」

cm223600 01/16 18:38看起來很PUA

conqueror50701/16 18:39那你們開底薪給他看看

immence 01/16 18:40這麼老了是要吹甚麼

kevinacc084 01/16 18:41

cm223600 01/16 18:41是怕沒curry被看破手腳嗎?

LeGGoRay 01/16 18:42靠北,太多GO了吧

Kai877 01/16 18:43吉巴都能吹了

k2215777 01/16 18:44防守破洞的骰子還55m 根本沒人會收編吧 講給自己爽

k2215777 01/16 18:44的...

thewtf 01/16 18:44

kyoko367890601/16 18:44好重

joexnozomi 01/16 18:44

ClownT 01/16 18:44今天勇士文好多 以為走錯板

k2215777 01/16 18:44咖哩也不可能自己逃出移動迷宮的保護傘啦

joexnozomi 01/16 18:45勇士這麼爛也不用吹密等退休

berry5277 01/16 18:46一輩子...

Zacoe 01/16 18:48這篇沒有mygo的話,哇他希

melzard 01/16 18:48Curry自己也很清楚吧 他的歷史地位離開勇士沒必要

shellback 01/16 18:48吹kerr比較有機會

melzard 01/16 18:49一人一城+複數冠軍的成就史上也沒幾個

WayThuz 01/16 18:49

alex8725 01/16 18:49他要吹早吹了就是

alex8725 01/16 18:49勇士這幾年還不夠鬧嗎

furjai 01/16 18:50一輩子...

benen 01/16 18:50#柯爾:咖哩救我

kobegary34 01/16 18:50這隊到底在幹嘛

z3939889 01/16 18:51十年四冠這十年有哪隊比勇士成功,傻了才轉隊

peter080808 01/16 18:51

JustDuHua 01/16 18:51留著拿養老約比較實際 又沒什麼要追的

ffflllyyy 01/16 18:51沒人要 怎麼吹

UD305 01/16 18:52我相信他很想叫你滾

newcsie68 01/16 18:53連這都能GO

YLTYY 01/16 18:53還在go

cm223600 01/16 18:53curry是想待勇士沒錯啦 但是標題有pua感覺

rainbowcrash01/16 18:54每篇都在GO是怎樣笑死

youtoo 01/16 18:54這不是廢話嗎,商業價值怎麼可能讓搖錢樹走

alex8725 01/16 18:54所以我說他要走早走了

alex8725 01/16 18:55Kerr胡搞咖哩都沒出聲了怎麼會吹

DonDonFans 01/16 18:55這邊是買夠版嗎

devilkool 01/16 18:55

cm223600 01/16 18:55curry今天都和助教聊戰術

cm223600 01/16 18:55感覺curry 很不滿kerr耶

likeyouuu 01/16 18:57相信科爾也會一輩子勇士 lol

RevanHsu 01/16 18:57一輩子..

benen 01/16 18:58咖哩:柯爾,該滾了

steven183 01/16 18:58

soratora 01/16 18:58還在GO

q210216 01/16 18:59摳連可悲蛹上下畢竟是死忠的呵呵!但未來就不好說嚕=

wsx89589468 01/16 19:00科學家發動重力裝置

qazaqqazaqqq01/16 19:02

youtoo 01/16 19:02咖哩老了還是能用,問題時Kerr....

inuyaksa 01/16 19:02

a22122212 01/16 19:04一輩子…

qwer007700 01/16 19:04Kerr先滾好嗎

benen 01/16 19:04笑死不要再Go啦

julian42 01/16 19:05咖哩應該想再續一張大約比較實際

dwiee 01/16 19:05一輩子...

kevmo 01/16 19:05我也以為K湯一輩子勇士

a12349743 01/16 19:06Kerr也只會傳球給curry這套,沒curry他也沒用了

trhrh 01/16 19:06所以嘴綠會迷星腳嗎

trhrh 01/16 19:07一起在移動迷宮中迷失吧

minoru04 01/16 19:08嘴綠應該會焚音打吧

bingripplw 01/16 19:11衛生紙上面寫一輩子

ramirez 01/16 19:12一人一城!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jay60202 01/16 19:13kerr:

jay60202 01/16 19:13

stayforever 01/16 19:15一輩子…

actgoat 01/16 19:17一輩子...

roytenpura 01/16 19:17你跟上面那篇文484串通好的

YakultSlime 01/16 19:18沒料

Dreamwarmup 01/16 19:21吃死死

joe51408 01/16 19:24

lens82801 01/16 19:25還在go、又在go

breadf 01/16 19:25一輩子警察,出動

swps40309 01/16 19:25一輩子警告

Zante 01/16 19:27但是拉科布可不這麼想,前兩天訪談才舉那個誰當例子

Zante 01/16 19:27,說沒有一定一人一城理所當然這種事

AndrewWang3 01/16 19:27還在go

pb1101 01/16 19:27一輩子

fish0112 01/16 19:296千萬 誰吃下去可以幫咖哩奪冠呀 廢話XD

jacky40383 01/16 19:29還在Go

davidex 01/16 19:31歐內該,要是沒有Curry的話,瓦塔西

s111228s 01/16 19:31笑死,到底多少人看過go

b9606022 01/16 19:33有誰不相信?

Mipan5566 01/16 19:34一輩子...

Azabulu 01/16 19:35錢到位一人一城 想不到吹的理由

hcl00 01/16 19:36一輩子......

featherable 01/16 19:36還在go

petero0oo00 01/16 19:38辣雞教練在pua?

BOSTONstyle 01/16 19:38總有一天會在推文看完Go

kobe9527 01/16 19:39一輩子…

LAriza 01/16 19:40

zer0319 01/16 19:41一輩子一場夢

ken720331 01/16 19:41Mygo入侵

Q12345Q 01/16 19:41繼續go

luna2000sea 01/16 19:43一輩子

testlab 01/16 19:45一輩子

PekoKiara 01/16 19:46一輩子...

aquaa 01/16 19:47一輩子...

laygoyolo 01/16 19:47要一輩子不受傷是不可能的

applewolf 01/16 19:51老害Kerr你先走好嗎?

MattiaPasini01/16 19:56大雨淅瀝瀝淋得我心輕鬆 喝杯酒唱首歌 狂風呼嚕嚕吹

MattiaPasini01/16 19:56走煩惱憂愁 一輩子一場夢

kterry01 01/16 20:00一輩子

laker7634 01/16 20:02又一輩子

allen140787 01/16 20:08沒料的教練走一走剛好而已

aegisWIsL 01/16 20:11

asfg465223 01/16 20:20在衛生紙上用醬油寫下ㄧ輩子…

aquacake 01/16 20:21一輩子

keddy8733 01/16 20:22這麼沉重的事

MDAISUKE18 01/16 20:29GO起來

Satoman 01/16 20:30

headcase 01/16 20:32他不會走 但你不一定啊 呵呵

DarkHolbach 01/16 20:35就知道推文要Go了

Erishcross 01/16 20:38我只是看到一輩子就進來了

fish7333 01/16 20:44一輩子警察

kevenchia 01/16 20:46這篇的重點只有一輩子..

capsspac 01/16 20:48一輩子...

tacotuesday 01/16 20:54你不是不需要我了嗎 我需要咖哩!

TCPai 01/16 20:57他都在這拿了四冠,沒理由不待完

yukimura042001/16 20:57一輩子

YellowTiger 01/16 20:59

finzaghi 01/16 21:08一輩子

coiico 01/16 21:15推文太油膩

kevin77605 01/16 21:16Curry也沒有交易價值吧. 那麼老了。安心退休吧

aaagang 01/16 21:19催U

Inori0912 01/16 21:19一輩子…

kimigogo 01/16 21:20吃定curry一輩子

MoWilliams 01/16 21:22又…又在go

evan000000 01/16 21:30一輩子...

tony0910092001/16 21:33

kenny0120 01/16 21:39Go起來

fourfourlook01/16 21:44有人提到一輩子嗎?

dynamo 01/16 21:47先打預防針

wewe44556 01/16 21:48去別隊更慘吧

YummyYummy 01/16 21:49推文整個讓人滑倒

alan5232000 01/16 21:50建議克爾可以先滾

yyyzzz 01/16 21:50這麼老了當然留著啊,起碼還是一哥加神主牌,去了

yyyzzz 01/16 21:50別隊歷史定位都沒了

Ceferino 01/16 21:52沒人覺得會走啊

rizalpiggy 01/16 21:55連在NBA都可以看買夠==

WWWWWE 01/16 21:56靠杯這篇沒有燈怎麼也變成這樣

kurenaiz 01/16 21:57一輩子...

Weasley40 01/16 21:59一輩子...

MichaelRedd 01/16 22:05一輩子

syo0093 01/16 22:09是一輩子喔

hihi29 01/16 22:22一輩子

gginin007 01/16 22:23一輩子