[外絮] Kerr透露KT被下放板凳時對他大吼大叫過

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時間推噓85 推:91 噓:6 →:32

Klay Thompson yelled at Kerr, coaching staff when initially moved to bench,
but has settled in well


In six games coming off the bench for the Warriors, Klay Thompson is
averaging 19.2 points a game with a 62.4 true shooting percentage and he's
hitting 44.1% from 3 — all numbers that are up from the 49 games he started
before that. He's doing all that in three fewer minutes a game, too.


Klay Thompson is thriving in his bench role — and the Warriors are 5-1 in
those six games — but that doesn't mean he handled it well when first told
what was happening. Kendra Andrews of ESPN did a deep dive into Thompson's
sixth-man role and had this from Steve Kerr.

初被告這件事情時控制得很好。ESPN的Kendra Andrews深入挖掘KT第六人角色跟Kerr之間的關係。

Thompson initially didn't take the news well. Kerr told ESPN that Thompson
yelled at him and some of the assistants. Later, he came back to apologize tothe coaches.
"It was not an easy conversation," Kerr said. "This is maybe the hardest partabout getting further away from our prime. It's just, after 12 years [of
Thompson starting], it wasn't easy. And still moving forward, it's not going
to be easy. But I told him, 'If you really embrace it, you can help your teamwin.'"


You can't fault a competitor for reacting that way. Kerr and Thompsons said
it was a wise decision to make the move just before the All-Star break, whichgave Thompson time to process the change and come at it with a better
attitude (although he scored 35 points in that first game off the bench, so
he handled it well that night, too).


We've had a front-row seat this season to watching Thompson deal with his
basketball mortality. He is a future Hall of Fame player and part of one of
the NBA's great dynasty teams, but few players get to wind down their careerson their own terms. Few get the John Elway exit. Thompson and the Warriors asa whole are dealing with that as their dynasty era sunsets — it took Kerr a
long time to come around on starting Jonathan Kuminga and Brandin Podziemski,giving this roster what it needed to have a chance at a run this season. It'snot easy to accept that we're not what we once were and things have changed
both with us and around us. Golden State has struggled with that top to


Fortunately for Thompson, he seems to have found his lane and is thriving
now. He and Chris Paul off the bench dramatically change the non-Stephen
Curry minutes for the Warriors, and that's one thing that gives them a chancewhen the postseason comes.




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Chanlin01 03/02 21:42Kerr:老子9冠 叫屁啊

MARVELHERO 03/02 21:42沒隨便對媒體放話,K湯算是處理得還不錯了

cor1os 03/02 21:42555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

Satoman 03/02 21:43K湯:1234 Kerr:56789

ccccccccccc 03/02 21:43123456789

cor1os 03/02 21:43Kerr學家:你4個屁 你算老幾

Sessyoin 03/02 21:43KERR: 9>4

takechance 03/02 21:44KT:我四冠,你幾冠? Kerr:9

wx190 03/02 21:45敬老尊賢?

LBJnot1to7 03/02 21:45今天還被籃框蓋

SIMONKID 03/02 21:45減3分鐘不夠,多減10分鐘給木笛最好

dream6789 03/02 21:46推三樓XDDD

dream6789 03/02 21:46更正四樓☺

z23061542 03/02 21:47KERR: 9>4 我前老大波波 前前老大喬丹

yueyi313 03/02 21:47四爺:記得給頂薪喔!啾咪~(我不會在意打替補的

MK47 03/02 21:499>>>>>>>>>4

foxlula 03/02 21:51教練9冠+CP3都願意帶板凳 沒什麼不可以吧

www2967 03/02 21:511234

MoWilliams 03/02 21:52KT:想叫我坐板凳,你幾冠?

Y1999 03/02 21:52KT:1234 KERR:56789

trylin 03/02 21:529>4

nt880245 03/02 21:531234

nt880245 03/02 21:53

c22501656 03/02 21:53在那叫什麼

aa89028500 03/02 21:5444444

gg0079 03/02 21:56Kerr:你一隻手還得把大拇指折起來,恁北一隻手還不

gg0079 03/02 21:56夠數,是在叫啥曉

e8e88 03/02 21:57四爺:44444444444我每場要上44分鐘

www90173 03/02 21:57願意替補很好了啦 不容易

a127 03/02 21:57KT第一時間沒忍住,但後來也忍住算是很成熟了

※ 編輯: bengowa ( 臺灣), 03/02/2024 22:01:05

ayubabbit 03/02 22:00今年的勇士教練團是張老師專線

ayubabbit 03/02 22:01除了找波波來 大概沒人壓得住這群老將吧

t79102xw 03/02 22:03勇士板凳直接升級

LukaDoncic7703/02 22:04能調整好心態就已經沒什麼好罵的啦

Tommy92C 03/02 22:05禪師表示,比冠軍數我好像無敵

aegis80728 03/02 22:06Kerr : 9>4 在那叫什麼

a516013 03/02 22:089

heavensun 03/02 22:08kerr當球員就拿5冠了 5>4

odaaaaa 03/02 22:14kerr:56789,替補才長久

K951753 03/02 22:16在那叫什麼

shishio7 03/02 22:17想比4? 老柯可以從右手數到左手

SCARHSCARL 03/02 22:199>4

PeterHenson 03/02 22:20四冠遇到九冠還不是要叫大哥

MSmax 03/02 22:24kerr:老子當年也是替補 9冠 在那叫什麼

fish7333 03/02 22:259冠才能壓住4冠

holyseraph 03/02 22:25四爺大吼大叫比4,Kerr比9嗆回去

kissung 03/02 22:259陽神功 vs 4大皆空

SuAiLUVu 03/02 22:30Kerr會一隻手比9嗎?我是不會啦!

SuAiLUVu 03/02 22:31樓下會嗎?

SHARK0713 03/02 22:31現在就是個板凳咖還想拿翹啊!

howard1997 03/02 22:321234 123456789

bbluejay 03/02 22:33KT:林北4冠啦! Kerr:我9,KT:對不起

Nicky258 03/02 22:36Kerr:你兩隻手一起比四我還是比你多

nO25948 03/02 22:401234 56789

peanut91001303/02 22:40KT:1234,你幾冠? Kerr:9,9>4.

liaon98 03/02 22:41每次看到這些9>4的推文都笑爛XDD

inuyaksa 03/02 22:44not8

lexus3310 03/02 22:47神經...

Ceferino 03/02 22:519>4,言行一致給推

WasJohnWall 03/02 22:521234

sallyhelp 03/02 22:54Kerr:拎北9冠,4冠的乖乖去坐板凳啦

justptt978 03/02 22:554 vs 9

drj59 03/02 22:599>4 四爺你還是省省吧

kaede0711 03/02 23:00替補五冠+教練4冠 真的沒有球員敢跟他嗆冠軍戒

st890284 03/02 23:01整天投不進就不爽守的講啥小競爭心

Xhocer 03/02 23:03晚節不保真慘

power2618 03/02 23:05kerr還打過公牛帶頭大哥 誰敢放肆?

nt880245 03/02 23:07 四爺:1234

yamatai 03/02 23:12他進攻還可以,但防守太破,所以先發分數會還回去

yamatai 03/02 23:13去面對進攻降級的對方替補就變很好用

yamatai 03/02 23:13但是合約也會變成替補級

MrTen 03/02 23:14KT: RRRRRRRRRRRRR 傳承我的精神

pp3435 03/02 23:15贏球治百病

Satomisan 03/02 23:19荏苒?

MDAISUKE18 03/02 23:29KT:把我跟你一起的扣掉再說

MDAISUKE18 03/02 23:29KERR:還有5冠

xy7429 03/02 23:41打不好自己不知道嗎 還敢生氣

freshbox7 03/02 23:439>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4

Yancy0727 03/02 23:44KT現在放板凳打對方替補還是很猛

vltw5v 03/02 23:44kerr:123456789

LarryBird 03/02 23:46不知道cp3跟kt誰成就高

cluster 03/02 23:46KT4階段:面對它、接受它、處理它、下放它

Uchiha0901 03/02 23:54老子96-99年就4冠 叫什麼

ayubabbit 03/03 00:00kerr:我四連冠過 我才是游牧皇帝之祖

Chiya0911 03/03 00:03不愧是9999

MiCross 03/03 00:06

s114752 03/03 00:089 >>>>>>>>>4

ChamPion3 03/03 00:25數支數支 最多數幾支

harlan6297 03/03 00:43在那叫甚麼

jay60202 03/03 01:07在那叫什麼

mouscat 03/03 01:12勇士好像自從影片外流事件後對內部消息的控管大有

mouscat 03/03 01:12進步 至少Wiggins離隊跟KT這些事情做得不錯

RicFlair 03/03 01:16K:4 K:9 K:幹!

augsammy 03/03 01:44傲嬌啊!結案

ChamPion3 03/03 01:47說得好像這些事情是一樣的 嘴綠那個揮拳 人人都想

ChamPion3 03/03 01:47外流吧

Hard1980 03/03 01:48Kerr的執教經歷/勇士梯數比三老還菜 算一起打拼過來

Hard1980 03/03 01:49吼完能立刻調適過來算很圓滿

tnpaul 03/03 01:51時光荏苒

sam123343 03/03 02:22面子給他那麼多了 還敢叫0.0

coyoteY 03/03 05:50哇~這樣透露出來KT會不會又發作

edwinrw 03/03 06:18比完1234發現對面比56789就閉嘴惹

anyu0805 03/03 06:28真的笑死,四冠小老弟在那叫什麼!

Rheims 03/03 06:42林北揍過喬丹啦

c7683fh6 03/03 07:069>4

Miyanishi25 03/03 07:06NBA角田裕毅

AxelGod 03/03 07:39也沒到晚節不保,願意放下,令人尊敬的老將

AxelGod 03/03 07:39KT > KB, 摳鼻才是真正的老害

parkerlived 03/03 08:23Kerr:我得用兩隻手比出9

wpd 03/03 08:24真的痛苦啊 比4沒有用

Seanhuang 03/03 08:34Kerr:當年我連喬丹都揍

cgabear 03/03 08:57荏苒。

gtq 03/03 09:00沒辦法歷歷在目要向前看,我覺得很多酸KT的球迷是

gtq 03/03 09:00更希望他打得好的尤其是支持勇士的球迷球隊要繼續

gtq 03/03 09:00跑下去這也是沒辦法的事

SaChiA5566 03/03 09:11曾幾何時20分都是奢求

※ 編輯: bengowa ( 臺灣), 03/03/2024 09:28:00

mosquito999 03/03 09:44在那叫什麼

oooellis 03/03 09:49靠腰啊你透漏這個幹嘛啊

WeiMinChen 03/03 10:01小脾氣

kyoiori100 03/03 10:29Kerry兩隻手可以比9 KT只能一隻手

killuaz 03/03 10:32我連喬丹都揍過了,是在大聲什麼?

liusim 03/03 11:37這個年紀+傷病史 是該接受啊

wwey2000j 03/03 12:069>>>>>(歐耶我是柯比)>>>>4

AAAdolph 03/03 13:41結果是教練自己爆料,是不是想黑他?

mike40709 03/03 14:56老人氣

chen2021 03/03 17:319>4

riceberg 03/03 21:59這種亂叫囂的壞老人不少見啊 有能力? 做夢嗎

yeustream 03/04 03:18好好調整還是有機會拿高薪的