[外絮] 熱火隨隊記者:KI不太可能會去熱火

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原標題:NBA Rumors - Kyrie Irving unlikely to go to the Miami Heat as NBA free agency approaches
(NBA 乳摸:隨著自由市場即將開啟,Kyrie Irving 不太可能會去熱火隊)


作者:Tristan Rawcliffe


Dallas Mavericks star point guard Kyrie Irving is set to become an
unrestricted free agent this offseason.

獨行俠隊明星控球後衛 Kyrie Irving (下稱「KI」) 將在今年休賽季期間,成為不受限自由球員。

However, there had been little reported interest in the star guard over the
past few months. This is largely because he has garnered a reputation as
somewhat of an erratic player.


However, the Irving-related rumors have started to pick up as of late, with
the Miami Heat being named as one potential suitor for his services. The
Athletic’s Shams Charania recently reported that Miami had an interest in
trading for "Uncle Drew" at the trade deadline and could “circle back” to

可是,關於KI的傳聞近期變得甚囂塵上,其中熱火隊被點名為其中一支潛在的下家。《運動家》記者 Shams Charania 近期報導稱,熱火隊曾在交易大限前,有意爭取這位「德魯叔叔」,且可能「迴旋」到他。

The Heat suffered a 4-1 NBA Finals loss to the Denver Nuggets and many
believe the team could use a significant offensive boost. However, according
to Miami Heat insider Ira Winderman, the team is very unlikely to sign Irvingthis summer.

熱火隊在總冠軍賽上遭遇四比一的敗仗後,外界普遍相信該隊將想在進攻活力上作出增補。不過,根據熱火隊記者Ira Winderman 的說法,該隊不太可能會簽下KI。

During a recent appearance on SiriusXM NBA Radio, Winderman listed a variety
of reasons why Kyrie Irving is a bad fit for the Heat. He first pointed out
that Irving’s activism and political leanings would not be appreciated in
the conservative state of Florida.

在近期的一場電台節目上,Winderman 提出了諸多認為KI不適合熱火隊的原因。首先,KI的行動主義和政治傾向,在相對保守的佛羅里達州不受青睞。

“When Kyrie’s name first came out, I was told it’s an absolute flat-out
no. Not in this locker room, not with this team,” Winderman said.

「在KI的名字剛被叫出時,我被告知這是絕對冷淡的『不』。不只是在休息室,更不是 這支球隊。」

“Then you remember Kyrie’s comments and remember the community you would be
bringing him into here, South Florida. And some of the comments Kyrie made,
that wouldn’t play at all. It would probably lead to a degree of protest.”
Winderman added that he thinks that Irving would love to join the Heat. He
suspects that Irving and his camp were the ones who leaked the
Irving-to-Miami rumors to the public.


Winderman 還認為,KI本身才會想要加入熱火隊。他懷疑是KI和他的陣營,把關於他可能會去熱火的傳聞洩露給外界。

However, Winderman doesn’t think that Irving would be able to co-exist with
Heat superstar forward Jimmy Butler. His reason for the same was that the twostars both have equally strong personalities which could lead to them buttingheads.

不過,Winderman 不認為KI能與隊內的超級明星前鋒 Jimmy Butler (下稱「吉巴」)共處。他提出的理由在於,兩位球星都有同等強烈的個性,可能會引起相互性的衝突。

“So, what I think is this. Kyrie would love to be here,” Winderman said.“
That doesn’t mean the Heat would love to have him here. Jimmy Butler is the
strongest personality in the history of the Miami Heat in the locker room andthat says a lot. … This is Jimmy’s fiefdom, and everybody here works around
Jimmy. …

「所以我的想法是這樣的。KI會想要來到這裡,但這不表示熱火隊會期待他的出現。吉 巴在熱火隊史中,擁有休息室內最強烈的個性,因此這說明了一切。這就是吉巴的領地 主義,隊內每個人都環繞吉巴做事。」

“You can have one of those (types of players). To try to deal with two of
those, all of a sudden, you’re back, to a degree, to Shaq (Shaquille O’Neal)
and Kobe (Bryant), and in this era, I think that would be awfully hard.”
Winderman then opined that he doesn’t think that Miami would submit to Irving’s wishes either.

「你可以擁有其中一位擁有相類個性的球員,但如果要突然間同時應付兩位,某種程度上 你會回到歐肥和科比同在的時期。在這世紀,我覺得這會很麻煩。」

Winderman 接著認為熱火隊應該不會隨著KI的意願而行。

“I think Kyrie Irving does better than anyone in the league at putting out
the messages of what Kyrie wants,” he said.“But I don’t think the Heat are
going to be subservient to Kyrie’s wishes. I would find that much more of a
long shot.”

「我認為KI在表達本身所要的信息方面,比聯盟內的任何人都來得強。但我不覺得熱火 隊將會順從KI的意願。相反的,這個交易成功的可能性微乎其微。」

Kyrie Irving averaged 27.0 points, 5.0 rebounds, 6.0 assists, 1.3 steals and
2.9 3-pointers per game on 51.0% shooting over 20 games with the Dallas
Mavericks. However, they failed to make even the Play-in tournament after
finishing 11th in the Western Conference.





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kobe30418 06/15 20:37除了庫班 正常老闆大概不會想梭哈他

paul51134 06/15 20:37熱火連LBJ都不能指揮了,KI更不可能

※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 06/15/2023 20:37:43

sirenkim 06/15 20:38吉巴跟KI感覺就搭不起來

paul51134 06/15 20:38熱火也沒啥空間,就每年挖寶然後季後賽把東區弄到

paul51134 06/15 20:38殘血

sezna 06/15 20:40真要梭就Beal

Fafnir316 06/15 20:40即使蘿莉跟阿舍能換到也不要嗎?

kim1214 06/15 20:41庫班雖然笨 但也不是笨到熱火不差包能搶劫的好嗎

BadGame 06/15 20:45... 誰會選KI然後讓後輩球員都去學他的啦

kixer2005 06/15 20:51熱火鐵血文化走得好好的 壞分子不要來鬧

Tigerchan 06/15 20:52現在是每隊都要問一次KI嗎XD

jyekid 06/15 21:05他會跟78吵架不意外吧

Azabulu 06/15 21:11別傻了 KI不會把吉巴當老大

pieceofcake 06/15 21:12熱火翹班 不知道如何 但我確定KI沒在怕

rubio09 06/15 21:12這個記者是在雲喔 KI和JB是超好的朋友 早就談過要

rubio09 06/15 21:13組團不知道幾次了

Fafnir316 06/15 21:18確實,比起姆斯這種雙面人,KI搞不好更喜歡JB

showmehe 06/15 21:22拜託別來我火

Childishan 06/15 21:23怎麼可能去 去哪裡幹嘛==

Childishan 06/15 21:24就你鍵盤最好使 好意思嘴別人雙面人

kingfsg7326 06/15 21:28KI都把吉巴IG退粉 肯定不好了

kenny0120 06/15 21:29KI也是流量保證 一堆卦

gangrel 06/15 21:30快去湖人吧

mack860120 06/15 21:31笑死 熱火也不想要KI吧

Fafnir316 06/15 21:31要嘴還要什麼資格嗎?姆迷邏輯?

alex8725 06/15 21:39熱火是沒辦法

alex8725 06/15 21:39手上就只有蘿莉阿舍這種包要怎麼換

andrexie 06/15 21:41油頭在KI應該受不了

krajicek 06/15 21:42KI動不動就搞事,Riley會想要這種球員嗎

mhkt 06/15 21:43有油頭坐鎮 KI就別想了

DarkHolbach 06/15 21:43熱火那種鐵血治軍的隊不需要氣氛仔

fish7333 06/15 21:47熱火不需要宗教領袖吧 想太多

f77928 06/15 21:51KI跟熱火血汗工廠的球隊文化很不搭捏

swingingbear06/15 22:00光要他準時上下班跟要他命一樣 用送的熱火搞不好都

a03520 06/15 22:26去了會每天被拉正

sunti0519 06/15 22:46熱火手上那些有約的人,除了吉巴,小牛都不想要阿

amdvega 06/15 22:53KI吉巴關係不錯啊 應該說就沒幾個跟KI不好的 連鬧

amdvega 06/15 22:53完離隊後見前隊友都跟沒事一樣就知道做人多成功了

aduijjr 06/15 23:19反了吧,是熱火會想要氣氛仔?

JayceYen 06/16 00:04誰要這個聲仔啊

axipo 06/16 00:48熱火不要薩滿 謝謝

tomoti 06/16 05:54熱火不想要(X);熱火交易包換不到(O)

patrickc 06/16 06:03熱火鐵血風 KI最好會去

etop 06/16 07:38去熱火士官長會譙KI

soyjay 06/16 09:17熱火補強禁區比較實在 要他幹嘛

drmazy25 06/16 11:24看吉八釘死歐文

utsunomiya 06/16 18:55JB和KI不是唱歌好夥伴嗎,感情不差吧

iwinlottery 06/17 15:53油頭不會要吧