[情報] Woj:無論火箭選秀抽中誰 都會追求哈登

看板NBA標題[情報] Woj:無論火箭選秀抽中誰 都會追求哈登作者
(James Harden)
時間推噓45 推:45 噓:0 →:24

The Houston Rockets have a 14% chance Tuesday night of lucking into the top pick in the June NBA Draft, giving them the rights to draft projected franchisecornerstone Victor Wembanyama. Houston has a 52.1% chance of landing in the top four and getting an elite talent such as Scoot Henderson.

火箭有14%的機率抽中狀元籤,他們有機會獲得Victor Wembanyama,休士頓有52.1%的機率抽中前四樂透順位去獲得具有天賦的新秀,除了斑馬還像是Scoot Henderson。

None of that will change their offseason plans of bringing in veterans to start winning more now — including going after James Harden.


Harden returning to the Rockets buzz has swirled around the NBA all season, and league sources confirmed to NBC Sports this isn’t simply a smokescreen, the interest is genuine and mutual. ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski said Monday on Get Up that the Rockets will target Harden no matter what happens in the draft lottery.




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PanaS0Nic 05/16 14:09登登+斑馬,幾冠? 登登+Scoot,球有幾顆?

z38744987 05/16 14:09幫主歸位

islandant 05/16 14:10火箭應該會拿Brandon Miller吧 如果照這樣看

JonnyJostar 05/16 14:10太諷刺了哈登 人心終究是說要回到故鄉的

islandant 05/16 14:10當然狀元應該會拿斑馬啦

skatekid 05/16 14:100冠仔

kimo6414 05/16 14:10舊愛還是最美QQ

likeyouuu 05/16 14:11登登斑馬應該大於登登鉛筆

icou 05/16 14:11真的想要喔?


AtDe 05/16 14:12追求harden沒問題呀,問題是你要出多少

www2967 05/16 14:13我只好奇火箭跟熱火老闆那一位先願意繳稅補強

henry910119 05/16 14:15哈登不是球員選項嗎 出多少什麼意思

yueyi313 05/16 14:16登登阿龜配神棍嗎?

GGstud 05/16 14:16真的要鳳還巢?

yueyi313 05/16 14:17神燈龜!

tatata 05/16 14:17大概要放棄冠軍了

roger0115 05/16 14:18現在只是個老弱登登了,回火箭也無法跟以前一樣

johnny88108 05/16 14:18幫主+杰倫綠+神棍+斑馬,幾冠

bonny156 05/16 14:18哈登還是持球進攻比較強

l2l 05/16 14:19小別勝新歡 他商業價值比離開前還有一波提升

kizo 05/16 14:19出多少? ans:0

kizo 05/16 14:20開四年頂薪應該就會回去吧

k22015987 05/16 14:24幫火箭騙了一堆籃網選秀籤再回來

Hina 05/16 14:26選Scoot 就不太會考慮鬍子了

XXXaBg 05/16 14:27當初鬧成那樣 還有臉對江東父老嗎

Chanlin01 05/16 14:31當初都疑似擺爛了 還敢回來喔

yoyonigo 05/16 14:33別浪費錢了

BignoZe 05/16 14:34支持登登回火箭

ls61412 05/16 14:38火箭抽到斑馬就可以賣JSJ了

choualan 05/16 14:40別忘了登登八月就34歲了

choualan 05/16 14:41火箭一堆新秀還沒養好

BignoZe 05/16 14:43登登就是賣票用的

choualan 05/16 14:43我登要麻下一筆三年大約 等待退休 要麻 如他所說去

choualan 05/16 14:43競爭力強隊伍 希望退休前有一冠

BignoZe 05/16 14:44反正那些錢不花也是打水漂 不如簽登登

h5t6566556 05/16 14:53登登+斑馬幾罐?

kingroy 05/16 14:55重建中為什麼會想要Harden

saTUnotSATO 05/16 14:58舊愛還是最美

fjksa 05/16 14:59真的回去就養老沒要奪冠 但神抽到班馬就不一樣了

wingtoya 05/16 15:08火箭薪資空間無敵大,直接開頂薪了啊

leito 05/16 15:10休士頓夜店快發祭品文

ken720331 05/16 15:18缺個頂級中生代控衛

BignoZe 05/16 15:23火箭老闆不管實力只管賺錢 所以重建中也會想簽哈登

phix 05/16 15:28養老約了

Xenogamer 05/16 15:39當初不是分得不太愉快?

ODFans 05/16 15:48如果抽到scoot 難道要杰倫綠去打3號嗎?

Hohenzollern05/16 16:11火箭交易過來給鬍子頂薪養老

a11011788 05/16 16:12MDA請回來 夢回火箭鬍

benboy 05/16 16:14若抽到班馬也足夠賣票了吧

ignativs 05/16 16:43Harden想要找人抬轎 逼七六人續長約

koae50 05/16 16:46哈登:LIn 跟魔獸 我們回家吧

koae50 05/16 16:47MAD:讓我們繼續八人輪替 走轟

jalsonice 05/16 16:51鬍子沒想陪你重建啊 他就想衝一下戒指

stocktonty 05/16 17:13舊愛還是最美

barry630621 05/16 17:14神燈回歸

kevin852 05/16 17:20狀元屬於我刺

aq1 05/16 18:02斑馬被拿來當卡佩拉用,就廢掉了,不好吧

MK47 05/16 18:02登登要回家了嗎

etop 05/16 18:11火箭老闆不是要省錢才把哈登換掉嗎

zebirlin 05/16 18:22現在還有隊伍肯開頂薪給哈登嗎?

devilsky 05/16 18:42鬍子家斑馬 幾罐?

baller0allen05/16 18:56回火箭登登肯定會降,再搞一下76人何不美哉

joy2105feh 05/16 19:16火箭那票新秀到底養起來幾個了阿

n88713117 05/16 19:52哈登還值得嗎 季後軟手欸

funnyday 05/17 03:34登登離開火箭前沒擺爛啊

SongLa5566 05/17 06:1214%算高嗎?

SCLPAL 05/17 09:04哭阿

maxgopon 05/17 12:08也追一下豪神嘛