[情報] Brandon Miller 預計缺席至少一週
guard Brandon Miller left Wednesday’s game at HOU with a L Glute Strain. He islisted as OUT tonight in ATL and will be reevaluated in a week
黃蜂隊Brandon Miller在與火箭交手時因臀部受傷離場,今天將缺席與老鷹之戰,傷勢預計一週後再次評估
心得:黃蜂之前對Mark Williams傷勢評估也是一再往後延,希望Brandon Miller這次無大礙
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希望黃蜂不要一年躺一個 該離開坦隊行列了
※ 編輯: lakers082018 ( 臺灣), 10/26/2024 02:11:10
加油啊 黃蜂健康點感覺能摸季後賽
[情報] Woj:黃蜂會選擇Brandon Miller消息來源:(網址或出處) s=19 內容: Woj節目上表示黃蜂準備選擇Brandon Miller97
[花邊] 黃蜂球迷聽到選擇Brandon Miller一陣哀嚎Barstool Sports @barstoolsports Hornets fans don’t want Brandon Miller 媒體曝黃蜂球迷在聽到黃蜂隊選秀選擇Brandon Miller時 從歡呼轉成哀嚎78
[花邊] Jordan 打電話給 Brandon Miller"Can you palm a ball yet?" —Michael Jordan to Brandon Miller after the Hornets drafted him (via @hornets) 黃蜂隊在本屆選秀會以首輪第二順位選進Brandon Miller65
[花邊] Brandon Miller: 黃蜂明年進總冠黃蜂新秀Miller:我會做到球隊要求我的任何事,我預見明年黃蜂會挺進總冠軍賽 --47
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[情報] 榜眼Brandon Miller 夏聯半場就6犯@TheHoopCentral Brandon Miller has 6 fouls in the first half. 榜眼Brandon Miller半場就6次犯規。 PS.夏季聯賽要10犯才會犯滿畢業。38
[花邊] 多名別隊球員來塞爾提克休息室慶祝奪冠Grant Williams, Brandon Miller, Mark Williams, and Harry Giles in the Celtics locker room celebrating (via @TomerAzarly) 黃蜂的Grant Williams, Brandon Miller, Mark Williams, 和湖人的Harry Giles來到塞爾提克休息室,一起慶祝奪冠 來源:36
[情報] Brandon Miller近8戰場表現消息來源: 內容: Brandon Miller in his last 8 games: 17.1 PPG 4.3 RPG 2.8 APG 53.3 3P% (On 5.6 3PA) 59.0 TS% Not enough people are talking about how good he's been as of30
[花邊] Miller談噓聲:我們這季會贏許多場Brandon Miller談球迷噓聲:我要讓你們知道,我們這賽季會贏許多場 "To the ones that's booing, I'm here to let you know we're going to get a lot of wins this year. Definitely going to try to hold up the big trophy at the end."16
[情報] 黃蜂 Brandon Miller, Kai Jones 夏聯關機消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Hornets Shut Down Two Players For Remainder of Summer League 作者:Austin Leake
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