[花邊] LBJ等湖人球員預計觀戰WNBA總冠軍賽G1
ESPN Sources: LeBron James and several Lakers are expected to attend the
Aces-Liberty WNBA Finals Game 1 in Las Vegas on Sunday. James calls DPOY A’
ja Wilson his “little sister” and said on Thursday, “I hope she brings it
home.” Lakers play the Nets in Las Vegas 10/9.
ESPN消息人士:老詹和多位湖人球員預計將會出席於星期日在拉斯維加斯開賽的「王牌對自由人」之WNBA總冠軍賽第一戰。老詹早前在一場電台節目上,將最佳防守球員A'ja Wi-lson稱作是自己的「小妹妹」,並表示「希望她能拿下總冠軍」。湖人將在十月九日,在拉斯維加斯對陣籃網隊。
還真是笑容滿面呢... (?)
聯賽叫World NBA
小妹妹 好色喔
老大還在的話去看這場 推文肯定精彩QQ
換成老大早就4 50推了
[情報] 有大量老將球員準備加入湖人的跡象消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Lakers have a ton of veteran players ready to join Lakers and chase ring with LeBron, per report爆
[情報] Lavine 想去湖人跟LBJ 打球Zach LaVine is eyeing the possibility of joining the Lakers this summer through a sign-and-trade deal, according to ESPN. LaVine has the same agent as LeBron James, and two years ago LaVine said: “I would love to go out there and play with LeBron". 成為自由球員的Lavine 希望今年夏天能透過先簽後換的方式去湖人跟Lebron聯手 Lavine 去年剛加入 富保羅的Klutch Sports爆
[情報] 湖人預計將簽下J.R. SmithThe Lakers, league sources say, are expected to finalize a rest-of-the-seasonc ontract with J.R. Smith before Tuesday's 11:59 PM ET closure of the NBA's "tra nsaction window" Rosters for the NBA restart at Walt Disney World must be turned in to the leag ue office Wednesday爆
[外絮] Perkins:湖人本季無望了,該考慮讓LBJPerkins:湖人本季無望了,該考慮讓LBJ關機 This has been a disastrous season for the Los Angeles Lakers. There’s no other way around it. When you have LeBron James on your team, anything other than a Fi nals appearance is a failure. Failing to make the playoffs? That’s basically ak in to catastrophe for any LeBron team.爆
[情報] Shams:湖人做好LBJ缺席數週的準備Shams:LBJ可能缺席較長時間,湖人做好LBJ缺席數週的準備 Sources: There's fear Lakers star LeBron James is likely to miss an extended per iod of time with his right foot injury. James suffered the injury in Sunday's wi n over Dallas, played through it, and belief is he will be sidelined an indefini te amount.爆
[情報] 狗貝被禁賽一場 對陣湖人不會上Timberwolves center Rudy Gobert isn’t traveling with team to LA and won’t pl ay vs. the Lakers on Tuesday in the Play-In tournament, sources tell ESPN. 狗貝對陣湖人不會上 Gobert will serve a one-game suspension and is expected to return if the Wolve83
[外絮] LBJ和龜龜同場觀戰卻沒任何交流接觸Lakers’ LeBron James, Russell Westbrook show signs of a chill as trade rumors swirl 湖人記者Kyle Goon撰文提到今天湖人夏季聯賽比賽現場觀察到的狀況。 For roughly an hour-and-a-half as LeBron James sat baseline for the Lakers’ o78
[花邊] LBJ說到Marc Gasol:我的DPOY獎盃在他家來源: TalkBasket 網址: LeBron James: “Marc Gasol has my Defensive POY trophy at his house but that’ s not here or there” LeBron James說:「我的年度防守球員獎盃在Marc Gasol家,但是那不重要了。」36
[情報] Becky Hammon將回WNBA當總教練San Antonio Spurs assistant Becky Hammon is finalizing a five-year deal with the WNBA’s Las Vegas Aces that’ll make her the league’s highest paid coach, sources tell ESPN. Hammon plans to finish season with San Antonio. 馬刺助教Becky Hammon和WNBA拉斯維加斯王牌隊簽下破紀錄的5年合約擔任總教練,她會在7
[外電] LeBron JamesLeBron James now listed as questionable with left knee soreness for Lakers game against New York tonight . LeBron James, who has missed the Lakers last five games with swelling in his lef t knee, could return tonight against the New York Knicks (8:30 pm PT, ABC), sour ces told ESPN. James will go through a pregame warmup to determine if he is read
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Re: [討論] 洛杉磯湖人看起來真的能十連勝