[情報] 是否從Poole事件中走出來了?Green:事情

看板NBA標題[情報] 是否從Poole事件中走出來了?Green:事情作者
(Fernando Torres #9)
時間推噓 4 推:20 噓:16 →:17

When Deki died and you made a point to be more present, did you move on from

the Jordan Poole incident as well?

當Deki去世後,你決定更加專注於當下,你是否也從Jordan Poole事件中走出來了?

No, that wasn’t necessarily me moving on from it. I moved on long before I

had to. You can’t sit and stand in the mud and dwell on the past. I

apologized for my wrongdoings. I tried to do everything I can to make it

right. I can’t sit there and dwell on it. What’s done is done, you know

what I’m saying? So, I moved on a long time ago, but you just continue to

grow. You continue to realize what matters. So oftentimes we sit and we

complain. And for me, I always try to remind myself, ‘Everybody has s—.

What makes your s— so special?’ It’s just your s—. It also doesn’t make

someone else s— less. That’s their s—.





So, I looked on that situation. It happened. I moved on long ago and tried to

do what I can to move forward, help people move forward. The Deki situation

wasn’t that for me, it was just what it was. Go to work with somebody every

day. And then all of a sudden you’re not.



I was walking out of the hotel to the dinner after I got a massage. My security

was ‘Yo, we need to wait. [Warriors security manager] Johnny [Murray] said,

Wait, something happened with Deki and the ambulance was there. It’s not good.

I was literally about to walk out the door hotel and [security said] we need

to wait.


理Johnny Murray說,‘等等,Deki出了點事,救護車來了。情況不太好。’」



短評或心得:格林放下普爾事件了 並且幫助其他人也向前走


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Chanlin01 10/19 01:07反了吧 應該是要問普爾哥吧 怎麼問施暴者

Y1999 10/19 01:09???怎麼會去問兇手???

Chanlin01 10/19 01:09倒反天罡了

benbenbbb 10/19 01:10

EMANON231 10/19 01:11好好笑

BroDians 10/19 01:12不知道的還以為是Green被打

Zacoe 10/19 01:12他有什麼好走出來的?他有怎樣嗎?

Zacoe 10/19 01:13沒流出的話他應該無恥的當作沒這件事了吧

kingianlin 10/19 01:13你問他幹嘛

fdruecek 10/19 01:13加害者變受害者,Green不意外

BroDians 10/19 01:14這就好像N年後去問拿到把車開進臭豆腐店裡造成好幾

BroDians 10/19 01:14人死傷的兇手「從這件事走出來了嗎」

pengda20001010/19 01:15這咖是真的噁心

ginopun1047710/19 01:18走出來 尋找下一個目標

ZIDENS 10/19 01:22到底是誰被揍

y5721389 10/19 01:24三小

Carters1109 10/19 01:24霸凌者是沒有走不走出來的問題吧

jones17188 10/19 01:27普洱那句:你是昂貴的累贅,算是一種霸凌嗎

f77928 10/19 01:27嘴綠已經原諒普洱了

k2215777 10/19 01:29是普爾自己把臉放在我拳頭上的

cor1os 10/19 01:30加害者走個屁 -.-

GooglePlus 10/19 01:30兇手要走出來什麼

stkoso 10/19 01:31都打完了 拳頭早就放下了

QoGIVoQ 10/19 01:31

tim200513 10/19 01:32嘴綠道歉了什麼?

richard1003 10/19 01:33什麼走出來?他是加害者耶

lonelysam 10/19 01:39是poole揍他嗎?

jerrystarks 10/19 01:50可以,這很勇士

leito 10/19 01:50走你妹

babyalley 10/19 01:54怎麼是問打人的嘴綠阿 該去問普洱吧

lovesinker 10/19 01:54台灣法官膩?乾脆問他可不可教化

Erishcross 10/19 01:56現在就怕這咖約到期還想打 一到就發病搞隊友

area8 10/19 01:57這應該是要問被害者Poole吧! 加害者是要放下什麼?

area8 10/19 01:57拳頭嗎?

yniori 10/19 01:57問施暴者是啥意思

ahinetn123 10/19 02:01嘴綠早就放下了 反觀... 咦

L1ON 10/19 02:02打人的好意思喔

s925407 10/19 02:04這訪問聽起來怎麼好像是Green被揍?

k2215777 10/19 02:05這隊真的從上到下都同一副德性

k2215777 10/19 02:06還好普爾離開這個有毒環境了

jinzhu 10/19 02:09只會講場面話的心機婊

BayAreaUnite10/19 02:10反了吧 笑死

EXUAN 10/19 02:11加害者怎麼變成受害者??

EXUAN 10/19 02:12家暴的說自己已經原諒被自己打的那個人?

MrBlackBao 10/19 02:13痾…這問題你問扁人的?

Luka7714 10/19 02:30靠北該被問走出來的是被打的人吧?

k102asdf 10/19 02:32加害者這麼委屈?

Gsun 10/19 02:36走不出來的是Poole吧 一拳打回原形

WardellSteph10/19 02:37言語攻擊往往比物理還痛,嘴綠確實是受害者

SonoSion 10/19 02:43走個屁

hjchang 10/19 02:44 嘴綠:我拳頭都不痛了 當然走出來了

wuklean 10/19 02:49你打人你當然無所謂