[外絮] 哈登為何會選擇回到七六人隊?

看板NBA標題[外絮] 哈登為何會選擇回到七六人隊?作者
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原標題:Why is James Harden suddenly playing ball with the Sixers?


作者:Sam Amick, Shams Charania


FORT COLLINS, Colo. — When James Harden left the Moby Arena practice floor
after his second day of training camp practice on Thursday, it was only
fitting that the man who has drawn so much ire from the Philadelphia 76ers
star for all these months, president of basketball operations Daryl Morey,
was on his way in.


Yet the two did not cross paths, nor share any cross words. And so it was
that the light mood that has surprised so many since Harden decided to rejointhe team Wednesday remained intact. Harden was all smiles before he left,
talking with assistant coaches Bobby Jackson and Rico Hines near one of the
baskets after a practice in which he has participated in team drills but not
live action. Multiple sources with knowledge of Harden’s two practice
sessions say he has been an engaged and positive participant. Morey, who has
made it so clear that he won’t fulfill Harden’s trade request to the
Clippers unless his asking price is met, went on his way in seemingly good
spirits as well.

只不過,雙方之間完全沒有任何交流。同時就這樣的,自從哈登在星期三選擇重新加入球隊以來,令許多人感到驚訝的輕鬆氛圍依然沒有改變。哈登在離開的時候充滿笑容,在一般訓練結束後與兩位助教Bobby Jackson 和 Rico Hines 在一個籃筐附近交談。多位瞭解情況的消息人士稱,哈登是一位積極投入的參與者。日前表示在達成索要的價碼前不會滿足哈登交易到快艇之請求的莫雷,精神看來似乎也很好。

All of which begged the question of why.


Why has Harden, who famously called Morey a “liar” in August and swore that
he’d “never be part of an organization that he’s a part of,” chosen to
show up to work and conduct himself in the kind of professional manner that
so few saw coming?


The most obvious answer, of course, is money.


By taking part, Harden is avoiding the sort of financial fate that Ben
Simmons experienced when he lost approximately $20 million during his
standoff with the Sixers during the 2021-22 season. But beyond the money
matters, league sources say Harden also is taking part because he remains
hopeful that a trade to the Clippers is still in the works and believes, for
now, that it would be wise to not be a distraction. And the Clippers, league
sources say, are going to great lengths to make it happen.

透過這種方式,哈登將會避開西門過去與七六人在2021-22 賽季遭遇之約二千萬美元的財務損失。但在「錢」事之外,聯盟消息人士說,哈登參與的另一個原因是基於仍然相信與快艇的交易還在進行中,並希望這不會導致注意力上的分散。至於快艇,聯盟消息人士認為他們會盡一切努力讓其發生。

League sources say the Clippers have been talking to several teams about waysto move pick swaps for additional draft capital with the intention of
bolstering their offer and getting a deal done.


The Clippers offered the Sixers an unprotected first-round pick, a pick swap
and salaries for Harden in July, league sources say, but Philadelphia has seta much higher threshold. The Sixers have valued fifth-year forward Terance
Mann and multiple first-round picks in a potential trade with the Clippers,
sources added. Mann, who averaged 8.8 points and 3.4 rebounds a season ago,
has become a prospect of interest for teams over the past couple years.

快艇提供七六人一支不受保護的首輪籤、一支選秀互換權及哈登的七月薪資,但七六人的要價卻來得更高。消息人士補充,七六人看中已經效力了五年的前鋒 Terance Mann 和多支首輪籤。在上賽季場均得到八點八分、三點四個籃板的 Mann 已經成為過去數年來,多支球隊都感興趣的球員。

If the Clippers are able to add to their offer in the kind of meaningful way
that the two teams have previously discussed, then the next phase in this
Harden saga will unfold from there and the ball, so to speak, would be in
Morey’s court. But for now, with Sixers camp concluding on Friday and a
preseason game in Boston on Sunday, it appears likely that Harden’s
participation will continue.


For a team that has maintained its messaging about championship aspirations,
with first-year coach Nick Nurse holding camp in Colorado as a reminder to
his players that the title runs through the defending champion Denver
Nuggets, the unresolved Harden situation is clearly a massive obstacle to
that goal. And while sources say Harden remains as strong as ever in his
stance — he wants his Sixers career to end and to play for his hometown
Clippers — it has come as a surprise to many that these first two days have
been so void of drama. What’s more, he came into camp in shape after surely
hearing a summer’s worth of social media snark from fans and media members
alike about how he would likely be overweight.

對於一支一直堅持向總冠軍發起衝擊的球隊來說,執教第一年的主教練 Nick Nurse 在科羅拉多舉辦訓練營,就是為了提醒他的球員們,衛冕冠軍丹佛金塊仍在競逐總冠軍,而哈登問題的懸而未決顯然是實現這一目標的巨大障礙。儘管有消息稱,哈登的立場一如既往地堅定——他希望結束自己在七六人隊的職業生涯,並回到家鄉為快艇隊效力——但讓許

“It’s been good,” Sixers big man and reigning MVP Joel Embiid said after
practice when asked about Harden’s return. “He’s been doing a little bit.
Of course, he hasn’t played (in the live action), but the energy has been
great. He’s been around, and I think he’s great for us. Coming in, and not
being a distraction — not that it was going to distract us anyways, because
we’ve been so focused.


「一直都很好。他一直在做一些事情。當然,他還沒有上場(實戰),但他的氣場一直都 很棒。他一直在我們身邊,我覺得他對我們很重要。他的到來不會讓我們分心——反正

“I think this group is a little different than a couple years ago, when we
had the situation (with Simmons). With a new coaching staff and everything
that’s going on, it’s been easy. I don’t think anybody has been distracted
(by) what has been going on.”

「相比起數年以前與西門的狀況,如今來得有點不同。有了新的教練團、目前也進行順暢 ,一切都還好。我不認為會有人會因為現時的狀況,而被分散注意力。」

Embiid was then asked if he expected Harden to remain with the team, in
essence, in the days and weeks ahead.


“Uh, I don’t know,” he continued. “He’s here. He’s practicing with us,
and, you know, that’s all we know. But like I said, we’re not focused on
that. We’re just trying to focus on getting the offense together, and the
defense together, figuring out how to play together.”


「呃,我不知道。他在這裡,也和我們一起練習,這就是我們目前所知的。但如同我所說 ,我們的重點不是這個。我們僅在嘗試集中精力把進攻與防守結合起來。」

While Harden did not take part in the team dinner on Tuesday night, when the
Sixers traveled to nearby Boulder to meet with Colorado football coach Deion
Sanders, he is staying at the team hotel. And as veteran guard Danny Green
detailed, the on-court component has been perceived as positive by his

哈登沒有參加週二晚上的球隊晚宴,當時七六人隊前往附近的博爾德與科羅拉多美式足球隊教練 Deion Sanders 會面,他待在球隊的酒店。正如老將 Danny Green 所詳述的,隊友們認為哈登在場上的表現是積極的。

“I want to commend guys like Pat (Beverley), PJ (Tucker), and James as well,
” Green told The Athletic. “With as long as these guys have been in the
league, and with their tenure, they’re all professionals. James, at the end
of the day, is a professional. And people may not look at him (this) way, buthe’s a winner. Since he’s come into the league, he’s probably in the top
five or 10 for most wins since he’s been in this league. Maybe not playoffs
and championships, but he wins and he comes to work and works on his body,
and you can see it. … He takes his body serious. He takes his game serious.
And he’s just not one of those guys who’s going to come in and be a

Green 向《運動家》說:

「我想表揚像天空貝、塔克和哈登這樣的球員。這些人在聯盟打拼了這麼久,他們都是職 業球員。說到底,哈登本身也是一名職業球員。人們可能不會這麼看他,但他是個贏者 。自從他進入聯盟以來,他的勝場數可能排在聯盟前五或前十。也許不是季後賽和總冠 軍賽,但他主要是來工作、鍛鍊身體,你可以看到這一點。他對待身體很認真,也認真 看待比賽。他不是那種會讓人分心的人。」

Yet as is the case with everyone inside the Sixers organization, Green is
well aware that there’s a level of unpredictability with Harden that will
likely be there until his wish is granted.

然而,就像七六人隊內部的每個人一樣,Green 也很清楚,哈登身上存在著某種程度的不可預測性,在他的願望實現之前,這種不可預測性很可能會一直存在。

"Ultimately, playing against him for so many years, and playing with him for
a short amount of time and knowing James, I don’t see him not playing," Greensaid. “There is a little unknowing of (what he’ll do next). He’s upset, but
I think he’s trying to separate the two. You can be upset there, but be
family here, and be great with his teammates, with his brothers, and be a partof something that he knows can make something happen and be special.”

「歸根究底,和他對抗了這麼多年,和他一起打球的時間也不長,再加上對哈登的了解, 我不認為他會不再續展。有一點不知道(他接下來會做什麼)。他很難過,但我認為他 在努力把兩者隔開。你可以在那裡不開心,但這裡是一家人,和他的隊友、兄弟們在一 起很好,成為他知道可以讓某件事情成真、變得特別的一部分。」




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e8e88 10/06 07:09所以是吹密失敗?

zvc798 10/06 07:12誰都知道是因為錢啊

hasroten 10/06 07:15本來就是錢啊 如果76肯給大約早就沒事了

alex8725 10/06 07:15快艇開到一首輪一互換?我怎麼記得快艇報價更低啊

pighong 10/06 07:16只要多Mann ,快艇不同意也蠻怪的

alex8725 10/06 07:16Mann快艇不會放

alex8725 10/06 07:17想太多

mhkt 10/06 07:27除了錢 重點就是沒有球隊願意還要丟資產去租借一

mhkt 10/06 07:27年的鬍子

mhkt 10/06 07:27乾脆就等到FA再去待價而沽就好

Chanlin01 10/06 07:33是鬍哥想要去破船 不是破船想要鬍哥 所以隨便開個M

Chanlin01 10/06 07:33M包意思意思就好

mhkt 10/06 07:35因為快艇出了這個包裹就是表明底線就是這樣 再多

mhkt 10/06 07:35就不要了

mhkt 10/06 07:37而鬍子是因為自願想去快艇的原因 也是因為想重回

mhkt 10/06 07:37休士頓之路被巫毒卡斷了

md3q6e 10/06 07:40下半年還是有機會交易掉吧

gg8n8nd34ss 10/06 07:44剩一年約其實可以考慮談買斷 但看看龜龜就知道了

gg8n8nd34ss 10/06 07:44領過一次底薪 之後就很難再漲回去

jorden 10/06 07:49除了錢 我看是小李的交易改變了態度吧

peter211183 10/06 07:49懶人包:沒人要

jorden 10/06 07:49小李當初也一直堅持要去熱火阿

jorden 10/06 07:50沒想到是聲東擊西

catfool 10/06 07:52等開季戰績出來,就會有續集囉

winnerdinner10/06 07:56換了血虧

www2967 10/06 08:03想走就買斷啊 不然怎麼辦

Xenogamer 10/06 08:04沒落幕吧 只是不想被扣錢而已

wuklean 10/06 08:15怎麼可能買斷 除非買斷費76人倒過來付 還付個兩三年

AirLee 10/06 08:31錢最重要 冠軍有沒有拿到其實看開就好 看開說不定

AirLee 10/06 08:31更有機會拿一冠

Alipapa 10/06 08:34老登也沒本錢跟時間去揮霍了 真的被莫雷抓的死死...

hws606 10/06 08:39說不定快艇也是幌子,最後跑去太陽找大哥

jorden 10/06 08:39harden當初罵莫雷騙子 等於是把自己未來的路都斷了

jorden 10/06 08:40很多交易都是見光死

jorden 10/06 08:40不是一時益氣動山河就能挽回這種局面

q888atPt 10/06 08:45買斷也太白癡 他本來可以跳出不是

Hooz 10/06 09:02就沒人要 哈登現在就三流球員等級

Kurotaki 10/06 09:07不回76人明年可能拿不到合約 所以還是要回去先打

gn00675150 10/06 09:10有錢就可以的人

chinhan1216 10/06 09:14哈登 你繼續啊?

kurenaiz 10/06 09:57為啥快艇要同意放Mann

shingo135r 10/06 10:03從火箭開吹後一直吹密,吹到現在碰壁

heyjude1118 10/06 10:05因為沒的選

Tabrisyang 10/06 10:08錢的問題,這季薪水已經領一半了

vking223 10/06 10:151泰貴2梅仁耀

vking223 10/06 10:163不作決定就是最好的決定

rgo 10/06 10:39泰貴梅人要 上面精闢

kyo06 10/06 10:39他也只能努力證明自己還有價值不然永遠卡在這

sammy5062 10/06 10:59因為沒得選啊

sammy5062 10/06 10:59這還有啥原因

losa 10/06 11:11Embiid可憐啊 隊友都搞事的

lwamp 10/06 11:11老了腿沒力了要不到飯了 還能去哪

ocis 10/06 11:34說一堆,根本是他沒得選

ocis 10/06 11:37看準火箭要填薪資下限,結果火箭找會防守的陪練新秀

gtq 10/06 11:42你年輕數據好泡夜店是明星無所謂球隊都要,你老了數

gtq 10/06 11:43據下滑泡夜店又搞事又要高薪誰要阿?

gtq 10/06 11:44年輕球團忍受你胡作非為,老了球團檢視你胡作非為

yoyonigo 10/06 11:48這季是到期約 沒辦法像之前還有好幾年 有本錢搞事

linginwife 10/06 12:27這還用問,有約在身,阿不然勒

vince4687 10/06 12:50某些推文真搞笑 最好快艇不需要哈登 快艇一號位爛

vince4687 10/06 12:50到要靠西河扛了 只是快艇不想歐印換哈登 想撿便宜

vince4687 10/06 12:50而已

yoyonigo 10/06 12:54快艇就從沒說過需要肥鬍啊

nicesho 10/06 13:24不去可能不能變成自由球員

qtzbbztq 10/06 13:47他有得選嗎

vasia 10/06 14:08開季看他場上開搞,期待

Fezico 10/06 14:46你艇連假日都不出血梭哈惹要去梭幫主又不是傻惹

alfa5168 10/06 14:51因為他不是西門

babyalley 10/06 14:59錢啊 不然是什麼

babyalley 10/06 15:05現在發展的這種態勢 各球隊補強都差不多 能出的籌

babyalley 10/06 15:05碼肯定不會太好看 能出爛的東西如果能換到哈登就是

babyalley 10/06 15:05賺 但76高層又不是傻子 莫雷就不愛吃虧本生意齁 而

babyalley 10/06 15:05且我很想願意相信現在這樣的狀態下 莫雷會想搞哈登

babyalley 10/06 15:05

babyalley 10/06 15:08即將到來的賽季 76的戰績會怎麼..我預計會比上季差

babyalley 10/06 15:08...

gcar 10/06 15:19沒人要啊,什麼傻問題

Alipapa 10/06 15:24Shams報導 快艇在積極追求哈登囉~

joshua0606 10/06 21:33

ramirez 10/06 21:37啊就沒人要啊

b9606022 10/06 22:33哈登還是很有職業道德,該出席還是會出席,反觀

Xliao 10/07 00:24問就是就沒人要

yusuke362 10/07 01:28哈登現在要做的就是乖乖打球 剩下交給經紀人

yusuke362 10/07 01:28阿 哈登好像自己就是自己的經紀人

sisik 10/08 16:06哈登不出席也不行,除非他不想要大約了,沒數據誰要換