[情報] 尼克老闆Dolan已從武漢肺炎康復 要捐血清做研究

看板NBA標題[情報] 尼克老闆Dolan已從武漢肺炎康復 要捐血清做研究作者
時間推噓19 推:20 噓:1 →:4

來源: Shams Charania推特

"Knicks owner James Dolan has recovered from coronavirus and donated his bloodplasma to research for potential treatments, team spokesperson says."
尼克球隊發言人說,尼克老闆James Dolan正從中國武漢肺炎康復,捐出他的血液好研究可能的治療方式。

"If they told you every vaccination had a little of Dolan's blood in it wouldyou still take it?"

"Bruh I havent talked to a woman in person for 6 weeks, I would gobble that
shit up"

"The vaccination would cure the coronavirus not your inability to be

"Does it come with a scratch off?"
(我猜這應該是跟之前尼克中場活動給投進球的球迷刮刮樂有關: #1U6dxqmp

"Happy for him and his family. Now Knicks fans can go back to hating him
without feeling bad about it!!!"

"He should donate his blood to Satan for Knicks success"

"Can people get the virus twice?"

"Great news. Glad to hear he's physically well and recovering, and it's nice
to hear that he's donated his plasma to research.
Now sell the fucking team."




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TimmyJiang 04/23 14:35南方公園又可以做一集美金是疫苗的吐槽了 (以前吐魔

TimmyJiang 04/23 14:35術強森是用美金打成汁注射到體內)

cv120345 04/23 14:36覺得溫馨尼克迷酸歸酸人還是很nice的

lych9520487 04/23 14:43該酸的還是要酸哈哈

lkk88 04/23 14:45謀~菜

MK47 04/23 14:49XDDDD

k1230588 04/23 14:49還有推文說他應該捐球隊而不是捐血漿

jason000 04/23 15:05捐球隊XDDD

Pixis 04/23 15:05捐給魔鬼笑死

eh07 04/23 15:12XD

ethel7669 04/23 15:25請捐尼克謝謝

MrHeat 04/23 15:41醫生救了你 你也救一下尼克吧

alcard22 04/23 16:12這跟之前鄉民的推文沒差多少啊XDD

sunkistfool 04/23 16:22台美鄉民一家親

hasebe 04/23 17:18康復了不用客氣用力酸XD

yellowboy 04/23 17:25媽啦根本ptt

sunnyyoung 04/23 18:10XDDDDD 鄉民無國界

bowenwin 04/23 18:45XD

JoeChang556604/23 19:42這八卦鄉民吧...

mjonask 04/23 19:55XDD

ltmps 04/23 20:32尼克球迷:壞消息

loiqaew 04/24 02:47加油

saidon 04/24 03:01xd那篇推特底下一堆黑人抬棺.gif

yeustream 04/24 05:38TM鄉民超嘴

DavidFoster 04/24 09:54捐球隊就能瞬間聖光