[外絮] 喬丹在跟kobe最後交手時對kobe說的話

看板NBA標題[外絮] 喬丹在跟kobe最後交手時對kobe說的話作者
(Kyle Korver)
時間推噓55 推:58 噓:3 →:19

Michael Jordan’s Final In-Game Message To Kobe Bryant Revealed

Actor John Cusack has finally revealed what Michael Jordan told the late KobeBryant during their final matchup in 2003.


A passing of the torch took place when the young Kobe dropped 55 points on
Jordan and the Washington Wizards in 2003. It proved to be the final time thetwo legends battled on the court. But Jordan had one last move for the young
Kobe during the game, which proved to be an iconic moment.


Kobe attempted to drive baseline before Jordan stepped in front of him,
planted his feet and took a charge. The stout defensive play sparked a great
moment between the two. Jordan proceeded to make a comment to Kobe, who
proceeded to laugh. We now finally know what was said.


“So, Kobe got the ball. He cleared everybody out,” Cusack said. “Everybody
started to bristle up with anticipation and it was gonna be Kobe against
Michael. And Kobe started to drive, Michael stepped in front of him right in
front of me and he took the charge. . . . Michael just looked up and said: ‘
Well everybody in the fu**ing building knew you weren’t going to pass.'”


Michael Jordan couldn’t have been more right. Kobe Bryant took on challenges
by himself, especially when playing players like Jordan.


Thanks to John Cusack, we finally know what drew a laugh from Kobe when he
committed an offensive foul on none other than the legendary Jordan.




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Edison1174 10/18 11:29櫻木:他不會傳球 赤木:你說的話也許有點道理!

namie810303 10/18 11:29櫻木表示 他不會傳球 他沒輸過

ken22154 10/18 11:29笑中帶淚推

tim1112 10/18 11:30不只場館 全世界都知道老大不會傳球吧

CKNTUErnie 10/18 11:30QQ

Leo4891 10/18 11:31誰都知道kobe不會傳球

wutaiching 10/18 11:32讓我想到禪師結石開刀的笑話

toeic900 10/18 11:33高下立判

kobe30418 10/18 11:35紅色光頭原來是櫻木的原型

HarunaOno 10/18 11:35為什麼對話聽起來很有趣 而我眼眶中泛淚呢

ya123yo 10/18 11:35QQ

kyle5241 10/18 11:35對姆斯大概就說:大家都知道你會傳球

BusterPosey 10/18 11:35甘道夫

bluemei 10/18 11:36QQ 這麼有趣的垃圾話卻讓人想哭

yusuke362 10/18 11:36竟然是從約翰庫薩克口中說出

elvis047 10/18 11:37It’s a pun. A good one.

abyssa1 10/18 11:37還以為是「未來是你的」之類的

alcard22 10/18 11:37跟一二樓想到一樣的事情

sunnyyoung 10/18 11:38一語雙關

zon 10/18 11:38QQ

a630522 10/18 11:41應該是傳球的意思比較多?

a85916511 10/18 11:43QQ

ILLwill 10/18 11:44灌籃高手我看過

drcula 10/18 11:46一語雙關,高級垃圾話,一方面嗆聲,一方面笑你

h129875230 10/18 11:47這球要是在2020就是MJ犯規

sd09090 10/18 11:48那人怎麼像LOU指導

investG 10/18 11:51就是他

GODLP 10/18 11:51其實是 要吃我棒棒嗎?

sd09090 10/18 11:52巫師時代二人還有交手

sd09090 10/18 11:54喬神曾嘴Kobe:你永遠無法超越我!下一場老大立馬轟

sd09090 10/18 11:5455分回擊

kyle5241 10/18 11:55然後大歐很可憐都拿不到球

Sadan 10/18 11:59唯一守住巔峰中的歐尼爾

MarXXXX 10/18 12:00一語雙關

kuloda 10/18 12:03好屌的雙關

TomBoHu 10/18 12:08畢拉普斯也從這裡取得靈感

jenkl 10/18 12:13毀滅四連霸的關鍵

chh1470 10/18 12:17QQ

Bainite 10/18 12:18QWQ

dixieland99910/18 12:19pass 一語雙關...這句話蠻厲害的XD

winteryoyo 10/18 12:21當下大家都知道Kobe要對決喬丹 所以喬丹很輕易摸透

winteryoyo 10/18 12:21他的路線 Kobe笑了 還是老師厲害

cmy512 10/18 12:33他說,要小心直

andrew1357 10/18 12:52現在Kobe真的pass了...QQ

emigma 10/18 12:54感動 老大

joystation 10/18 12:54這雙關好嘴喔

xm3k0828 10/18 12:55櫻木:因為他從未失敗過

lickllll 10/18 12:58強爆了這雙關

whathappen 10/18 13:03老詹在+2+2+2時怎不嘴傳球?

DavidFoster 10/18 13:05MJ先知

ztdxqa 10/18 13:19這一定是傳球啦

okok1845 10/18 13:19推Kobe

Sephiroth 10/18 13:44垃圾話的高級境界阿,雙關又酸又幽默XD

ansonyou070610/18 13:44反觀LBJ

chenchenje 10/18 13:53井上雄彥再度精準預測NBA

JimK0511 10/18 13:53影片沒有拉開對決啊 這演員在寫小說?

ya123yo 10/18 14:05反觀詹酸

yeustream 10/18 14:07QQ

boulderer 10/18 14:08老大!!

kenyon0619 10/18 14:14搞不好是雙關 笑死

givered 10/18 14:20雙關的垃圾話,真的是會心一笑

sinben 10/18 14:23笑著笑著就哭了

mirac1e 10/18 14:31以前的垃圾話其實都是高級酸 比鄉民有梗多了

FRANCO11 10/18 15:58我之前以為mj 是說 臣亮言 先帝 (5百字略

YamagiN 10/18 16:52MJ講完 Kobe還開玩笑地假裝搥MJ幾拳 然後再扶他起來

YamagiN 10/18 16:53感情真的很好

ntuphys 10/18 18:07看到這個大概能理解為何喬神會哭成那樣

heinzblack 10/18 18:42丹道夫

TheRoots 10/18 19:03即使是編的還是哭哭

evif 10/18 20:56真的很喜歡這兩神都鬥心

woowoo66NO1 10/18 23:47那時候的KOBE第一時間看到喬丹後還是不敢直接突破

woowoo66NO1 10/18 23:47 選擇後退找隊友重新開始

iminir2013 10/19 01:16自幹啦 哪次不自幹

winnerdinner10/19 10:24流川問題在你啊!!Q_Q

nomed 10/19 10:40老大

sam352306 10/19 12:53Q.Q

oops66 10/19 13:25澤北laoda qq

oasis172 10/19 14:05You shall not pass ~~