[外絮] ESPN記者Zach Lowe相信PG下季會變得更強

看板NBA標題[外絮] ESPN記者Zach Lowe相信PG下季會變得更強作者
時間推噓33 推:37 噓:4 →:15

消息來源: Fadeaway World

Perhaps the player whose reputation took a bigger hit this season was Paul
George, as he was far from his best since the restart of the campaign and hisnever-ending struggles in the playoffs showed up in a big way when the Los
Angeles Clippers blew a 3-1 lead in the Western Conference Semifinals.


Paul George became infamous around the league for calling himself ‘Playoff P
’ and then being a massive no-show more often than not. He struggled with
his shot, couldn’t stay on the court with foul trouble, and made some
avoidable mistakes down the stretch.


However, ESPN’s Zach Lowe believes that people shouldn’t sleep on Paul
George and predicted that he’ll come back better than ever next season after
his reputation took that major blow:

"“I’m predicting a Paul George vengeance tour next season. The guy was a
top-five MVP finisher last season. He’s gonna come back strong next season,”
Lowe said."

"然而 ESPN記者 Zach Lowe要大家著麼快否定PG,PG上一季聯盟前五的finisher

George earned some detractors for his comments dissing the Portland Trail
Blazers and posts on social media claiming that he didn’t care what people
thought about him, as he couldn’t back up the talk in the hardwood and once
again underperformed when it mattered the most despite being fully healthy.


Also, the Clippers gave up a lot of future assets to pair him with Kawhi
Leonard, so he was obviously asked to step up big time and that just didn’t


Then again, Lowe’s got a valid point. We’re talking about one of the best
two-way players in the league and a guy that’s able to make a huge impact
every time he’s out there. Hopefully, he’s right and George will put on a
show next season.

"Lowe有著鮮明的觀點: 我們是在討論聯盟中攻守兼備最厲害的人之一,而且他能在場上做出非常大的影響,希望Lowe是對的而且PG能在下一季找回身手"

短評: 我還是覺得 PG 有點不太靠譜


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AbukumaKai 10/18 17:45跟快艇講就好

tomoti 10/18 17:47肩傷到底休好了沒...

magician05 10/18 17:47下賽季再不適應可能會變DNP

c22501656 10/18 17:47泡腳怪超進化

yyes5210 10/18 17:48打出MVP身手那年剛好轉隊,是不是暗示...

davidturtle 10/18 17:49這季這麼爛,夏季都有機會拿最佳進步獎了

Aggro 10/18 17:51快艇也要重新調整用法吧

andy82116 10/18 17:51怎麼沒有人說可愛弱化隊友

simon0529 10/18 17:51溜馬時期講過,雷霆講過,快艇?

vance1024 10/18 17:51讓PG當3D就好 不要再叫他持球切入單打了

loserloser 10/18 17:52說實話 要比這季季後賽爛也是蠻難的吧

randykaku 10/18 17:54我也相信 最後一節+0也不能更爛了

NinJa 10/18 17:54更會發影片耍人了

Bronze5god 10/18 17:57絕對會超越18賽季的表現 夏季西冠99%快艇對金塊

KarlTowns 10/18 17:58沒人認為可愛弱化PG嗎?為什麼呢?如果是某位就弱化

william1031910/18 18:06當到低點時,隨便都能回升

roystorm 10/18 18:10可愛已經被雷包喬氣到中風了

WeGoYuSheng 10/18 18:11更強的Pandemic

newtypeL9 10/18 18:15因為他不太可能更弱了

kiddleaf 10/18 18:20再爛還的了阿

LuckyoPuppy 10/18 18:22PG厲害了,超前部屬

bypetty 10/18 18:23語畢 哄堂大笑

ken720331 10/18 18:27pg提速

slowsoul199810/18 18:33要怎麼比今年還爛啊

sd09090 10/18 18:48運球會掉

taikonkimo 10/18 18:51要純3D 3分要更強啊 那個切板可不能再來囉

MattiaPasini10/18 18:57我相信PG會再拍新的影片,然後轉隊

MaRin0725 10/18 19:05別舒服

whathappen 10/18 19:07明年繼續在休息室唱高調,然後打的和屎一樣

penalize17 10/18 19:07都幾歲了 沒退化都要萬幸

alan5232000 10/18 19:16阿要怎麼更爛 不是到底了嗎

ed6410 10/18 19:20對PG來說他這季夠爛了阿

s310143 10/18 19:23切版三分

ryancho 10/18 19:36方蓋:快艇需要一個PG

sunnyyoung 10/18 19:56把他嘴巴縫起來就行

zxyyy987654310/18 19:58要再更爛也不容易啊

t1201101 10/18 19:59叫Lue多幫PG設計一些射手跑位的戰術 不要一直讓他

t1201101 10/18 19:59自己拿球打

www2967 10/18 20:36結果快艇花這麼高的代價換來 明年轉隊 還不哭死

jorden 10/18 20:59不可能更爛了。除非再創新低

iamchyun 10/18 21:11不能說可愛弱化隊友 因為可愛先弱化自己再弱化隊友

josephpu 10/18 21:15希望會有反彈,當年也是斷腿然後強勢回歸

tomoti 10/18 21:24pg才30正值顛峰期好嗎,今年很明顯是被氣氛弱化...

deathdancer 10/18 21:33都這樣了還沒探底喔?

tkuce1b 10/18 21:48因為「弱化」這種低級酸 只有某酸會用

hotpamsko 10/18 22:03我覺得不行

swingingbear10/18 23:00打這麼爛要不變強很難吧

civic8 10/18 23:01下季會變得更多被絕殺

whathappen 10/18 23:56被他自己的氣氛弱化吧,破船就他話最多,play off s

whathappen 10/18 23:56hit

ooplus 10/18 23:57不是啊 今年這樣如果還可以更爛…

wl02324041 10/19 09:02話多的都沒好下場

ypoa 10/19 09:06切板一哥

iamaq18c 10/19 10:20我不相信

slovil 10/19 10:27還能更弱啊?

b0023098 10/20 22:24極限了