[花邊] KD對Ellington說嘴綠不專業的評論表示喜歡

看板NBA標題[花邊] KD對Ellington說嘴綠不專業的評論表示喜歡作者
時間推噓31 推:32 噓:1 →:11

來源: TalkBasket

Kevin Durant likes Wayne Ellington’s comments calling Klay Thompson,
Draymond Green ‘unprofessional’
Kevin Durant對於活塞Wayne Ellington說Klay Thompson跟Draymond Green不專業的評論表示喜歡

The Brooklyn Nets superstar Kevin Durant appears to agree with Wayne
Ellington, who defended his teammate Rodney McGruder after he was mocked by
Klay Thompson and Draymond Green.
活塞Ellington在隊友Rodney McGruder被勇士Klay Thompson跟嘴綠嘲諷後出來替他辯護,籃網超級明星Kevin Durant似乎很同意Ellington。

Their comments came after McGruder had a verbal exchange with the Golden
State Warriors, as they were leaving the court after the game had ended.

“I think it’s very unprofessional and definitely not classy for somebody to
attack Rodney’s professional career the way it was attacked,” Wellington
supported McGruder. The Instagram post featuring this comment was liked by
Kevin Durant.



"This whole post is why he had a burner"

"KD was talking shit about Charlie Villanueva in his postgame conferences in
2016. KD said Villanueva would be out of the league, basically the same thingKlay said lol."
「KD在2016年的賽後記者會也有對Charlie Villanueva講東講西,他說Villanueva很快

"Why was Villanueva repeatedly wandering in between Russ and his teammate
during their pregame dance?

"Russ was like "aye who the fuck is you you interrupting my dance time"

"Sports are soap operas for men, the athleticism has never had anything closeto the market appeal of players' personal dramas.

"At this point, I think KD likes anything on Instagram just to fuck with

KD: KD表示喜歡


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MK47 02/02 10:40真心話XDDDDD

stayforever 02/02 10:40KD:KD不用小號

Chanlin01 02/02 10:41小貓大三單下去

trylin 02/02 10:41KD:KD真男人都用本尊酸

amo0717 02/02 10:41Villanueva:...

a11011788 02/02 10:42大意了 忘記切小號

Alipapa 02/02 10:43跳舞那個有印象 好久沒看到小龜開心地跳公雞舞了XDD

gidens 02/02 10:43敢嗆比克

vince4687 02/02 10:46跳舞那個影片真的蠻好笑的XDDDDDD

ymca8 02/02 10:46是不是忘了切帳號

ymsc30102 02/02 10:49KD: KD只是跟鄉民來看熱鬧的

RBC54321 02/02 10:50Westbrook那跳舞 把別人就這樣推走真的滿野蠻的

marginal556602/02 10:51KD被抓包小號後已經放飛自我不演了

gginin007 02/02 10:54笑死

cooldragon 02/02 10:56不知道為啥每次看到龜龜生氣都有種喜感

seemoon2000 02/02 10:57KD自從小帳被抓之後 真的都不演了 有夠好笑

pounil 02/02 11:00KD標準鄉民 沒再怕的

cv120345 02/02 11:01KD根本鄉民,專門來搧風點火的XD

icou 02/02 11:03KD就混亂中立吧XDD

drazil 02/02 11:06我以前蠻黑他的,可是自從他開始不演了之後,我對他

drazil 02/02 11:07的好感增加了不少XDDD

yniori 02/02 11:07人家跳舞你去干擾有夠莫名的!!很煩!

bobon0921 02/02 11:09KD:KD離開勇士那些小貓

CMPunk 02/02 11:10KD:我只是跟鄉民進來看熱鬧的

azlbf 02/02 11:11那是賽前還是? 為啥要檔跳舞xd

dannyshan 02/02 11:11帶風向專家KD

MarcPolo 02/02 11:12KD:我已經不用小號了 直接本尊按

madeathmao 02/02 11:14忘了切小號齁

yoyo1009 02/02 11:16真男人

scott0104 02/02 11:30KD:KD是公道伯

josephpu 02/02 11:35肥皂劇那則講的很中肯,就只是一場show罷了

littlebonnie02/02 11:37擋跳舞很白目吧

tomwdc 02/02 11:50在賽場上跳舞挑性也怪怪的啦

WiLLSTW 02/02 11:56那是開場的準備動作啊 就像林書豪禱告 LBJ灑粉一樣

asidy 02/02 12:21血流成河.jpg

md3q6e 02/02 12:23哈哈

gp03dan 02/02 12:25混亂邪惡

ksk0516 02/02 12:39笑死

KobeMamba 02/02 12:40可憐雙標仔

Bigdodo0627 02/02 12:55V真的超靠北www

shifa 02/02 13:55KD是可愛又迷人的反派角色

Koch 02/02 16:13

a060146252 02/02 16:58忘記換帳號了

yeustream 02/03 01:40故意去妨礙主場球員的開場儀式很挑釁