[專欄] NBA最難以防守的招式演變

看板NBA標題[專欄] NBA最難以防守的招式演變作者
時間推噓推:311 噓:11 →:36

作者:Kirk Goldsberry

If there's one thing that separates NBA superstars from every other pro bask
etball player, it's their abilities to create their own buckets. An elite gr
oup of players has the ability to take advantage of any sliver of space or t
he slightest opening to the rim -- scoring in ways that leave defenses compl
etely helpless.

如果要說NBA的超級球星和其他職業籃球運動員區別開來的話,那就是他們的得分手段。 球星有能力利用任何空間或防守者的最微小的漏洞,多樣化的得分手段的讓防守者完全無可奈何。

The most deflating of these plays come on three types of spectacular moves,
all unassisted and all unstoppable in the right hands: the step-back, the is
o dunk and the deep pull-up 3. The best in the game rely on these moves when
they need a bucket and want to make sure there's nothing you can do about i
t. In a way, they're perfect reflections of the modern game. But they're als
o deeply rooted in their own important basketball lineages.

在所有技巧之中,有三種最無解的招式。 這三種招式分別是後撤步投籃,ISO單打扣籃
以及超遠三分。 當需要得分打破僵局時,隊中的超級球星往往會選擇這三招來發起進攻,以將防守的干擾降到最低。 從某種意義上來講,這三招就是現代籃球的縮影。 但同

Here is the evolution of the most unguardable moves in the NBA.


The step-back


Let's start with the go-to move for the NBA's three-time defending scoring c
hampion.James Harden has leveraged his amazing ability to create his own 3-p
oint shots off the bounce for years now. He hunts and pecks with endless dri
bbles -- rocking his body, threatening a dribble-drive. As soon as he notice
s his defender is leaning just a hair the wrong way, he pulls his body back,
gathers up his dribble and fires.

讓我們先從三屆得分王James Harden開始說起。James Harden依賴於他的招牌動作後撤
步技巧來創造三分投籃的空間。 通過反復運球,不斷改變身體重心抑,一旦他發現守球員的重心出現一絲偏移,他就會使出後撤步,收球,出手,一氣呵成。

The numbers are startling. Over the past six seasons, Harden has attempted a
staggering 1,988 step-back 3s. Nobody else in the league has tried more tha
n 800.

在過去的六個賽季內,Harden共出手了1988次後撤步三分。 聯盟沒有任何一名球員的有這樣的數據超過800次。

We didn't talk much about efficiency in the 1990s, but when we review Jordan
's midrange stats through today's analytical lens, his numbers are astoundin
g. In 1996-97,he led the NBA in midrange attempts and efficiency.

在90年代得分效率這一概念還沒有普及。 但即使以今天的標準來評論Jordan在中距離的表現,他給出來的數據還是令人非常震驚的。 在1996-97賽季,Jordan在中距離的出手

A decade later, Dirk Nowitzki took the move one step further by adding more
of a step-back element. Nowitzki combined his enormous size with a high rele
ase point and masterful footwork to create his own unstoppable jump-shooting


He rode shots like this all the way to the 2011 NBA championship:


Then came Harden and Stephen Curry, who both used the same principles to do
something outlandish. They exported the unassisted jumper revolution out to
3-point territory, changing the game forever in the process.

之後是Harden和Stephen Curry,他們都使用相同的原理來開創了不同的投法。 他們將

They used ridiculous handles and the threat of rim attacks to destroy their
defenders' balance. But because they were facing the target, they could effe
ctively shoot the ball from distance. By timing their gather with exquisite
footwork, they essentially transitioned from dribblers to 3-point shooters i
n the blink of an eye.By the time defenders realized what they were up to, i
t was too late.

他們利用自己熟練的運球技巧和突破威脅讓防守者失去重心。 由於他們在持球時面向籃框,所以能保證三分球出手的命中率。 通過精確計算收球的時機以及利用精巧的腳步動作,他們基本上可以在一瞬間完成從運球狀態到三分投射狀態的轉變。等防守球員反應

And by the time Luka Doncic was entering the league, the move was officially
a thing. Rather than a relatively simple step-back, now we get stuff like t

在Luka Doncic進入聯盟前,三分後撤步在聯盟已經傳開,而現在後撤步已經進化成了像這樣:

Harden and Doncic make this look easy, but it's not. Only six players are ev
en attempting multiple step-back 3s per game, according to Second Spectrum t
t was too late.

他們利用自己熟練的運球技巧和突破威脅讓防守者失去重心。 由於他們在持球時面向籃框,所以能保證三分球出手的命中率。 通過精確計算收球的時機以及利用精巧的腳步動作,他們基本上可以在一瞬間完成從運球狀態到三分投射狀態的轉變。等防守球員反應

And by the time Luka Doncic was entering the league, the move was officially
a thing. Rather than a relatively simple step-back, now we get stuff like t

在Luka Doncic進入聯盟前,三分後撤步在聯盟已經傳開,而現在後撤步已經進化成了像這樣:

Harden and Doncic make this look easy, but it's not. Only six players are ev
en attempting multiple step-back 3s per game, according to Second Spectrum t

Harden和Doncic讓後撤步三分看起來十分簡單,但其實不然。 據Second鰵pectrum統計

The unassisted dunk


While the past 10 years in the NBA will be remembered for the 3-point revolu
tion, games are won and lost at the rim, too. Many of the league's most impo
rtant superstars still create their own buckets in the paint, blending power
, size and speed to dunk at will.


While 3s have reshaped the look and feel of pro basketball, one guy being ab
le to put the ball directly into the rim is an extreme luxury in tight playo
ff games.


Interior domination is as old as the NBA itself, and many of the league's fi
rst superstars (George Mikan, Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell) used unassiste
d dunks and layups to pave the way for today's greats. But the seminal inter
ior dominator in the 21st century is Shaquille O'Neal, one of the greatest c
enters ever and arguably the single most physically imposing player in NBA h

自NBA聯盟建立以來,場上雙方對於內線的爭奪就沒有停止過。 而許多聯盟初代巨星(
比如Mikan、Chamberlain和Bill Russell)都會在比賽中選擇一對一單打的扣籃或者上
籃來得分,這也為後人奠定了基礎。 但21世紀最具開創性的內線統治者還是非Shaquil
le O'Neal莫屬。 他是NBA歷史上最好的中鋒之一,而且可以說他是NBA史上身體素質最

O'Neal propelled the Lakers to three consecutive titles with dunk after dunk
. If you didn't send the double-team, he'd bump and fake anyone into oblivio
n on the way to a slam like this

O'Neal用他一次又一次的扣籃幫助湖人完成了三連霸。 如果不對他採取包夾,他就會對防守進行衝擊,並利用假動作晃開防守者,用扣籃結束進攻

LeBron James-- the most visible basketball player on the planet for at least
a decade now -- is a threat to do nearly anything on the court. Even at age
36, he's at perhaps his most undeniable when he channels Shaq from the peri
meter. Let James beat the first defender and it often doesn't matter what he
lp defense is coming. He's ready to throw it down.

在過去的十年裡,LeBron James一直是這個聯盟最知名的籃球巨星,無論他在場上做什
麼都會對防守造成威脅。 即使已經36歲,一旦被LeBron過掉第一個防守人,讓他從外線使用坦克切的方式衝進去,無論什麼樣的補防都無濟於事。 因為他已經準備好將球狠狠灌入籃裡。

You can see James' influence on two of the league's most imposing younger pl
ayers.leading the league in points in the paint in each of the past three se
asons thanks in large part to his unassisted jams.

三個賽季中,字母哥在禁區得分這一項數據上領跑全聯盟。 而這要歸功於他一對一灌籃終結的能力。

But Antetokounmpo's reign in the paint might be brief. There's a challenger
in New Orleans, and this move is what makes him special.

他的地位發起了強有力的挑戰。 下面充分展示了他的與眾不同。

At age 21,Zion Williamson is averaging nearly 20 points per game in the lane
, emerging as the latest do-it-yourself dunking machine. Like James, he is b
lessed with a tremendous feel for the game. Like O'Neal, he comes equipped w
ith a blend of size and strength that just seems unfair. That combination re
sults in a unique ability to get from the edges to the rim

年僅21歲的Zion平均每場可得近20分。 他也成為新一代的暴扣機器。 對籃球比賽,他
有著和詹姆斯一樣的天生嗅覺,以及擁有和O'Neal一樣的怪獸級別的身體素質, 這兩項特點的結合讓他可以輕鬆殺到籃下以扣籃終結進攻。

The deeeep pull-up 3


Along with step-back 3s, deep pull-up 3s are among the fastest-growing shot
types in the NBA. Today's best shooters are now comfortable shooting from di
stances that were deemed absurd just a decade ago.

除了後撤步三分之外,超遠三分也是聯盟裡發展最快的投籃方式之一。 現今聯盟裡頂尖的投手都已適應了超遠距離的出手。 這在十年前,這樣的出手方式只會讓人覺得荒唐。

Steph Curry normalized this move, but some of his NBA ancestors were pretty
good at it too. One example: Gilbert Arenas, probably the boldest jump-shoot
er of his era, showed the world that shooting from 30 feet wasn't impossible
.Arenas hit big-time buzzer-beaters from outer space throughout his career.

Steph Curry把超遠三分變成了常規的進攻手段,但在他之前也有非常擅長投超遠三分的球員。 例如:Gilbert Arenas。 他可能是同時期NBA裡最大膽的投手了,他用實際行動向世人證明了logo Shot並非不可能。在職業生涯中,Arenas也數次從超遠距離命中絕殺球。

Still, the biggest moment in the league's deep 3 movement happened on a Satu
rday night in Oklahoma City. Curry melted our faces with a 37-foot buzzer-be
ating bomb in one of the 2015-16 season's biggest games.


Curry will go down as one of the most influential players in league history
for proving that it is possible to be efficient from beyond 30 feet. Since 2
013-14,he has made a ridiculous 37.6% of his 193 attempts from that range. O
n these 10-yard completions,Curry is the most accurate quarterback in the NB

Curry證明了從30英尺外的距離也可以高效地命中投籃,而這一點也讓他成為了聯盟歷史上最有影響力的球員之一。 從2013-14賽季開始,Curry在30英尺外的距離共出手了193
次投籃,命中率為37.6%。 他的命中率是同時期全聯盟最高

But he's not alone. Any conversation about deep 3s needs to includeamian L
illard, who has ended two playoff series with legendary triples from way dow
ntown. Lillard can't quite match Curry's accuracy, but he's not far behind.
And nobody -- not even Curry -- has made more deep ones than Dame, who has s
unk 140 3s from beyond 30 feet since 2013-14

但在超遠三分方面並非是Curry的專屬武器。 談及超遠三分時,Damian Lillard名字總
會被提及。 因為他以兩記史詩級超遠三分絕殺終結了兩輪季後賽。 雖然Lillard超遠三分的命中率沒有Curry高,但他落後得併不多。 而且據Second鰵pectrum統計數據顯示,自2013-14賽季以來,Lillard已經投進了140記超遠三分。

One of the best things about pro basketball is that it's constantly evolving
. The world's most influential hoopers find new ways to create their own buc
kets in breathtaking fashion



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ChowDerLu 04/11 18:43恩 通篇不知所云

tonyparker1804/11 18:44前仰跳投呢

TheoEpstein 04/11 18:44圖真漂亮

TheoEpstein 04/11 18:45不過小李那球,防守的是不是那個人

ignativs 04/11 18:45圖 讚

e49523 04/11 18:46有要犯跳頭難解嗎

supercam1 04/11 18:48不MECE

roger262390004/11 18:49圖好看

lakerfans 04/11 18:49動圖真不錯

s87995109 04/11 18:49文真的不知道在講什麼 但圖很讚

linearppt 04/11 18:50這動態圖真的很棒,節奏看起來很清楚

sa511394 04/11 18:50圖會一直看欸

hsiang888 04/11 18:50圖不錯

jerrychlin 04/11 18:50圖片好看 推

DanGong5566 04/11 18:50圖也太香了

wwwxxx1999 04/11 18:50圖好精緻!

Pinky555 04/11 18:51不知道是先寫文還是先做圖的....感覺是配圖硬寫文

jerrychlin 04/11 18:51可惜沒有MJ KB的圖

utcn92 04/11 18:52圖很漂亮,內容根本瞎掰,畫蛇添足

kaodio 04/11 18:52這是來秀圖的吧…

toeic900 04/11 18:55買飯跟前仰跳投呢

s07190719 04/11 19:073呎就是超遠三分嗎

j60105ocg 04/11 19:07後面的圖應該好做很多XD

Wall62 04/11 19:08圖超帥

lack 04/11 19:08動圖真的做真好啊

Ensidia 04/11 19:09內容很廢話 但這圖也太棒了 第一次看到

OldWang 04/11 19:10圖真猛

dtonepd 04/11 19:10圖好強

louner 04/11 19:11推gif

powergreen 04/11 19:11圖很猛

louner 04/11 19:11只看出最後那張出處XD

hank7218 04/11 19:12

hank7218 04/11 19:12LBJ

gn0028526 04/11 19:13圖的各人經典動作是不是他媽做得太像了

hiyuhfeng 04/11 19:13

hank7218 04/11 19:13這位作者做蠻多整理的

johnson44 04/11 19:14圖很讚

live147222 04/11 19:14單打扣籃蠻湊的 這應該是俠客難守不是這招難守

hank7218 04/11 19:15

hank7218 04/11 19:15喬丹

CrazyRed 04/11 19:16圖片好讚推推

nnkj 04/11 19:16聯盟第一隊爵士會哪些招

lsps9151014 04/11 19:17圖滿不錯的

allen124512404/11 19:17圖好看

z45678915 04/11 19:17圖很好

arbee 04/11 19:18圖很棒

※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 04/11/2021 19:19:35

DontPLZ 04/11 19:21 Curry

k7202001 04/11 19:22演變在哪?不就是每個球星擅長的技術?

msarthur 04/11 19:22動圖好酷 給推

PatlaborGao 04/11 19:25不是逼逼逼嗎

nnkj 04/11 19:25哈登在2017開發出第零步後撤 讓後撤投籃更有效率

a2581266 04/11 19:26動圖好評

Funkerz 04/11 19:26圖很讚 可以做一張lavine的嗎

tailsean 04/11 19:27圖太酷了吧

ramirez 04/11 19:28圖超讚

sezna 04/11 19:29圖真的很帥

asia2505 04/11 19:30圖片很精彩!

iammatrix 04/11 19:31根本新的達摩nba秘笈

Muma5566 04/11 19:32笑死 curry那張

Demia 04/11 19:33圖很酷,但居然沒有「買犯」這招?

DirkMavs 04/11 19:34我大司機跟77的圖也太帥

SwissMiniGun04/11 19:36圖真棒

sunnyyoung 04/11 19:37超遠三分是哪門的子的招式?

kevinacc084 04/11 19:37圖好帥

s9300093 04/11 19:38推gif圖

xru03 04/11 19:38動畫圖片比實際影片還要香

rickyjessy 04/11 19:39

WalterWhite 04/11 19:39好文推

ffhh 04/11 19:40ZION除非空檔步然很少硬灌吧 無解的是刁鑽胖虎上籃

kkb512sk 04/11 19:41圖超帥的!歐肥主要還是勾手無解

kone6610i 04/11 19:43圖讚

dengjyun 04/11 19:43後來不是還有double step back

Minesweeper 04/11 19:44圖好讚

ffhh 04/11 19:44ZION現在灌籃大多空接第一時間居多;ISO則layup終結

featherable 04/11 19:45經王桑一說 守小李的好像就是那個男人

wayne0226 04/11 19:45推這圖 做得太棒了

s4511981 04/11 19:46圖做得真好

kkoejeo 04/11 19:49

bcqqa7785 04/11 19:50是說小李那就有算是後撤步嗎?

x73831 04/11 19:51圖好美

Iversonchi 04/11 19:53圖片好讚啊!!

paulleeMO 04/11 19:54內容很硬湊,圖很威。第二個根本不是一個招式啊

TarokoSam 04/11 19:55圖好強啊

jim052 04/11 19:55圖超讚

imakim 04/11 19:56推動圖

andy06292 04/11 19:56圖很讚 文很爛

wutaiching 04/11 19:58看看那精美的圖

lucifiel161804/11 19:59圖做得很精美,嗯就這樣

yumin0987 04/11 20:04動圖帥

ganbaru 04/11 20:04圖真的好強

Nokia5269 04/11 20:05文0 圖100

ken720331 04/11 20:05圖200分

AHEAD099 04/11 20:05德佬那能算後撤步嗎 根本是普通的後仰吧

winds4141 04/11 20:06圖好酷

aska521 04/11 20:06純噓沒有前仰跳投

s950260 04/11 20:06圖好幾天前就有了吧

StODf 04/11 20:07圖超讚

SilenceWFL 04/11 20:08文章超廢 但看在圖好看給推

suansuan556604/11 20:08推圖

idlewolf 04/11 20:09這圖太猛了

Noxus 04/11 20:10德佬金雞獨立真的帥

blues386 04/11 20:12圖片真的很讚

sebum 04/11 20:13圖很棒

eric761201 04/11 20:15想看喬丹

knetch 04/11 20:15圖讚

comqwewyie 04/11 20:15圖真精緻

Puraland 04/11 20:15圖片帥炸

marchcharlie04/11 20:16圖才是重點 文不知道在幹嘛

waterspinach04/11 20:16圖真的強

KerFel 04/11 20:17圖很厲害

stocktonty 04/11 20:17077那種大跨步後撤加上他的身高 起碼退了1公尺有

ge12346 04/11 20:18動圖好酷

phenomenal 04/11 20:19圖好棒

yipleasure 04/11 20:19圖片超美 身為犢迷感謝你哈哈

stevejack 04/11 20:19圖好帥

cpeyeshield 04/11 20:20優文啊

tliu223 04/11 20:20超遠三分的數量太少,很難說是最難防守吧XD

lockeyman 04/11 20:21可以出達摩籃球秘笈動畫版嗎?

jarvis652 04/11 20:23圖也太帥

xasuev 04/11 20:24動圖超帥

leonho40412 04/11 20:25動圖超讚 文也是真的爛xDD

yluok 04/11 20:26圖太強了

boss0318 04/11 20:26動圖好帥

luck945 04/11 20:26推gif

yoyosea 04/11 20:28動圖有帥到

zardmax 04/11 20:28圖也太棒了

hau7341 04/11 20:29圖比文字內容好看多了

nickyfutw 04/11 20:29畫圖超強!佩服^_^

guest0710 04/11 20:30圖非常好.推.

storyofwind 04/11 20:31有一段文字重複了


shing529 04/11 20:32圖超美

live1002 04/11 20:33圖也太帥了吧...

uuuuOPuff 04/11 20:33Arenas弄太肥了吧( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏

Xmeariver 04/11 20:34圖有猛到

geniusw 04/11 20:35這圖好屌

jakevin 04/11 20:36圖超棒的 太值得

xlargebing 04/11 20:37動圖做的真好

Trulli 04/11 20:40

s6212david 04/11 20:40圖上個禮拜就看過了

kuoshenghsu 04/11 20:40圖讚

yuh15420 04/11 20:42為什麼要刪推文


blackman556604/11 20:43每一張圖都瞪著看了好幾次,太神

gm79227922 04/11 20:43這文章價值在圖片吧

yuh15420 04/11 20:43這圖的作者是一位叫WalkerTKL的數位創作者畫的

perfect6473204/11 20:44圖讚

zxc890208 04/11 20:45推圖

bigcap 04/11 20:45推我大德佬

namon 04/11 20:45動圖很傳神 內容硬湊。簡單說來,LBJ和字母哥的扣籃

namon 04/11 20:45沒那身材體能用不出來,那就不是招式

AlanLinKL 04/11 20:46PG:

namon 04/11 20:46後撤步至少你還能預期一個凡人苦練運球做的出,只是

namon 04/11 20:46投不進

Mcgeeagenius04/11 20:48圖讚讚

abk1229 04/11 20:49圖很棒

Anikk 04/11 20:50司機的關鍵 是腳要自然往前踢 拉開距離

palapalanhu 04/11 20:50

O10lOl01O 04/11 20:52為什麼圖可以作那麼厲害

Mrbusy 04/11 20:56好文必推

※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 04/11/2021 20:56:46

garlin0127 04/11 20:57圖很漂亮啊

monkey6 04/11 20:58圖片好好看

unimaybe 04/11 20:59圖好猛!!

※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 04/11/2021 21:00:18

moneyten 04/11 21:01這人根本小牛粉

iloserSD 04/11 21:03圖很舒服 推文curry超生動

MK47 04/11 21:03文章很廢 可是圖真的超棒

yonderknight04/11 21:04推圖

elvislai 04/11 21:05圖太美

DeaGoo 04/11 21:05圖好厲害

qvt 04/11 21:06圖真的看好久

Ethan45 04/11 21:10那個影像好讚

LaserLi 04/11 21:11動圖太酷了吧

ChenJing 04/11 21:11

lkshfish 04/11 21:12gif太美了吧

isaiah2727 04/11 21:17圖片超讚

benboy 04/11 21:18圖可以收藏 真精美

ENCOREH3345604/11 21:19圖超美

tester 04/11 21:19其實世界級選手不需動作隨便跳就會進

bbbruce 04/11 21:19圖讚 鬍子的後撤步三分太華麗了

TKW5566 04/11 21:20圖太神啦

bbbruce 04/11 21:22Arenas是衣服太大件吧? XD"

aaakuei 04/11 21:23總覺得這圖,比youtude上的教學更清楚,尤其腳步變

aaakuei 04/11 21:23化,趕緊來好好研究後徹步

Derp 04/11 21:24英文句子換行不可以這麼直接斷在單字上啦…難讀

Altair 04/11 21:24圖超讚

jesuistheo 04/11 21:24圖真的超棒的

SwissMiniGun04/11 21:27看了圖作者ig 感覺真的是配那些圖湊出來的文

WoodLips 04/11 21:34圖好帥

yovis000 04/11 21:35文不重要 圖真的讚 而且我犢占兩個讚讚讚

garybawbaw 04/11 21:37圖真不錯 但阿瑞納斯畫太胖了?

zakijudelo 04/11 21:37動畫好帥啊

bryant78041704/11 21:41圖很猛

karmel 04/11 21:41圖好帥

cross980115 04/11 21:42這個動圖 有夠精緻

cross980115 04/11 21:42不給推對不起自己

cycle 04/11 21:43這根本分解連續動作可以拿來學了

karmel 04/11 21:44圖有夠強,連衣服震動都做到

pony95159 04/11 21:45圖好棒

hyk99885ggb 04/11 21:46工作好讚

hyk99885ggb 04/11 21:46

sudi0923 04/11 21:51天鉤呢?

incubus 04/11 22:03圖的動作分解很清楚

suwalampa 04/11 22:04圖很棒

Sammingy 04/11 22:04圖超精緻的

celtics1997 04/11 22:07還 蠻 屌 的 屌 爆 了

tomomo520 04/11 22:08哈登是強制要飯跳投吧

s8900117 04/11 22:09圖超棒

AIWUYA 04/11 22:10圖超好看!

ltmps 04/11 22:10我一直期待籃球達摩秘笈能出第二本

papao 04/11 22:11圖,讚讚讚

benson96968 04/11 22:11動圖很讚

zorohpjtr 04/11 22:11幹圖片超強

a3221715 04/11 22:13有圖有推

AHEAD099 04/11 22:20GIF是直接影片卡通化去改的吧

k7626773 04/11 22:21文真的很爛,不知道在說什麼…… 不過圖很棒

AHEAD099 04/11 22:21Arenas 很胖是因為原本4:3的畫面被壓成16:9

KarlTowns 04/11 22:21瞪瞪夾手才是無敵

AHEAD099 04/11 22:24 1:32處

rex00125 04/11 22:26圖強

chi77089 04/11 22:27這動圖有夠帥

pkmilk 04/11 22:29圖好酷!

pimachu 04/11 22:29最後一張直接腦補出pg

Yorke31 04/11 22:29圖超帥

Aequanimitas04/11 22:32好香

Llind31100 04/11 22:34gif好美

ansonyou070604/11 22:36圖不錯

jacktsaila 04/11 22:38大家真嚴格@@ 文満有雜誌編輯風啊

njunju 04/11 22:40圖太強 請加上自己的防偽啦

rukawa28 04/11 22:41圖超讚

aaakuei 04/11 22:4377那招看實戰能否學到精髓,屌!

gigiii1134 04/11 22:49圖不錯

LukaDoncic 04/11 22:50動畫太帥了吧

deednoon 04/11 22:54

duece0927 04/11 22:55圖好讚喔

s891050 04/11 22:57圖推

mj9706 04/11 22:59圖超級帥

a55217 04/11 23:04圖好帥 推

jordan1109 04/11 23:06我只有看圖

littlemai27 04/11 23:06光圖就值得給推

pilitiger 04/11 23:09看圖+1

adiharu 04/11 23:09好文推

Recoverism 04/11 23:10推gif

SuperUnison 04/11 23:10圖好看

an0202 04/11 23:14圖文並茂給推

joeyben 04/11 23:16圖很棒

henry123556404/11 23:17圖超棒的

bigbeat 04/11 23:17厲害

hk568568 04/11 23:26動圖超讚

justlee 04/11 23:26

kkjjkkjj 04/11 23:26這圖有夠猛

xkiller1900 04/11 23:27紅明顯,有些板刪推文會桶人,算我拜託你,真的不要

xkiller1900 04/11 23:27用手機發長文

Mjun 04/11 23:31這圖好讚喔

philo31 04/11 23:35動畫好美 哈哈哈

harry881210 04/11 23:36好文推 圖更棒

saypon 04/11 23:38圖超好看!!

Bainite 04/11 23:39圖超棒

tupacshkur 04/11 23:39圖好看

coco543961 04/11 23:48小李那圖是絕殺PG那球嗎

UCboy 04/11 23:53圖很屌

KrisNYC 04/11 23:55圖好好懂

robinson 04/12 00:04圖超屌

gowang19 04/12 00:06圖很棒

gohit 04/12 00:09這圖是怎麼畫的啊! 太有才了!

Atlantics 04/12 00:18推47樓滑倒XD

jack0520 04/12 00:23這圖應該是拿影片做影像處理的吧

oas 04/12 00:23圖不是擷取影片後製成的嗎? @@?

wwwhineta 04/12 00:25圖讚讚

ImMACACO 04/12 00:39動畫好帥

hyy9685 04/12 00:41圖超讚

arthur0919 04/12 00:47我以為最強的招式是進攻跟防守

nwojessy 04/12 00:57圖超讚的

taylor0607 04/12 00:59推圖

pyc0222 04/12 01:04Curry跟小李的圖都是絕殺雷霆的XD

gameking16 04/12 01:05圖好神

jacky0111 04/12 01:15圖太威了 推

zaza1128 04/12 01:16圖好看

nalaculan 04/12 01:16推圖

Woodoo9 04/12 01:18這些動圖也太帥

BeastJAY 04/12 01:21我只是點進來看圖的

haoche89120804/12 01:28圖超讚

shirleyEchi 04/12 01:35動圖分析推個

jefflin0824 04/12 02:08這動圖真的屌!

harry801030 04/12 02:13圖真的很讚

leo19841010 04/12 02:19整篇在看圖

salkuo 04/12 02:32圖蠻清楚的xd

cloudyheart 04/12 03:10推圖!內容就普普,沒啥說服力。

lwswjs 04/12 03:12直接加入收藏

Anutmiao 04/12 03:31圖很讚內容很湊

sunday220 04/12 04:06太帥了吧

foolishbi 04/12 04:06圖很帥喔 作者是誰阿

foolishbi 04/12 04:06最後一張苦主是PG吧 那個動作

hannocps 04/12 04:11哈登的圖畫錯了吧...他收球之後還要再後一步,真實

hannocps 04/12 04:11的腳步沒有那麼乾淨

ken31241 04/12 04:12 1:00

ken31241 04/12 04:13 00:35

ken31241 04/12 04:15 2:43

ken31241 04/12 04:17 2:48

ken31241 04/12 04:19 00:38

ken31241 04/12 04:21 2:48

ken31241 04/12 04:23

ken31241 04/12 04:27harden 後撤3分防守者感覺滿像andrew wiggins的

jyunwei 04/12 04:46內容不重要,重點只是圖

ideal5566 04/12 04:57喇叭的7步上籃也很無解

kobe7785075 04/12 05:23圖好帥!

Dolphinku 04/12 05:29媽我在這,神動圖快留名

Dolphinku 04/12 05:30想看你畫老大的圖

callTM 04/12 06:26圖蠻屌...不過扣籃 跟遠距離投籃是在說啥

coiico 04/12 06:28喬丹和司機的招式不算後撤 就只是後仰 是前後腳重心

coiico 04/12 06:28變化創造一步距離差

HAYABUSA120704/12 06:50圖好漂亮

chudly 04/12 06:51圖很棒

Ruowind 04/12 07:13真的帥圖

interact 04/12 07:16圖好讚!

ochun 04/12 07:20圖超讚

zxc15793 04/12 07:25圖是自己做的?真厲害

floriany 04/12 07:44圖帥爆了!

js0431 04/12 08:14圖真棒

ks96021019 04/12 08:17圖帥先堆個,不過司機是後仰不是後撇步吧

eji9429 04/12 08:17圖超帥!!

qqqaaazzz 04/12 08:26動圖超好看!

MrHaoHao 04/12 08:29有圖讚讚

imjeffreylee04/12 08:56說那麼多其實圖比較好看

AndyCheng1 04/12 08:57圖超棒,求補賈霸天勾

ABJones 04/12 09:03推 動圖

ecstasy 04/12 09:16圖超讚

ggeneration 04/12 09:19這圖超爆幹酷

dynamo 04/12 09:27怎麼沒有老大的蝦捲式投籃

louis00548 04/12 09:51圖好看,文好怪

shou50 04/12 10:00圖很棒

deadair 04/12 10:08應該要說要成為球星就要有難以防守的進攻絕招

ronale 04/12 10:09後撤步有兩段重複了

Vincent1219 04/12 10:11

seavoo 04/12 10:12圖好看!!

cmy512 04/12 10:20真的廢文一大篇

yokan 04/12 10:22

wynton 04/12 10:26

wainkid 04/12 10:58推圖用心!!

tom66651 04/12 11:51推爆

philip1111 04/12 11:530號探員真的是當年大號三分代表

iamgoodboy 04/12 12:30圖很棒

zahsuan8731 04/12 12:38推圖

HardDDDD 04/12 13:03推動圖 讚讚

NOINT 04/12 13:23推圖

yesido330 04/12 13:30圖太帥了..馬上存來當動圖桌布...

a509170123 04/12 13:44圖帥

RadioMan 04/12 14:46圖好帥喔

A0908 04/12 15:11這圖有夠帥!

rockkung 04/12 15:37圖很棒,但可惜沒有前仰跳投

johnny88108 04/12 16:33小李那張圖,連防守的人都好清晰喔 高清

xxaazz 04/12 16:33圖帥,但那個一分球呢?

GRUAVAer 04/12 16:55推動圖

ykps 04/12 18:25沒有買飯?

ishigakis 04/12 20:17圖棒

greenlantern04/12 21:06有文章?

VrGnKiler 04/12 22:02圖真的厲害 雖然看起來不難做但效果蠻好的

earnest 04/12 23:01poop

longface 04/13 05:11圖太棒了,再加張鬍子罰球動畫就完美了

btjerwei 04/13 10:35這篇的圖值得珍藏

dalls1 04/13 21:48文沒有很廢話好嗎? 是標準英文寫法,籃球技巧也清楚