Re: [新聞] Kobe正式入主名人堂 瓦妮莎:我愛你

看板NBA標題Re: [新聞] Kobe正式入主名人堂 瓦妮莎:我愛你作者
時間推噓推:223 噓:0 →:37





Last February, I called Michael and asked him if he would introduce Kobe
tonight, and he graciously accepted. Thank you for being here. Kobe admired
you. This means so much to us.

去年二月,我找了 Michael (Jordan),問他是否能在今晚授獎給 Kobe,而他也爽快地答應了。謝謝你來到這裡。Kobe 為你感到欽佩。這對我們意義非常重大。

I used to always avoid placing my husband to public, because I felt like he
got enough praise from his fans around the world and someone had to bring himback to reality.


Right now, I’m sure he’s laughing in heaven, because I’m about to praise
him in public for his accomplishments on one of the most public stages.


I can see him now, arms folded, with a huge grin saying, “Isn’t this some


He’s still winning.


I wish my husband was here to accept this incredible award. He and Gigi
deserve to be here to witness this. Gigi would be so proud to watch her daddyget enshrined into the basketball Hall of Fame. I know he was really looking
forward to being here. He asked the Hall of Fame to specifically add a sixth
ticket for Capri. He was so happy.

我由衷希望我的丈夫在場親自領獎。他和 Gigi 值得在這裡見證此事。相信 Gigi 在見證她爸爸的名字被載入名人堂時,也會覺得自豪。我知道他非常期待來到這裡。他也要求名人堂的代表,為 Capri Bryant 多添一張票。他非常高興。

He didn’t really talk about upcoming awards, but he did mention this one a
week before he and Gigi passed. My husband and I were sitting at our kitchen
island, and he and I had a conversation about my mother- and father-in-law
attending tonight’s enshrinement. I invited my mother- and father-in-law in
this enshrinement to thank them for bringing one of the most amazing human
beings into this world.

Kobe 先前未曾真正談過即將到來的獎項,不過在他跟Gigi 去世的前一個星期就提及了。丈夫跟我當時坐在廚房島台,並談到了關於公公婆婆參加今晚授獎典禮的事。我邀請了他們前來,感謝他們將其中一位最非凡的人帶來這個世界上。

Pam and Joe, thank you for raising Kobe to be exceptional. Thank you to all
of Kobe’s family. Sharia, you’ve gone above and beyond. I love you.

Pam、Joe,謝謝你們把 Kobe 帶得如此出類拔萃。Kobe 的家人們,謝謝你們。Sharia,你也做得非常棒。我愛你。

There would never be anyone like Kobe.

未來大概不會有像 Kobe 的人才。

Kobe was one of a kind. He was special. He was humble, off the court, but
bigger than life.

Kobe 獨一無二,非常特別。在球場外的他非常謙虛,且看得比生命還要重要。

To all of our close friends and family that have been present for my girls
and I, thank you. That was just one, and it takes a village. But know that
your kindness and love does not go unappreciated. I know that Kobe’s
thankful that you’re all coming through for his girls. We love you all and
are forever grateful for you.

致所有曾在我女兒們跟我生命出現過的朋友、家人,謝謝你們。不只是一位,而是好多好多位。但要堅信你們的善意與愛心會得到回報的。我知道 Kobe 很感謝你們為他的女兒們所做的一切。我們愛你們,也永遠為此感恩。

If my husband were here tonight, he would have a long list of people to thankthat helped inspire him and equip him to be in the Hall of Fame. Family,
friends, mentors, the Lakers, teammates, muses and opponents.


This is one of the many hard parts about not having them here.


At the risk of leaving anyone out, I can only say thank you. To all those whohelped him get here, you know who you are, and I thank you on his behalf.


I don’t have a speech prepared by my husband because he winged every single
speech. He was intelligent, eloquent and gifted at many things, including
public speaking.


However, I do know that he would think everyone that helped him get here,
including the people that doubted him and the people that worked against him
and told him he couldn’t attain his goals. He would thank all of them and
motivating him to be here. After all, he proved you wrong.


All of the athletes that accept the Hall of Fame Award share the fact that
they have sacrificed a part of their lives to dedicate more time to their
craft. It takes a lot of self-drive, dedication and discipline. No one can
take away from their own success.


Kobe’s personal stats, speak for themselves. Kobe was on a different level.
He never took shortcuts when it came to basketball. He gave this game his all.

Kobe 的個人表現,無需我多說、不言自明。他處在一個與眾不同的層次。在場上,他從不抄捷徑。為了比賽,他付出一切。

Kobe played through injury after injury. To name a few, he had IVs
administered during halftimes to play with food poisoning and the flu. He
played with a broken nose. He had a broken finger and had it snap back in
place, just enough to finish the game. He also taught himself how to use his
left hand to play the rest of the season while his finger healed. He even
switched to free throws, with a torn Achilles and walked off the court, on
his own.

經歷了好多次傷病,Kobe 還是堅持上陣。其中,只提其中一部分:雖然遭遇食物中毒、流感困擾,他在中場時進行靜脈注射;雖然鼻梁斷裂,他照樣上場;雖然手指移位了,為了能剛好完成比賽,他將該根手指彈回原位。在等待手指痊癒的同時,他還自學了使用左手控球,完成該賽季中剩餘的比賽。他甚至還能在跟腱撕裂時,巧妙運用罰球技術,並自行離開賽場。

I’ll never forget the look he gave me as he walked off the court that game.
I knew it was bad. The crowd was cheering, and I was reassuring Natalia and
Giana that daddy would be OK, just like any other injury.

我永遠不會忘記在那場比賽中,他離場時給予我的眼神。我知道那很不妙。那時場上還在歡呼,我也在跟 Natalia、Giana 保證,爸爸會沒事的,正如其他時候的傷勢一樣平常。

But as he walked into the tunnel, there was no wink and was no kiss blown my
way. I could see the concerned look on his face. That injury was big, but hiscomeback from that injury was bigger.


People don’t know this, but one of the reasons my husband played for
injuries and pain was because he said I remember being a little kid sitting
in the nosebleeds with his dad to watch my favorite player play. He could
recall the car ride, the convos and the excitement of being lucky enough to
have a seat in the arena. Kobe didn’t want to disappoint his fans,
especially the ones in the 300 sections that saved up to watch him play. The
kids with the same excitement he once had.

人們多都不知道這件事:我丈夫為傷痛而打球的理由之一在於,他說「記得小時候和他爸爸坐在最上方的座位區,看著我喜歡的球員打球」。他可以回憶起坐車的情景、交談的情景,以及有幸能入場並坐下來觀看球賽的興奮心情。 Kobe 不想讓他的球迷失望,尤其是那些在300 區掙錢看他比賽的球迷。那些有著和他曾經一樣興奮的孩子們。

I remember asking him why he couldn’t just sit a game out because he was
hurting. He said, “What about the fans that saved up to watch me play just
once?” He never forgot about his fans. If he could help it, he would play
every minute of every game. He loves you all so much.


Kobe had many accomplishments, five-time NBA champion, five-time New York
Times bestselling author, 18-time All Star, League MVP and two-time Finals
MVP, two-time Olympic gold medal winner.

Kobe 曾拿過許多榮譽:五次 NBA 總冠軍、五次《紐約時報》最暢銷作家、十八次入選全明星陣容、例行賽 MVP、兩次總決賽 MVP、兩次奧運會金牌得主。

He is also the first professional athlete to win an Oscar.


The list goes on but, his most cherished accomplishment was being the very
best girl dad.


Usually people thank everyone that has helped them get here, but since I don’t have Kobe’s specific list, I want to thank my husband. He did the work. He
broke those records, and he inspired people to be great. I want to thank him
for somehow finding ways to dedicate time to not only being an incredible
athlete, a visionary entrepreneur and storyteller, but for also being an
amazing family man.


Dear Kobe, thank you for being the best husband and father you could possiblybe. Thank you for growing and learning from your own mistakes. Thank you for
always trying to be better. Thank you for never giving up on us. Thank you
for all of your hard work. Thank you for our family. Thank you for our
daughters, Natalia, Gianna, Bianca and Capri. Thank you for working so
tirelessly to provide for us and for giving us the most amazing life together.

給 Kobe,謝謝你成為你可能成為最好的丈夫、爸爸。謝謝你在失誤中,有所成長、有所學習。謝謝你從未放棄過我們。謝謝你的辛勞。謝謝你為我們家庭的付出。謝謝你為我們的女兒 Natalia、Gianna、Bianca、Capri 的付出。謝謝你不辭勞苦比賽、供養我們,給予我們非常精采的生活。

Thank you for waking up at 4 a.m. to train, for making it home to kiss me
good morning and for dropping our girls off at school, only to go to
practice, come home and pick up our girls from school whenever you could.


Thank you for never missing a birthday, a dance recital, a school award show,show and tell, or any games our daughters played and your schedule permitted.Thank you for putting your love for our family first. Thank you for bringing
so much joy to our lives, and joy to the people around the world. Thank you
for inspiring us to be better than we were the day before. Thank you for
teaching me and all of us to put someone else’s joy before our own. Thank
you for being so selfless and loving with a heart of gold. Thank you for
never taking yourself too seriously. Thank you for your sense of humor. Thankyou for your wit.


Thank you for never telling me no, and always letting me have my way, most ofthe time. Thank you for being patient and easy-going. Thank you for letting
me burst your bubble every chance I got. Thank you for graciously taking all
my harsh comebacks. Thank you for dishing them back.


Thank you for being the Mickey to my Minnie and the Noah to my Allie. Thank
you for loving me enough to last lifetimes, and every lifetime, I choose you.To our girls, Natalia and Gianna, thank you for sacrificing so much time awayfrom daddy, so that he could focus on being the best at everything he set hismind to do.

謝謝你成為米妮的米奇、Allie 的諾亞。謝謝你對我的愛,讓我終生受益,我每個時候都選擇你,致我們的女兒 Natalia、Gianna,謝謝你們體諒爸爸不在身邊的每一刻,讓他能專注於在每件事上做到最好。

Bianca and Capri, I’m so happy you’re here to see this tonight. Daddy was
incredible. He loves you girls so very much.


Congratulations, baby, all of your hard work and sacrifice has paid off. He
once told me, if you’re going to bet on someone, bet on yourself.


I’m glad you bet on yourself, you overachiever. You did it. You’re in the
Hall of Fame now. You’re a true champ. You’re not just an MVP, you’re an
all-time great. I’m so proud of you.

我很開心,你對自己下賭注。超越一切之人,你做到了。你現在已經進入了名人堂。你是真正的冠軍。你不只是一位 MVP,你是歷史上的其中一位強者。我為你感到驕傲。

I love you forever and always, Kobe Bean Bryant.

我永遠愛你,Kobe Bryant。



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laptic 05/16 10:57原本要用外絮,結果有人先發了...

LBJ4 05/16 11:02謝謝翻譯

smkid2004 05/16 11:04

queen100000 05/16 11:05

zz105 05/16 11:06感謝翻譯

hakeepsmile 05/16 11:07

icou 05/16 11:07QQ

lovebuddy 05/16 11:10謝謝翻譯 好感人QQ

s891234 05/16 11:11QQ感謝翻譯

NAGI 05/16 11:12QQ

bejay1022 05/16 11:13老大QQ

puku950817 05/16 11:16感謝翻譯

Gasolsister 05/16 11:18感謝翻譯

JH4748 05/16 11:20推,老大QQ

colchi 05/16 11:21Mother- and Father-in-law在這篇應該是公公婆婆

chien0923 05/16 11:22淚推

orangetv 05/16 11:22老大

lingo0813 05/16 11:23QQQ

laptic 05/16 11:24回 colchi:感謝指正

david884050505/16 11:25幹好感人...快哭了

j137264m 05/16 11:26感謝翻譯 非常感人

j137264m 05/16 11:26真是有啟發性

po19365 05/16 11:26哎 真難過QQ 恭喜老大

er800100 05/16 11:27為什麼到現在還是覺得很不真實

a92005712d 05/16 11:27

srwcc 05/16 11:28真的堅強

Carmelo3 05/16 11:30哭了

DM1984 05/16 11:31老大 嗚嗚嗚

kalousu5685 05/16 11:36感謝翻譯 恭喜老大QQ

Wind781013 05/16 11:36老大!

j008008 05/16 11:37

sa511394 05/16 11:41我自己唸翻譯唸到哽咽

raywilly 05/16 11:44感謝翻譯

jason2325 05/16 11:44nosebleed是指最上層的座位區 坐在鼻梁上看球很怪吧

bryant78041705/16 11:46哎 真的難過

WalterWhite 05/16 11:46推kobe謝謝你!

LoMing1021 05/16 11:47看到眼眶泛淚

Lakers24 05/16 11:48推QQ

KevinJohnson05/16 11:53老大

Wall62 05/16 11:54老大QQ

johnny665 05/16 11:56老大

benben0112 05/16 11:56

j71648 05/16 11:57老大QQ

GMQQQ 05/16 11:59老大,我愛你QQ

laptic 05/16 11:59回 jason2325:感謝指正

fantasy21 05/16 12:07感謝翻譯!

JessicaA1ba 05/16 12:09感人

george1218 05/16 12:10QQ

s6212david 05/16 12:11QQ

gbgbdavidlee05/16 12:12看到一半看不下去 眼睛都是淚水

tomatoWade 05/16 12:20Dishing them back那邊應該是指老大接受嚴詞批評的

tomatoWade 05/16 12:20同時也會批評回去,一個夫妻互相砥礪的概念?

tomatoWade 05/16 12:20突然安插一個謝謝幫忙洗碗看起來超逗XD

laptic 05/16 12:24感謝提醒,已修正

ya123yo 05/16 12:25推QQ

frank836 05/16 12:27QQ

tomatoWade 05/16 12:27「回擊他們」看起來還是很怪,應該是「謝謝你也會

tomatoWade 05/16 12:27對我嚴詞批評」,只是「嚴詞批評」不知道怎麼講比

tomatoWade 05/16 12:27較正向一點

bikes0616 05/16 12:29剛剛看完影片 淚推老大

laptic 05/16 12:32回 tomatoWade:後來想成是「批評指教」,不確定是

laptic 05/16 12:32否符合原意...

luke90055 05/16 12:33老大 QQ

kobelouli 05/16 12:36老大QQ

aph860212 05/16 12:36哭啊QQ

godofdatie 05/16 12:37推爆

tomatoWade 05/16 12:40對對對 批評指教比較正向一些

RobertI3 05/16 12:42感謝翻譯,能夠有中文推廣Kobe真好(淚目

tomohao 05/16 12:43他這邊的comeback跟dishing them back 其實就只是回

tomohao 05/16 12:43嘴而已

DK0405 05/16 12:43

GGGGH 05/16 12:45好想老大QQ

legendd 05/16 12:45老大!

AlVisSmOmO 05/16 12:47老大QQ

bill03027 05/16 12:52老大......... 真的哭了

wel1103 05/16 12:55老大...

H132196 05/16 13:03感謝翻譯 推一個

tetsu2008 05/16 13:04老大

meson 05/16 13:07第一段的you 是指MJ吧?

southernwood05/16 13:08QQ

DoubleA5566 05/16 13:08QQ

OSDim 05/16 13:10老大QQ

CHRCHR 05/16 13:10

darkreborn 05/16 13:11

B9907143 05/16 13:11四點的洛杉磯 是真的存在

aa091811004 05/16 13:13老科對球迷的態度,我是真的很佩服

Shawn0439 05/16 13:14有些地方翻的怪怪不過還是很感謝妳

laptic 05/16 13:19回 meson:感謝指正

NiGHTsC 05/16 13:21老大不曾離開過!

NiGHTsC 05/16 13:21感謝翻譯!

LAriza 05/16 13:22淚推老大QQ

ak658865 05/16 13:22謝謝

zold 05/16 13:26老大 (致敬)

fialin 05/16 13:28QQ

Icanmakeit 05/16 13:29推 QQ

kenslc199 05/16 13:31幹 好難過

buns958 05/16 13:36老大QQ

yealo 05/16 13:37老大

proman614 05/16 13:42

tikusa844 05/16 13:42為什麼會直翻戳泡泡...這邊應該是要表示常潑冷水吧

KirkSynder 05/16 13:44翻譯辛苦了

nicsutian 05/16 13:44老大 曼巴精神永流傳

flyingfish7105/16 13:46真是想念老大

LP30KG 05/16 13:48懷念老大

an05 05/16 13:49感謝辛苦翻譯

kn66 05/16 13:53淚推

laptic 05/16 13:55回 tikusa844:確實沒想到這一點...

lanchenchen 05/16 13:57我想你了老大

OrzJ 05/16 14:02

coolshak200605/16 14:04看到哭

jimkazama 05/16 14:22老大QQ

soeasy9511 05/16 14:30老大!!

pppbruce 05/16 14:44Last February應該是翻成去年二月(?翻成過去的二

pppbruce 05/16 14:44月有點怪怪的

ronale 05/16 14:45唉 感謝翻譯 有洋蔥

UncleDrew 05/16 14:51不是為第一排的球迷打球 是為300區的球迷 推一個

Yao1218 05/16 14:52邊看邊哭QQ太感人了

blackflag 05/16 14:53老大!!!!!!

uf1276 05/16 14:57永懷Kobe

XXXXXXXXXD 05/16 15:02嗚嗚嗚嗚 老大

kobe143 05/16 15:04Q___Q

IngramBrando05/16 15:12推QQ

schumi7401 05/16 15:13QQ

ghostxx 05/16 15:13感謝翻譯跟推文的修正,時間過的真快...

heacoun 05/16 15:29恭喜老大QQ

DarkHolbach 05/16 15:32帶傷上場那個真的了不起的職業精神,反觀某些沒傷

DarkHolbach 05/16 15:32病卻缺席比賽的


robert78011005/16 15:43推爆

Faried35 05/16 15:43

skyeeeee 05/16 15:46QQ

FragrantJo 05/16 15:48淚推

zteboom46 05/16 15:51老大QQ

kk9517 05/16 15:52QQ

auditor 05/16 15:56老大 我超愛你

ji31j452l4 05/16 15:58感謝翻譯 推推

IB1SA 05/16 15:59科神

gouba 05/16 16:01老大,我好想你,QQ

kobesniper 05/16 16:07淚推老大

h2901911 05/16 16:12!!

AndKobe 05/16 16:23老大 我愛你

stevefran 05/16 16:23QQ

kh2632 05/16 16:27

beck600325 05/16 16:30老大

iloveinhua 05/16 16:33thank you for being the best husband and fath

iloveinhua 05/16 16:33er you could possibly be. 應該是謝謝你成為你可

iloveinhua 05/16 16:33能成為最好的丈夫與父親,因為在之前的訪問Kobe也

iloveinhua 05/16 16:33說過一樣的話,他說他退休是因為他知道他已經變成

iloveinhua 05/16 16:33他所能變成的最好的球員,做到極限的意思

Pixis 05/16 16:34感謝翻譯

jefflin0824 05/16 16:34QQ

mjonask 05/16 16:36QQ

foresters01 05/16 16:41淚推

neos042 05/16 16:46QQ

ken6136 05/16 16:49謝謝翻譯

peiqua 05/16 16:51淚推

Djuda 05/16 16:58科比才是真時間管理大師

orzjeffrey 05/16 17:06永遠記得老大QQ

Yan5566 05/16 17:07老大 QQ 想你了

※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 05/16/2021 17:09:10

Iversonchi 05/16 17:09QQ

laptic 05/16 17:09再進行勘誤修正,感謝指正

jeter0607 05/16 17:11QQ

eric860720 05/16 17:17老大QQ

az400570437 05/16 17:18推老大

RP9ST 05/16 17:18老大QQ

howardq44 05/16 17:22老大QQ

fcuz120 05/16 17:23老大!!!!

semicoma 05/16 17:24我也愛妳

rabbit38381 05/16 17:30

kaede0711 05/16 17:41謝謝你 kobe

yiersan 05/16 17:41感謝

tetsu2008 05/16 17:54老大

palapalanhu 05/16 18:09QQ

kand676 05/16 18:16老大...

IB1SA 05/16 18:16科神

flyintmtc 05/16 18:32QQ

rojjujj 05/16 18:36謝謝老大給我青春的回億。滿滿懷念

nwohippo 05/16 18:49繼承MJ每場盡力比賽精神的KOBE!

avrilrock 05/16 18:51QQ

holygoner 05/16 18:55老大不曾離開。 QQ

HarunaOno 05/16 18:55謝謝翻譯 這篇演講真的很感人

HarunaOno 05/16 18:56也謝謝有Kobe在我青春的前半段陪伴著我

x60mm3bb 05/16 19:01

poohwooo 05/16 19:01老大!(哭

daniel0215 05/16 19:01老大qq

tortoise200605/16 19:06

STANLEY730 05/16 19:08看完真的哭了...太感人

kingmax111 05/16 19:18QQ感謝翻譯

OrespectO 05/16 19:19不會再有下一個Kobe了QQ

ZIQQ001 05/16 19:21QQ

becker 05/16 19:26老大

PCSH120 05/16 19:27懷念老大

tim1112 05/16 19:28老大QQ 雖然以前是當成敵隊球員看 但從他退休後感覺

tim1112 05/16 19:28看NBA好像少了什麼......

wdz660918 05/16 19:31

river0927 05/16 19:32QQ

Angel0724 05/16 19:47QQ

victorW5566 05/16 19:56哭了

haoche89120805/16 20:00QQ

manpower9 05/16 20:02他推

ctimchang 05/16 20:03QQ

ctes940008 05/16 20:12老大

kizz 05/16 20:23老大!

bigballerk 05/16 20:25QQ

cakeGJ 05/16 20:36老大!!! QQ 謝謝陪伴我整個學生時期的青春

fransiceyho 05/16 20:36Kobe!

Delete124 05/16 20:39老大QQ

justice0926 05/16 20:42載女兒上學 老大!!!

krara 05/16 20:50感謝翻譯,可以借我放FB嗎?看得很感動。

rio1998425 05/16 20:57推 謝謝翻譯

girlkissme 05/16 21:01qq

guest0926 05/16 21:03好感人

chad223310 05/16 21:06Kobe forever

ck910078 05/16 21:18謝謝翻譯,推老大

dotzai 05/16 21:19老大!!!

JF5385 05/16 21:24

asmallbug 05/16 21:29已哭

rambleon 05/16 21:32多希望能看到祂老去,而不是英年逝去,然而天不從人

rambleon 05/16 21:32願,但在心裡面的裡面,我會永遠記得祂統治球場的樣

rambleon 05/16 21:32子。

MasakiPei 05/16 21:35嗚嗚

littlelinsyu05/16 21:42老大

a34567 05/16 21:48我想他是會準備演講稿的 畢竟他是完美主義者

a34567 05/16 21:48找不到的原因可能是他都準備在腦中

a34567 05/16 21:49他可能無法忍受自己還要邊看稿才能表達自己

a34567 05/16 21:49畢竟 他是完美主義者

ac197 05/16 21:49推 老大真的對球迷很照顧QQ

boulderer 05/16 21:56 老大

jya 05/16 22:16

whhw 05/16 22:23

ilovemraz 05/16 22:24老大QQ

treasuredady05/16 22:44推 感謝翻譯

kuan678d 05/16 22:59老大QQ

yu80408 05/16 22:59老大

onizukashit 05/16 23:03老大!我好想你啊!

shan70 05/16 23:08QQ

pkmilk 05/16 23:20QQ

e761031 05/16 23:22感謝翻譯 QQ

realfade 05/16 23:32整個青春都是你 謝謝你

ssun302231 05/16 23:35老大 淚推QQ

loveway 05/16 23:43致 我的青春~淚

ntutbj 05/17 00:17老大QQ

kai83 05/17 00:17老大~~

karta207673905/17 00:21老大QQ

cupidysean 05/17 00:25推翻譯

SteveVai 05/17 00:46老大QQ

flash031523 05/17 01:12QQ

hugram 05/17 01:38Congratulations and so miss you! QQ

storm59688 05/17 01:43謝謝翻譯QQ

daniel50508 05/17 03:07推老大

asdfg5435 05/17 04:50老大 看到哭

gomotion 05/17 07:31凌晨四點的洛杉磯......QQ

naskate 05/17 08:05QQ

sharon1847 05/17 08:27推老大

chang1202 05/17 08:58感謝翻譯 建議off the court那邊可以改成 「他很謙

chang1202 05/17 08:58虛 (當然是在球場外)」比較有fu XD

danielgogogo05/17 10:03凌晨四點的洛杉磯

yokan 05/17 17:44

othen 05/19 22:02永遠的老大

LD2k 05/20 18:28老大!