[花邊] Horry:湖人變的更好前別面對快艇

看板NBA標題[花邊] Horry:湖人變的更好前別面對快艇作者
時間推噓15 推:21 噓:6 →:13


Robert Horry:
The Clippers are the only team in the West that scares me because they match
up well,” he said on Spectrum SportsNet.


“There’s something about Kawhi Leonard and the way he plays, the way he pl
ays LeBron. Paul George is going to be bad in playoffs for so long. Eventual
ly he’s going to come out of that slump

這關於可愛以及他打球方式,還有他與詹姆斯對位的方式。 喬治很長時間在季後賽中的表現都很糟糕,但最終他將會走出低谷。

“If they [Lakers] are in a bracket where they get to wait and get better an
d grow as a team and come together as a team, they’re only need to face a t
eam like the Clippers later rather than sooner. I want that to happen. I’ll
be even happy if they fall down to the eight spot to be honest with you. Th
at way they don’t have to face the Clippers until the Western Conference fi

。 那樣的話,他們直到西決前,就都不用面對快艇。


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sasewill 05/16 14:41明明就破船躲湖

live147222 05/16 14:42湖人本身其實不太怕 拼命在搶六 但快艇自己先躲了…

QAQer 05/16 14:43湖人在變得更好前會先面對勇士 不緊張

risingsuns 05/16 14:44快艇連火箭都輸 是誰躲誰

risingsuns 05/16 14:44就看他要怎麼輸雷霆

risingsuns 05/16 14:45金塊真的認真打阿拓才值得敬佩

ooxxman 05/16 14:45看起來是快艇在躲我皇

gamera 05/16 14:45跌到第9,就可以晚個幾個月再碰上

Jerrylin121205/16 14:49雙星等級差很多耶,怕啥

loserloser 05/16 14:49超越喬丹的男人 我是說戒指

zombierick 05/16 14:50PG有奪冠壓力,去年季後賽表現的夢魘,恐會再一次

lichi750626 05/16 14:53搶第六是因為第七要打附加賽啊,怎麼會講成不怕第

lichi750626 05/16 14:53一輪撞快艇

zero549893 05/16 15:12這誰?有比推文懂籃球? 湖人只怕傷痛而已 K?

gn00152097 05/16 15:19連火箭都輸? 其實前一場湖人也才贏火箭2分而已

chenborruey 05/16 15:19我湖遇到血虐4:0怕啥

doooooooooog05/16 15:22火箭不是雙星輪休嗎

doooooooooog05/16 15:22又一個把肯禿英文當成可愛?

ksuenjjr 05/16 15:29快艇輪休輸火箭真的沒什麼好參考的

ocean0817 05/16 15:30所有排名在我糊前面的球隊都怕我!快躲好阿

dorn 05/16 15:48只有球迷腦補誰躲誰 誰怕誰 自想自爽

LBJKO 05/16 15:59Horry我佩服你 當初敢賭我湖5:0 XD

LBJKO 05/16 15:59快艇補了RR表弟後 深度跟陣形很漂亮

nicholas21 05/16 16:03快艇 今年100%進西區總冠軍

sammy5062 05/16 16:17GOAT+歷史神獸,我就問一句

CTHsieh 05/16 16:19籃球界的威爾史密斯

creative 05/16 16:32你誰啊? 你戒指有LBJ多嗎?

lexus3310 05/16 16:44破艇不穩吧

a3221715 05/16 16:53快艇反守為攻 輸火箭

td770715 05/16 16:54翻譯:不要丟湖人的臉

NoPush 05/16 17:11PG在季後賽很長時間處於低谷……這次也不例外

blackin 05/16 17:32湖人輸就對了

kobe7785075 05/16 17:38勇士到底有什麼好怕 得分點就curry一個也在怕是要怎

kobe7785075 05/16 17:38麼拿冠軍

kkb512sk 05/16 17:43這人7冠比MJ冠軍數還多RMBJ算什麼咖

ms0545173 05/16 19:34冠軍比喬丹還多的男人

TnairB 05/16 20:26我也挺擔心加入了軟豆的快艇

josephpu 05/16 20:50推21樓,大家目標都是冠軍,沒在那怕來怕去

josephpu 05/16 20:52今年爵陽艇金湖,還真的看不出誰一定比誰強

cian421 05/17 01:22一堆人不認識七冠幸運神射Horry,是我老了嗎