
時間推噓1X 推:31 噓:50 →:21

來源: SidelineSources

Steph Curry or Klay Thompson? Andre Iguodala answers who is the better shooterAndre Iguodala回答到底Steph Curry跟Klay Thompson誰是比較好的射手

Former 2015 Finals MVP, Andre Iguodala, is most recently known for his
successful run with the Golden State Warriors. During that stretch, he playedwith the sharpshooting duo of Steph Curry and Klay Thompson. Multiple NBA
players, both past and present, call Steph the best shooter of all time.
However, when asked to choose between Steph Curry or Klay Thompson, Igoudala
says that the title could still be for grabs under certain circumstances.
2015年FMVP的Andre Iguodala最為人所知的就是他在勇士打球的那一段時期。在那段期
間,他跟兩個神射手一起打球,Steph Curry跟Klay Thompson。許多以前以及現在還在NBA打球的球員,都說Curry是史上最佳射手。不過,當被問到Curry跟Klay Thompson誰比較強時,Iguodala說這稱號要給誰得要看是什麼狀況。

“(Klay’s) a generational talent as well. Really excited for him. He missed
the game last two years. The only thing about Klay is, he’ll get bored after
like—you know, the shooting contest he’ll get bored. So people is like, who
’s the better shooter, Steph or Klay, and I’m like it depends on if Klay
wants to play with his dog or not.”

Andre Igoudala on who is the better shooter between Steph Curry and Klay
Thompson Igoudala said this while on JJ Redick and Tommy Alter’s podcast
called The Old Man and the Three.” The dog that Igoudala is referring to goesby the name of Rocco. Igoudala’s story is not the first time that Rocco’s
name has appeared in the news. Klay Thompson is very public about being a dogowner. From boat rides to shoe releases, Klay is getting Rocco involved
Iguodala是在JJ Redick跟Tommy Alter的Podcast節目"The Old Man and the Three"講到他認為誰是比較強的射手。Iguodala提到的那隻狗的名字是Rocco,這也不是第一次這狗的名字出現在新聞裡。Klay Thompson很公開的表示他有養狗,而且不管是去玩船或者是球鞋發布會,他都會讓Rocco參與。



"I’ll never forget the day I saw Klay scoring 37 points in the 3rd quarter ofa game, that’s the best shooting performance I’ve ever seen."
「我絕對不會忘記看到K湯第三節就拿下37分的那一天,那是我看到過的最好的投球了。」(K湯單節37分 )

"When Steph gets hot he’s an alien, he does shit that’s otherworldly. When
Klay gets hot like he did on his 37 he’s a robot."

"Steph and Klay are like Goku and Vegeta. Igoudala is MVP #17."

"If its game 6, im taking Klay."
「如果是要打Game 6,我要選K湯。」




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testutw 07/15 10:36七龍珠看太多

james960178 07/15 10:40看到小ai 就噓 沒職業道德的傢伙

corlos 07/15 10:42沒職業道德就噓 那你不要雙標全部都要噓喔 啾咪

corlos 07/15 10:42追殺就追殺不用這麼冠冕堂皇

a52060207 07/15 10:43蠻欠噓的阿

tatata 07/15 10:4317號不是廢物嗎

qwer2411 07/15 10:44G6湯

hunt5566 07/15 10:44我就噓,怎麼了 ,現在還不能隨自己心意噓喔?

ciafbi007 07/15 10:45追殺就追殺啊 爽

hunt5566 07/15 10:45沒職業道德選球隊打

tailsean 07/15 10:46看不太懂欸

liuuuuuu 07/15 10:46小ai 很棒啊 為何噓呢

James78923 07/15 10:4917號廢物啊 除非看GT版

pongbao 07/15 10:49想噓就噓,管這麼多住海邊?

ZongYan 07/15 10:505566兄弟 你沒噓到

EpyonDuo 07/15 10:5017號拿MVP是因為在超裡面的力之大會

killuaz 07/15 10:50那嘴綠是佛力沙?

chenchenje 07/15 10:51MVP 17號是龍珠超,才不是GT

bingripplw 07/15 10:5117號把特南克斯 物販當狗打

yuh15420 07/15 10:52連三樓一起噓

bobochu 07/15 10:53不要隨便改人家名字 Stephen

jaye5e5e5e5 07/15 10:55幫噓

willy911006 07/15 10:57我就噓

Pinky555 07/15 10:57噓小AI 沒問題

uppp 07/15 10:57

takechance 07/15 10:57嘴綠是克林啊,負責陣亡激發悟空

whyen23 07/15 10:57沒職業道德小Ai欠噓阿怎樣

scott68680 07/15 10:57我要噓誰關你屁事,護航連你一起噓啦

jared221 07/15 10:57我也來幫忙噓

ianasd 07/15 10:58K湯明明就是達布拉

paul1951 07/15 11:00老外真的很愛七龍珠欸

f77928 07/15 11:01浪花就外型來說比較像佛利沙跟達普拉吧,LBJ是賽魯

f77928 07/15 11:01第二型態

tzjwxpre 07/15 11:02我也幫噓,但不是噓職業道德,純粹噓人

AlwaySmile 07/15 11:05三樓欠噓

a12124477 07/15 11:05會後空翻嗎

cp3bg32 07/15 11:08無聊 沒人在意勇士的事

TAWON 07/15 11:13K湯不適撒旦嗎

jejerryellis07/15 11:14史上最噁心球員,沒看過那麼沒職業道德的

s87995109 07/15 11:15噓啊 客氣什麼

powerlin 07/15 11:20我也想噓

answermangtr07/15 11:24三小 是john wick?

kem0606 07/15 11:24來了

puro 07/15 11:24我也來幫忙 知道為什麼他會招黑嗎 一大部份來自你這

puro 07/15 11:24種人

tanga666 07/15 11:24想噓就噓

zsp40773 07/15 11:25小ai暗示咖哩是k湯的...? XD

a50142 07/15 11:28我要看到血流成河

liusim 07/15 11:30KT單節37真的神扯 一人擊垮一隊的一波流....

wayne0215 07/15 11:30把昔日隊友形容成狗…..

kingfsg7326 07/15 11:34在熱火還好吧 沒有擺爛

ksk0516 07/15 11:38純噓1FMVP伊古

ANSREC 07/15 11:40沒Follow到,為什麼大家噓小AI沒職業道德?求解

leo255112 07/15 11:40G6 湯是inevitable的

WBYY 07/15 11:40英文Dog 可以指死黨.........

zaqpptuse 07/15 11:41外國人只看過七龍珠會不會太可悲

opoos 07/15 11:42供 狗那段完全看不懂

tomatoWade 07/15 11:42可以去了解一下小AI在灰熊都在幹嘛

whathappen 07/15 11:43咖哩是狗?

willy911006 07/15 11:44再噓一次給三樓 抱歉了原po

hank7218 07/15 11:44該綁架Rocco了

d19901023 07/15 11:45吉連是詹詹嗎

KiniroMosaic07/15 11:45呵呵AI

hank7218 07/15 11:45趕快投一投,回家跟狗玩

hiro1221 07/15 11:47達爾跟悟空XDDD

Bob101301 07/15 11:47想問三樓怎樣才能噓

hank7218 07/15 11:49內文就有說KT的狗了

nuclearbomb 07/15 11:49這咖

jodd 07/15 11:50雙標就雙標住海邊喔

monmo 07/15 11:51沒看超的不要嘴17號RRRRRRRRRRRRR

monmo 07/15 11:51嘴綠:各位好我弗利札

pippen2002 07/15 11:52狗: 看我幹嘛?

FattestNerd 07/15 11:53想噓干你屁事 以為自己什麼咖小 可憐

James78923 07/15 11:56小AI 可愛就沒職業道德啊 偏要噓三樓

cust4938 07/15 12:00我要噓噓

submission2207/15 12:01幫噓三樓

cowbay5566 07/15 12:02噓噓噓

cowbay5566 07/15 12:02好好一篇文被三樓帶賽,哈哈

koeni1111 07/15 12:10我就噓

lou8407 07/15 12:12噓三樓,噁心魔人

luffysai 07/15 12:13三樓

headcase 07/15 12:13幫三樓噓自己

ak472222 07/15 12:16我只看到17號被西魯吃了

alittleghost07/15 12:18見一次噓一次

ks96021019 07/15 12:20三樓估計也跟小AI一樣,我肯定噓這爛咖

cbk152321 07/15 12:26噓死你

su1995 07/15 12:29噓三樓跟小ai 好爽喔 三樓有氣到中風了嗎 嘻嘻

newtypeL9 07/15 12:30在這邊也看到龍珠梗哈哈

wahaha303 07/15 12:38我就噓這咖罷工仔啊

SundayPeople07/15 12:42笑死 想說這有什麼好噓的

june8998201407/15 12:47想噓就噓

wayne0815 07/15 12:51老子爽噓就噓 關你屁事

banislolz 07/15 13:00被柯迷追殺 幫補血

lastpost 07/15 13:07小AI 被追殺成這樣 哈登好像都沒事

LeehomLee 07/15 13:10咖喱就順風球王 KT是逆境絕境能拯救球隊

satousei 07/15 13:24十足含金FMVP,沒有他沒有勇士王朝,respect

mark0204 07/15 15:14

monkeytos 07/15 16:12想說為什麼噓成這樣 看到三樓...

reenwit 07/15 18:46有隻小狗叫咖喱

xxwhoareyuxx07/16 00:52噓噓

donotguess8807/16 02:41噓三樓 想噓誰還要你管

sciv 09/14 01:52湯神真的不是叫假的