[情報] 暴龍總教練、Chris Boucher 談及 Goran Dragic 的角色

看板NBA標題[情報] 暴龍總教練、Chris Boucher 談及 Goran Dragic 的角色作者
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Nurse spoke to Dragic shortly after the trade, never got the sense that he
didn't want to be here. NN says Goran has been amenable to whatever role theywant to give him. "He's been fantastic... Very enjoyable to talk to, he's gota super high IQ, loves the game, competes to win"

What will Dragic's role be? Nurse says he could see him starting next to
VanVleet in the Lowry spot but could also envision him as a reserve, leading
a very young 2nd unit. Goran told me the other day he thinks he might
actually fit best coming off the bench.

Boucher on Dragic: "To me, it didn't seem like he didn't want to be here.
I've played with him for the last 2 weeks. He's trying to help everybody,
he's talking about winning and the things we can do. So, if you ask me
personally, I think he wants to be here and help us win"


在交易完成後,總教練 Nick Nurse 曾短暫跟抓雞談過,從未感覺到他不想在暴龍隊的意思。Nurse 說抓雞可以接受任何球團認為適合的角色。「他一直很出色……跟他交談得很

抓雞在暴龍的角色究竟會是什麼呢?Nurse 表示,他可以預見抓雞會頂替蘿莉原本的位置,陪同FVV一起先發,但也有可能會是帶領比較年輕之第二隊的後備球員。抓雞先前向記者說過,他實際上可能比較適合擔任替補球員。

而Chris Boucher 則表示:「對於我,表面看來他並沒有不想要在這裡的意思。我跟他一起練習了兩個星期,他正嘗試幫助每個人、他不斷談著求勝心,以及我們現在能做的。所以,如果以個人的身份問我,我會覺得他想要在這裡,幫我們贏球。」





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※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 09/30/2021 10:16:05

s21mo9025 09/30 10:14搞不好季中就被交易到爭冠隊去了

HelloBonj0ur09/30 10:33好想看抓雞去小牛帶077

Yofu 09/30 11:13老將坐鎮很重要的

klwcoco 09/30 11:17請問一下羅莉呢

oceanway062009/30 11:18去熱火了啊 吉巴好朋友

ichthyoid 09/30 11:19結果Lowry在熱火穿7號 XD 不過他也有問過抓雞就是

ichthyoid 09/30 11:19

crownschou 09/30 11:20沒辦法 蘿莉的7號在暴龍是準退休號碼了

stja 09/30 11:34

tshih 09/30 12:28Dragic跟Lowry在火箭同隊的時候有私交 背號的事其

tshih 09/30 12:28實不算什麼

letitbee 09/30 15:15看成

EvansChang 09/30 20:05不看好熱火這一筆 我大抓雞雞…