[外絮] 太陽老闆被指控(2)

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NBPA executive director Michele Roberts said she was not aware of any reports from players of misconduct by Sarver or the Suns. "Apart from [point guard Chris Paul] and James Jones, we have not had much official contact with the team and none that I can think of with Sarver."
Current and former Suns employees told ESPN that Sarver is known to say he is "brutal to work for," a line he has repeated over the years, even in job interviews. Sarver has told executives they were "paid a lot of money to put up with my s---."
"If the commissioner comes in and investigates to see what the f--- is going on in Phoenix," one current business operations employee told ESPN, "[he] would be appalled."

NBPA的M Roberts說他們也沒收到相關指控,他與除了CP3(前會長)與JJ以外的太陽隊成員並沒有太多接觸- 我想他也不會與沙佛有太多接觸。


如果有專員到太陽隊調查整件事情,他會震驚的 ,一位現任太陽營運成員說。

THERE WERE WARNING signs from the beginning.
The Suns were coming off a 29-53 season in 2004, and an early major decision for Sarver centered on signing the team's top free agent that summer, Steve Nash.
A recruiting pitch was set for the start of free agency. Among Sarver and others, attendees included Nash's agent Bill Duffy and 2003 Rookie of the Year Amar'e Stoudemire, both of whom are Black. Three people in the room told ESPN that, during the meeting, Sarver made a comment they felt was racially insensitive; they could not recall specifics but said they felt he too loosely used the term "Black guy" during the conversation.



與會者包含了Nash的經紀人與阿罵(Stoudemire),他們認為在那次會議中,沙佛提到有色人種時顯得不夠「敏感」 - 他提到黑人時的態度過於輕佻。

Ultimately, the Suns got their target, but "we signed Steve Nash despite Robert," said a basketball executive who was there.

最終太陽還是簽下了Nash ,儘管有沙佛在場。 一位參與其中的高管說

(其實我不懂是什麼意思 , 是指沙佛一直幫倒忙?)

Sarver's lawyers told ESPN the anecdote was too vague and happened too long ago to address specifically, but they did note that nothing racially inappropriate was said and that 73% of NBA players in 2004 were Black. "Thus, those conversations certainly would have referenced Black men." Sarver, they said, was "integral" to signing Nash.
It was one of the first instances in which Sarver's conduct raised questions among employees.

沙佛的律師說,當年2004NBA 已經有73%的黑人,所以談話中不可能不提到黑人,而沙佛對於簽下Nash有無可替代的作用

At least a half-dozen Suns staffers recounted to ESPN instances of Sarver hearing a story from a Black player and then using the same language when retelling it, down to the usage of the N-word.
"You're like, 'Whoa! Robert, you can't do that,'" said one former basketball executive. Another former Suns head coach said such instances were commonplace. A Black basketball operations staffer told ESPN he has heard Sarver say the N-word multiple times.
Sarver once used the N-word when trying to explain to a staffer why he preferred hiring Lindsey Hunter over Dan Majerle as head coach in 2013, according to a high-level executive who heard the remark. Hunter was a first-year Suns player development coordinator while Majerle was in his fifth year as a Suns associate head coach.
"These [N-words] need a [N-word]," Sarver told the staffer of his largely Black team, according to the executive.
Sarver again cited race as the reason the team needed to hire Watson as head coach in 2016, a former Suns basketball executive said: A young Black coach could better relate to Black players, Sarver reasoned, and could "speak their language."
Through legal representation, Sarver denied the allegation about Hunter, saying he never used the N-word and "never used words to that effect," and said race was never discussed during Watson's hiring process.

多位球員與太陽的前員工,都提到沙佛在敘述他從黑人球員身上聽來的故事,會一字不漏的複敘,包含N -word




Before the 2017-18 season, a tense front-office situation provided another glimpse into interactions with Sarver employees felt were racially insensitive. Late in the previous season, point guard Eric Bledsoe had been benched in a tanking effort led by Sarver, former basketball operations staffers said.

Issues with the benching percolated into the offseason, when Bledsoe was eligible for a contract extension.



Contract talks eventually led Bledsoe's Klutch Sports agent, Rich Paul, to communicate directly with Sarver -- the Suns owner didn't want to extend Bledsoe's contract in part due to concerns about Bledsoe's durability, plus concerns that the team had performed poorly with him as the starting point guard, according to sources at the time. Paul responded to Sarver's remarks by saying that he knew basketball and that they "weren't talking about tennis," Sarver's childhood sport.
Sarver erupted at the dig, according to two people with knowledge of the interaction, telling Paul he was going to fire Watson as the team's head coach if Watson didn't sever ties with Klutch, which had been representing Watson, within 10 days - just after the start of the season.
Watson said that Sarver's ultimatum quickly reached him. He asked Sarver if he was serious.
"Yeah, I will f---ing fire you," Sarver told Watson. "You have 10 days to think about it. Don't wait too long."
Watson said he explained to Sarver the optics of a white owner asking a Black coach to fire an agency led by a Black agent, Paul.
"Yeah, I understand what race you two are," Sarver replied, according to Watson. "So I'm asking you, How bad do you want your job?"
Watson said he told Sarver that he wasn't going to fire Klutch.
"You can do whatever you want," Watson said he told Sarver. "You own this team, but my culture is not for sale. And I'm not for sale."
Through legal representation, Sarver said his issue with Klutch was solely due to a conflict of interest -- that a coach and a player could not be represented by the same agent. Sarver denied that the conversation had anything to do with race.
Watson, when told of Sarver's response, said: "Rich [Paul] was never my agent." Watson was represented by Klutch Sports, which is owned by Paul.
"Guess who did my contract when I got hired to be a head coach [with the Suns]? Klutch," Watson said. "If Klutch did my contract, wouldn't [the Suns] have just told me, 'We can't sign you because it's a conflict of interest?' They did my interim contract, and they did my other contract. They did two contracts for me."
The Suns lost their first three games of the season by a combined 92 points. Watson's final game as head coach was a 130-88 loss to the Clippers; Sarver fired him the next day.
"It's almost like an ownership thing," Watson told ESPN. "He wants people to call him and beg him."


而作為雷獸的經紀人,Klutch Sports的富堡與沙佛談判,而富堡用 「我懂籃球,這與你小時候玩的網球不一樣。」 回擊

(我自己詢問米國人,這段話其實是指 籃球是黑人的運動,白人還是去打網球就好了)

想當然沙佛大發雷霆,他直接告訴富堡,他將讓Watson炒了Klutch 作為報復,不然他將會開除Watson


沙佛開門見山的告訴Watson , 他有10天的時間考慮 - 我他媽的真的會開除你




你可以對你的球隊為所欲為,但我對我的文化/信仰/種族是不會出賣的 ,Watson說



Watson: 我的經紀人不是富堡 ,而是Klutch


Watson告訴ESPN ,沙佛的行為就像他是我們的擁有者,他希望人們求他。



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AgentZero 11/12 14:04結果最大的罪狀就是他直接講尼哥兩個字不消音XD

pneumo 11/12 14:05辛苦

EZ78 11/12 14:05沒啦 另一個罪狀是他簽Nash因為他是白人

EZ78 11/12 14:05雖然有打出來但是就…

sezna 11/12 14:05不喜歡富堡還不行喔?

ocean0817 11/12 14:06推個

Neptunia 11/12 14:06富保那句話歧視成這樣結果被搞是沙佛 有夠好笑

EZ78 11/12 14:07而且Rich Paul這樣看下來真的蠻靠北的

bestteam 11/12 14:07這種程度的小事 也想燒人..

sezna 11/12 14:07Klutch不等於富堡 嗯

s90188 11/12 14:08結果看起來就是老闆很雞掰而已,還沒有什麼能讓他

s90188 11/12 14:08下來的證據

azlbf 11/12 14:09我剛剛才發現只翻了越1/3…

sezna 11/12 14:09事後來看雷獸是真的雷 到底誰懂阿

kobe30418 11/12 14:09感覺富堡才是最歧視的傢伙

hasroten 11/12 14:10看起來就只是機車的老闆 是不是有人想搞

kobe30418 11/12 14:10而且雷獸真的雷 蠻有眼光的

love1500274 11/12 14:10這翻完可能要8-9集 超級長的

hasroten 11/12 14:11不是欸 Nash打的很好啊 事實證明他很有眼光吧

azlbf 11/12 14:12但 我google 沒有找到富堡有說這些話的新聞就是了

EZ78 11/12 14:12他打得好跟因為膚色才雇用是兩回事啊-.-

azlbf 11/12 14:13事後諸葛來看 簽Nash 交易阿嬤 選書人 都是沙佛強力

azlbf 11/12 14:13主導的正確決策

kennykennyok11/12 14:14看到富堡集團攪進來就知道怎麼回事了

hasroten 11/12 14:14問題是他也不是都不簽黑人吧

LEEKN 11/12 14:16還有沒有料啊

ak0209 11/12 14:16交易阿罵不算吧 前一年有機會賣不肯賣

ak0209 11/12 14:17拖到FA和尼克先簽後換 只能拿回零頭而已

EZ78 11/12 14:18交易Amare那筆虧到哭吧…

SuikaJasper 11/12 14:18聽起來根本沒一個指控站的住腳,各種信口開河,問證

SuikaJasper 11/12 14:18據就是沒人在場

azlbf 11/12 14:19可能我記錯了 我記得沙佛是想交易,但當時的GM想多

azlbf 11/12 14:19拼一年

EZ78 11/12 14:20反正情節不會到快艇那麼嚴重換老闆啦

EZ78 11/12 14:20陽迷請繼續加油OuO

webberfun 11/12 14:20富保.......

WBYY 11/12 14:21說實在富堡那句話反過來是白人說早就被幹爆了

EZ78 11/12 14:22Sarver頂多就是政治不正確被抨擊而已

sasewill 11/12 14:22富堡大戰沙佛,兩邊都好討人厭哈哈哈

madeathmao 11/12 14:22奇怪,富堡才是說歧視言論的人吧?Waston在公三小

newtypeL9 11/12 14:22富堡很嗆嘛

newtypeL9 11/12 14:23富堡很懂籃球,那怎麼不想辦法教教西門投籃

hanslins 11/12 14:24這點東西就想換老闆?陽迷再努力點吧!

Royalweger 11/12 14:24就是個黑人兄弟挺阿的概念

cv120345 11/12 14:25從最後一段看來感覺是私怨然後想燒成種族歧視

EZ78 11/12 14:25老實說我覺得陽迷應該希望情節越嚴重越好XD

amos30627 11/12 14:25怎麼看都是富堡歧視 老闆發火要開除 還搬黑人身份出

amos30627 11/12 14:25來 自助餐?

hiaries 11/12 14:26好像....沒什麼?可能外國人比較難體會他們的社會

hiaries 11/12 14:26氛圍,我覺得富堡那句還比較過分

AngelNo13 11/12 14:26黑人同胞做的很多事情都是換個膚色就準備炸裂的

EZ78 11/12 14:26不過2隻球隊都有CP3也真的蠻巧的

sezna 11/12 14:26沒有快艇老闆那種一刀斃命的證據 都是空口白話

AgentZero 11/12 14:27可是那時候除了Nash 還有哪個黑人後衛值得簽?

cv120345 11/12 14:27黑人是不是對自己歧視別人都輕輕帶過對別人歧視黑人

cv120345 11/12 14:27就看很重阿?

AgentZero 11/12 14:27講得好像簽另個黑人會比Nash更強 問題是沒有啊

hanslins 11/12 14:29真的最好笑拿老納出來證明,老納大概是太陽有史以

hanslins 11/12 14:29來最賺的一筆交易

hanslins 11/12 14:30其他不說,老納至少是歷史前五控衛,抽籤到死都不

hanslins 11/12 14:30一定抽到

EZ78 11/12 14:31就只能說還好Nash夠爭氣啊XD

leoncurry30 11/12 14:32這樣不可能會下台的啦,尤其現在政治情勢在翻轉當

leoncurry30 11/12 14:32

leoncurry30 11/12 14:32況且富堡因為西門事件被當落水狗在打,短期內不太可

leoncurry30 11/12 14:32能可以處理這件事

nuturewind 11/12 14:32還以為什麼鐵證如山的事證,結果就這樣?

EZ78 11/12 14:33當時FA其實有Kobe就是了

s925407 11/12 14:34這些事感覺都沒什麼,試想那時候如果沙佛對富堡讓

s925407 11/12 14:34步,那今天太陽說不定也要面對76人或前幾年的水鳥

s925407 11/12 14:34一樣被經紀公司掐住脖子的狀況

Aggro 11/12 14:34沙佛當年比較想壓在抓雞上 只是後來事情燒到抓雞不

EZ78 11/12 14:3496梯那年大部分都變成UFA

Aggro 11/12 14:34爽 還是只能交易他 那時候陽迷還笑難得沙佛眼光不錯

Aggro 11/12 14:34知道要留誰

s925407 11/12 14:34而且實際上watson那時候帶的真的是夠爛,根本不用

s925407 11/12 14:34靠他跟富堡的事也應該會被炒掉

Aggro 11/12 14:35Nash那件事反而立場不足 當時看衰Nash的應該是多數

Aggro 11/12 14:35畢竟過往來說 過30白人球員普遍會覺得容易下滑

nuturewind 11/12 14:36而且花生那一段根本就是他拿黑人兄弟經紀團隊當靠山

Aggro 11/12 14:36但後來Nash太成功了 反而證明太陽眼光是對的 押對寶

nuturewind 11/12 14:36在那邊大小聲吧……

EZ78 11/12 14:36很多就結果論啊 放到現在那筆一定一開始就被酸爆

s925407 11/12 14:36而且講起來沙佛考慮到教練跟球員的文化背景所以選

s925407 11/12 14:36擇教練也聘請跟球員一樣的黑人,這反而才是真的在

s925407 11/12 14:36種族上有所考量吧,真正的原罪大概真的只是用詞不

s925407 11/12 14:36好而已

hanslins 11/12 14:36對不起啊陽迷,目前看起來殺佛不會走,沒證據,即

hanslins 11/12 14:36使講得都是真的殺傷力也很弱

Aggro 11/12 14:36目前已知新聞來看 沙佛確實是慣老闆 但要用種族藉口

Aggro 11/12 14:37踢掉他 我覺得蠻難的

EZ78 11/12 14:37“30歲白人沒身高沒對抗的控衛到底能幹嘛”

leoncurry30 11/12 14:37Watson 是真的很爛完全沒有能力,拿三衛就只是個BLM

leoncurry30 11/12 14:37擋箭牌呵呵,其實留Dragic說不定太陽早就有季後賽可

leoncurry30 11/12 14:37以打

nuturewind 11/12 14:37這篇原文的水準跟某些政治風向文程度87%像

EZ78 11/12 14:37不過沒有一個是可以讓他滾的啦 陽迷請繼續加油XD

Aggro 11/12 14:37抓雞當時反而是老闆想留 但總管一心想扶植雷獸上位

Aggro 11/12 14:39我覺得現在關鍵是沙佛用了黑人GM 黑人教練而且兩個

hanslins 11/12 14:39對了前面講的三十歲白人沒身高沒體能算不算種族歧

hanslins 11/12 14:39視?

s925407 11/12 14:39當時總管麥當勞是想建立雷獸跟抓雞兩人為主的陣容

s925407 11/12 14:39,一開始還不錯但是再加入另一個也想打先發的後衛

s925407 11/12 14:39之後一切就出問題了

Aggro 11/12 14:39現在都算站老闆這邊 你用這藉口又沒強力證據很難翻

EZ78 11/12 14:39估計是吧XD 種族刻板印象

Aggro 11/12 14:40這就跟黃種人大部分身體強度跟不上觀念類似

Windows11 11/12 14:40看完覺得Watson就是來報復的

EZ78 11/12 14:40不過沒體能這種事情是客觀的事實啦

EZ78 11/12 14:40反正就最多不政確而已

s925407 11/12 14:41刻板印象還好,但是如果因為種族刻板印象而導致你

s925407 11/12 14:41做出一些不利於他的行為就是歧視了。以Nash為例,

s925407 11/12 14:41如果太陽最後因為白人30隨後體能下降的刻板印象而

s925407 11/12 14:41拒絕簽他的話就是歧視

XSR300 11/12 14:41一群雙標黑鬼

EZ78 11/12 14:41沙佛扛住一段時間後風平浪靜

s925407 11/12 14:41但實際上沙佛還是簽下Nash

Aggro 11/12 14:42其實就算不簽也稱不上歧視就是 商業聯盟本來就會推

Aggro 11/12 14:42估後來價值 有時候不是歧視不歧視問題

cv120345 11/12 14:42那時Nash的評價本來就不高,只能算合格的先發後衛還

s925407 11/12 14:42而且沙佛也沒少簽過黑人總管、黑人總教練,這些種

s925407 11/12 14:42族的指控很難成立,不然把火力放在沙佛的慣老闆行

s925407 11/12 14:42為還比較有希望

EZ78 11/12 14:43不過現在研究的發現其實28歲棒球職業運動員就開始

EZ78 11/12 14:43下滑了 舉棒球是因為他們的能力最好量化

cv120345 11/12 14:43有防守和傷病的問題,以評估球員的角度來看的確不強

jackal44748 11/12 14:43沒什麼一擊必殺的料 就是一個機掰的老闆而已

Aggro 11/12 14:43現在的黑人教練和總管形象也不低 他兩不發難 我覺得

Aggro 11/12 14:43沙佛很難被鬥倒

s925407 11/12 14:44對啦,簽不簽是商業決定,我的意思是如果只靠那個

s925407 11/12 14:44刻板印象就決定的話就是歧視,實際上這麼大的團隊

s925407 11/12 14:44應該不會只靠種族刻板印象就決定簽約的事

Aggro 11/12 14:44他是基八慣老闆沒錯 但拉高到種族歧視 現在證據都太

EZ78 11/12 14:44反正現在他就老闆教練全都黑人 根本不可能鬥倒他

Aggro 11/12 14:44薄了

Aggro 11/12 14:45陽迷的話 會笑說他只會看你便不便宜吧XDDDDDD

hanslins 11/12 14:45這件事如果只有這樣聯盟根本不會處理殺佛,這等於

hanslins 11/12 14:45那一天黑人兄弟不爽直接可以誣陷幹掉白人老闆

EZ78 11/12 14:46不過ESPN本來就很在意政治正確這種東西 拿這種事情

EZ78 11/12 14:46來爆不奇怪 畢竟頂頭上司是米老鼠

hanslins 11/12 14:47真正最危險的是庫班,但他大概是全NBA最好的老闆,

hanslins 11/12 14:47真鬥他會比較好?

coiico 11/12 14:47因為被開除了所以自然是種族歧視

DDDDing 11/12 14:48老闆討厭富保羅集團也不是什麼大事

MK47 11/12 14:48看起來根本沒有決定性的證據 目前有的就只是他們對

hanslins 11/12 14:48老闆喜歡富保羅才是新聞

MK47 11/12 14:48於沙佛語氣上的不爽 這樣聯盟最好會鳥那些人啦

EZ78 11/12 14:49庫班沒有大家講得那麼好啦 那麼好小牛也不會都沒人

EZ78 11/12 14:49要去

MK47 11/12 14:49你要說他囂張老闆不夠尊重員工還有討論空間 這樣就

MK47 11/12 14:49想種族歧視搞掉一個老闆真的想太多

brothers502311/12 14:49看起來沙佛只是要求很多 嘴巴賤 但有能力還是為人用

brothers502311/12 14:49

sezna 11/12 14:49庫班插手亂搞球隊是慣犯了

EZ78 11/12 14:51用人唯才(X)只看CP值不花錢(O)

Aggro 11/12 14:51不不不 陽迷會說 用人CP值才是重點

s90188 11/12 14:54可是你很難說他眼光不好xd

s90188 11/12 14:54他喜歡的是Nash, Dragic, Booker 這些人

Inori0912 11/12 14:54其實看起來沙佛才是真正講求平權的吧 黑人自己毛病

Inori0912 11/12 14:54一堆 只會待在黑人小圈圈裡 又愛歧視人 還動不動拿

Inori0912 11/12 14:54種族出來說嘴

s90188 11/12 14:54討厭的像是雷獸

caten 11/12 14:54看起來單純就白目又機車而已吧

s210125 11/12 14:55白人用歧視用語》鬥倒 黑人用歧視用語 》輕輕帶過

Aggro 11/12 14:55大橋好像也是他想選的 好像

s90188 11/12 14:55其實文章裡還有提到他很喜歡對員工開黃腔,就看有

s90188 11/12 14:55沒有人收集證據了

waitwind 11/12 14:55嗯?雖然沙佛形象很差,但這些指控看起來站不住腳阿

EZ78 11/12 14:56現在想想他簽Nash看膚色邏輯都通了 因為他是白人(X

EZ78 11/12 14:56)因為白人30歲後衛CP值比較高(O)

Aggro 11/12 14:57陽迷基本上是很期待換老闆拉 但現在證據真的稱不上

EZ78 11/12 14:57沙佛跟史特林相比真的是小case

Aggro 11/12 14:57多一刀斃命 爆料的再加油點吧

zero549893 11/12 14:58富堡也在歧視欸

pttsac 11/12 15:06我猜是 與會那兩位感到受傷 但還是努力牽線Nash吧

Aggro 11/12 15:08史特林那個已經是舊年代奴隸主的心態了

Aggro 11/12 15:09沙佛不能說完全沒歧視 但比較像現代老白人有的程度

Y1999 11/12 15:11就嘴很78然後簽人都看CP值的慣老闆,而且事後來看

Y1999 11/12 15:11也是蠻有眼光的

vgil 11/12 15:22史達林有被錄音直接一刀斃命

GodMune0608 11/12 15:23我竟然認同Sarver對雷獸的質疑

puro 11/12 15:35光這兩篇 我只覺得黑人很難搞 只有我們能說尼哥 你

puro 11/12 15:35們說就是歧視 zzzzz

KotoriCute 11/12 15:41歧視明明是富寶吧

gametv 11/12 15:42富堡那句話就是黑人主流想法啊,黑人講歧視,呵

KotoriCute 11/12 15:42NBA真的需要有人給富堡一點教訓

bill19420 11/12 15:44唯一支持猶太人Sarver,給黑人一點教訓

bill19420 11/12 15:45看看Simmoms猶太人聯盟你惹的起嗎

ghostxx 11/12 15:46黑人真是無敵金身

bill19420 11/12 15:46我寧可把你冰到壞掉,讓你們黑人自己互鬥

gcar 11/12 16:00就算他不是不選黑人,事實上,籃球場上也沒有足夠

gcar 11/12 16:00又夠好又剛好走完合約的白人給他選

findwind082611/12 16:09太陽換老闆喔 高機率換到更差的喔

scratch01 11/12 16:12整篇看來就Wason被炒然後亂爆料吧

x147159357 11/12 16:13黑人就是最雙標的一群,一直都是。

mhkt 11/12 16:16所以這文章內容…… 只是來了解一位機車的慣老闆

mhkt 11/12 16:16罷了

sbdr 11/12 16:16越看越像前總教練不爽 XDDD

Sherlock95 11/12 16:17富保現在有詹皇撐腰 聯盟動不了

speedythief 11/12 16:21故事看來就不敏感然後被敏感雙標的黑人搞了

recky04 11/12 16:28富堡那段問題感覺真的很大

recky04 11/12 16:29Watson早不爆 現在才搞 也是問題很多

bangch 11/12 16:29整篇看下來這老闆還真沒做錯什麼事 富寶本來就

bangch 11/12 16:29不是啥好貨

xo1100 11/12 16:37Watson跟麥當勞就在報復啊

xo1100 11/12 16:38麥當勞還是白人勒

o0991758566 11/12 17:00他的確是個爛老闆 但這也不到能逼他下來的程度

SCLPAL 11/12 17:07選白人會出事的話 庫班危險了嗎QQ?

vvvv0o0vvvv 11/12 17:10富保那個到底在三小???

swingingbear11/12 18:40雙標族群的敏感神經 不能挑戰的

ken720331 11/12 18:47沙佛被逼下台誰會歡呼XD

s925407 11/12 19:02太陽迷多半會歡呼,但目前看起來對方戰力頗差,可

s925407 11/12 19:02

Aggro 11/12 19:37相信我 最想換老闆的一定是太陽迷

xo1100 11/12 19:49以為陽迷沒在期待有致命性的證據嗎

samsam80821 11/12 19:58看完感覺沙佛印像變好了 富寶不意外 walston很衰

samsam80821 11/12 19:58 但他當出帶那麽爛 不排除只是太爛被炒 沒有中間

samsam80821 11/12 19:58那一段

samsam80821 11/12 20:02其實我不覺得他不敏感 他就是覺得他X的 N字你們能

samsam80821 11/12 20:02講我不能 除了講這個他看起來超平等 完全沒有假平

samsam80821 11/12 20:02等那種 而且眼光很毒辣 不愧是商人

nickyang 11/12 20:19你翻譯是好心,但真的腦補太多

alumican 11/12 20:21換成白人跟威廉絲姊妹的老爸說你們去打籃球的話…

nickyang 11/12 20:41例如說,原文裡員工指控Sarver的態度是「你們領那

nickyang 11/12 20:41麼多錢就是要收拾我的爛攤子」而不是「找他們來當

nickyang 11/12 20:41屎」

nickyang 11/12 20:43原文也沒有說員工告訴他轉述是不能講N字後,他「看

nickyang 11/12 20:43起來不以為然」

mjonask 11/12 21:21爛招

EZ78 11/12 21:27居然是尼克楊大大XD

Landius 11/12 22:42怎麼看起來這個殺佛根本是眾生平等派...

Landius 11/12 22:43反而像是這個老闆主導性太強,一些想上下其手的不高

Landius 11/12 22:43興?

jetaime610 11/12 23:07看完感覺還好欸

gowaa 11/13 00:14看起就是個想要cp值的老闆...

sgps 11/13 00:31交易阿嬤是正確抉擇喔

sgps 11/13 00:31交易完黑暗期多久啊

zephyre 11/13 03:04黑色自助餐 真臭 跟女拳自助餐87%像啊

overpolo 11/13 09:56很討厭沙佛 可是看起來明明是黑人歧視白人

jick156 11/14 12:28開除黑人就是歧視blabla

yeustream 11/15 12:49富堡的歧視表現得明顯很多

vovoson 11/17 11:57種族問題不敏感是三小 沒有力挺黑人?