Re: [情報] 嘴綠扁Poole的影片

看板NBA標題Re: [情報] 嘴綠扁Poole的影片作者
時間推噓 4 推:5 噓:1 →:0


The San Francisco Police Dept. tells TMZ Sports ... it is not investigating
the incident and had no involvement in the matter.





對於這部分,Reddit 鄉民的反應:(隨機挑選)

①People are seriously insane if they thought this would go to the cops


②I mean i’m pretty sure they aren’t legally obligated unless JP actually
pressed charges against Draymond

「感覺上大概可以確定,除非普爾真的(民事)起訴嘴綠,他們(警方)是沒有法律 責任的」

另外順帶一提,針對「球團宣佈要查內鬼」的部分,Reddit 鄉民的部分反應:

①The leaker really gonna get more punishment than draymond huh


②I really hope some random janitor made $50k from TMZ for that clip


It could be difficult to find out who leaked it anyway. If it was team
footage, it's possible a lot of different people pulled it up to watch over the last week, and with the video looking like it was taking with a phone
of a monitor - it makes it that much more difficult to confirm who was
looking at the video file.

「無論如何,可能很難找到外洩的人。如果是來自隊內錄像,將可能有很多不同人在上 星期調出來看,且該影片看起來是使用手機拍攝的,因此更難以確認誰曾經看過該檔 案。」

③Are they more upset the public found out than the actual altercation itself?



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rex9999 10/09 00:02台勇迷:先抓鬼!

s50101 10/09 00:09在你來之前我們就在傷人了

Dontcrydad 10/09 01:52在打你之前我已經打過好幾個了

aptx0106 10/09 02:35你來之前我就扁過好幾個了

hanslins 10/09 05:25要抓簡單,但要確定是誰要有證據

JackSmith 10/09 09:45我完全同意第三點,他們現在惱羞大於憤怒