[情報] MCST 開發出可搭載4TB ram的16核CPU

看板PC_Shopping標題[情報] MCST 開發出可搭載4TB ram的16核CPU作者
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This Russian CPU surpasses AMD EPYC, Intel Xeon on one critical feature
By Anton Shilov 13 hours ago

MCST Elbrus-16C shown off in public, and is set to be volume-produced in 2022

(Image credit: MCST)
MCST, a developer of microprocessors and servers from Russia, has shown off
its first 16-core CPU for the first time.

The Elbrus-16C system-on-chip makes another leap forward in terms of catchingup with modern chips by AMD and Intel, but surprisingly the new server
platform can beat AMD’s EPYC server platforms in one critical metrics: DRAM

The MCST Elbrus-16C CPU integrates 16 cores that use a proprietary
microarchitecture that run at 2GHz, an eight-channel DDR4-3200 memory
controller that supports ECC, 32 PCIe 3.0 lanes, four SATA 3.0 ports, and
built-in 10GbE and 2.5GbE interfaces. The chip is powered by a new
microarchitecture that supports hardware virtualization.

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The developer says that its 16-core processor will offer performance of 1.5
FP32 TFLOPS as well as 0.75 FP64 TFLOPS. In general, such performance levels
can barely impress. For example, Nvidia’s A100 GPU can hit 19.5 FP32 TFLOPS
and 9.7 FP64 TFLOPS, which is about 13 times higher when compared to the



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abc21086999 10/10 13:34電子垃圾

mikapauli 10/10 13:49用Optane的話4TB很輕鬆吧

SteamTank 10/10 14:02台積16nm 靠台GG就能跟美俄結盟

kira925 10/10 14:56但EPYC一樣可以4TB的RAM阿...

hcwang1126 10/10 15:02特定的Xeon也是可以

hcwang1126 10/10 15:0416條256的模組搭配能存取的記憶體控制器

hcwang1126 10/10 15:078 channel 3200 icx的規格

kuma660224 10/10 16:50這其實很弱 俄國黨政軍扶持的自主IC

kuma660224 10/10 16:51Elbrus16是台積電16nm代工

kuma660224 10/10 16:51前一代是Elbrus8, 台積電28nm代工

kuma660224 10/10 16:57VLIW架構用binary translation相容X86

kuma660224 10/10 16:58大概兆芯Via馬甲等級實力 毛子自主版

kuma660224 10/10 16:58核心不行,那就堆料吧...

kuma660224 10/10 16:59反正俄黨政軍工業自用 不用美國貨就好

kuma660224 10/10 16:59美國現在主要軍事對抗敵人是中國

kuma660224 10/10 17:00所以不太在意GG幫俄國代工

kuma660224 10/10 17:00反正性能不行 不值得打壓

kkcity59 10/10 18:202 Way SMP的EPYC其實也可以做得到

kkcity59 10/10 18:20或者一些加裝memory repeater的Xeon也可以

kkcity59 10/10 18:212 Way SMP算是最容易而且不衝核心數量也不太貴

vwpassat 10/10 21:20會像羅斯的航空發動機一樣,數據嚇死人,壽限笑死人

vwpassat 10/10 21:20嗎?

iio 10/19 11:54樓上 應該是宣傳嚇死人 實際笑死人