[情報] AMD顯卡驅動20.10.1

看板PC_Shopping標題[情報] AMD顯卡驅動20.10.1作者
時間推噓 7 推:8 噓:1 →:8

Fixed Issues
Audio may experience instability when connected through an Audio Video
Receiver via HDMI® on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
Desktop may experience frame rate fluctuation when exiting a Vulkan® API
game with Radeon FreeSync enabled on two or more display system
Uploading or streaming content to YouTube™ may be unavailable or not working
Genshin Impact™ is not detected or listed in Radeon Software gaming tab.
Some specific Windows® screensavers such as ‘Bubbles’ may cause an
application crash when applied on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
Graphical corruption may occur on desktop or at idle when two or more
connected high refresh rate displays are Radeon FreeSync enabled on Radeon RX5000 series graphics products.
Upgrading to Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition releases from Radeon
Software 2019 Edition releases via Radeon Settings may sometimes fail with anerror message.
Known Issues
Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games
and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with
Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
Performance Metrics Overlay and the Performance Tuning tab incorrectly reporthigher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics
products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this
incorrect reporting.
Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30.
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※ 編輯: dreamgirl ( 美國), 10/21/2020 00:36:56

pcfox 10/21 00:44已裝 目前一切正常

CyBw 10/21 01:14這版有修某個遊戲破圖但沒寫上,代理剛倒又在steam

CyBw 10/21 01:14復活

robocon 10/21 01:46Hdmi聲音問題發售到現在終於修好啦

x9898997 10/21 03:12我上一版都會突然黑屏掛掉,只能重開==

Tsukasayeo 10/21 07:17HDMI音效好了?晚上來測看看;再來該增強型同步了

WeAntiTVBS 10/21 08:07技嘉5700上一版無線黑屏 連AMD Chipset一起更新再觀

WeAntiTVBS 10/21 08:07察看看了

WeAntiTVBS 10/21 08:08修一下 無限黑屏

Tsukasayeo 10/21 08:22看官方社區的討論串HDMI音效怎麼好像變更糟了?從

Tsukasayeo 10/21 08:22本來幾分鐘可能斷一次變成陸續一直斷,看了包裡面

Tsukasayeo 10/21 08:22的驅動程式版本也沒有更版,到底是用什麼方法修的

a0980994285 10/21 09:56我tuf是上上一版一直黑屏 這次在猶豫要不要更新XD

flipflap 10/21 10:06買A卡好可憐 一年多還沒修好

bill219012 10/21 10:57真的可憐、十幾年前被坑過就不用了

ICEFTP 10/21 12:07微粉開始有逐字稿了?別看我,我最近也AMD YES了

pcfox 10/21 12:31推錯 噓回來