Re: [情報] POE2 0.10.e Patch Note (上)
Support Balance
Added the Tremors Support Gem. Which can be used to give up to multiple more Aftershocks to Skills, with a damage penalty.
Added the Bidding Support Gem. Which can be used to give more damage to the Command Skills of Supported Minions.
The Fire Exposure, Lightning Exposure and Cold Exposure Support Gems no longer penalize Damage of Supported Skills. They now have a Mana Cost Multiplier of 120%.
The Electrocute Support no longer penalizes Damage. Instead it now prevents theSupported Skill from being able to Shock.
The Lacerate Support now grants 50% chance to Bleed (from 30%).
破空斬現在提供 50% 的流血機率(原為30%)。
The Envenom Support now grants 50% chance to Poison (from 60%).
毒化現在提供 50% 的中毒機率(原為60%)。
The Impact Shockwave Support now has an aftershock radius of 2 metres (from 1.4metres).
The Bidding Support now grants 30% more Damage to Minion Command Skills (from 20%).
Bidding現在為僕從指令技能提供 30% 更多傷害(原為20%)。
The Considered Casting Support now only supports Spells you cast yourself. It also now grants 40% more Spell Damage (from 25%) and 15% less Cast Speed (from 10%).
細思施法現在僅支援玩家自己施放的法術,並提供 40% 更多法術傷害(原為25%),但施法速度減少15%(原為10%)。
The Aftershock Support now has 25% chance to cause an Aftershock (from 20%).
餘震現在有 25% 機率觸發餘震(原為20%)。
The Mobility Support no longer has a Damage Penalty, but applies 30% less Movement Speed Penalty (from 40%).
機動性不再有傷害減少的懲罰,但移動速度的懲罰降低為 30%(原為40%)。
The Execrate Support now has 100% chance to inflict Ailments (from 50%).
咒怨現在有 100% 機率造成異常狀態(原為50%)。
The Ricochet Support now has 40% chance to Chain from Terrain (from 20%).
彈射現在有 40% 機率從地形反彈(原為20%)。
The Withering Touch Support now has 25% less Damage (from 50%).
凋零之觸現在減少的傷害減少為 25%(原為50%)。
The Ferocity Support now has 40% more Skill Speed when consuming a Frenzy Charge (from 30%).
狂暴現在消耗狂怒球時提升技能速度 40%(原為30%)。
Changed the Wildshards Support Gem to fire projectiles in a Circle instead of aSpiral pattern.
The Decaying Hex Support now deals 60% of Intelligence as Chaos Damage per Second (from 30%).
腐朽咒術現在每秒造成等同於智力60% 的混沌傷害(原為30%)。
The Stomping Ground Support's Shockwave now deals 80% to 120% of your Strength as Physical Damage (from 20 to 30%).
重踏地面的衝擊波現在造成等同於力量 80% 至 120% 的物理傷害(原為20% 至 30%)。
Item Balance
The Charm Modifiers on Belts have been made substantially more common and now appear at much lower levels. The 'of Symbolism' Modifier now appears from level 23 onwards, and the 'of Inscription' Modifier now appears from level 64 onwards.腰帶上的護符欄位詞綴現在更常見,並在更低等級時就會出現。「of Symbolism」詞綴現在從23級開始出現,「of Inscription」詞綴從64級開始出現。
The unique item The Adorned now applies to Time-Lost Jewels.
The Time-Lost Jewel Modifier 'of Regeneration' now applies 3-7% increased Life Regeneration Rate to Notables in Radius, from 1-2%. Existing versions of this item will not be updated unless a Divine Orb is used.
時迭寶石的詞綴「of Regeneration」 現在使範圍內顯著節點的生命回復速度提高 3-7%(原為1-2%)。已存在的物品需要使用神聖石才能更新。
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where the Unique Item Maligaro's Virtuosity was granting the wrong amount of Critical Damage.
Fixed a bug where the Crumbling Walls Atlas Passive Notable was applying to Maps that didn't contain Breaches.
Fixed a bug where the stat granted by the Organized Forces Atlas Passive Notable was causing less Waystones to drop due to trying to upgrade them to a Tier that didn't exist.
Fixed a bug where interactables would remove the player from Demon Form.
Fixed a bug where certain rare monsters would respawn at checkpoints after consuming their corpse.
Fixed a bug where leveling a skill gem incorrectly displayed the level change when it was supported by gems which granted additional skill levels. This was purely a visual issue.
Fixed a bug where Unearth didn't work with the Sacrifice Spirit Gem.
Fixed a bug where the Elemental Expression skill from the Invoker Ascendancy Class had an incorrect hitbox.
Fixed a bug where the Monk Ascendancy node 'Embrace the Darkness' would desync when losing Life and Energy Shield.
Fixed a bug which prevented party members from entering the Xesht fight once ithad begun.
Fixed a bug where the Cosmetics Equipment UI was missing the tier selector for some slots.
Fixed a bug where the Trialmaster encounter dialogue failed to play.
Fixed a bug with the Rising Tempest Support where it was giving More Damage perElemental Skill used rather than More Damage per Elemental Type that was used.Fixed a bug where pathfinding could cause jittering of the character in some cases.
Fixed a bug where destroying items in hideouts wasn't possible.
Fixed a bug where Frost Wall segments could leave phantom walls, causing invisible blocking.
Fixed a bug where implicit abilities on non-weapon unique items required a low level to use.
Fixed a bug where the Chronomancers 'Debuff Expiry Rate' nodes were applying toQuicksand Hourglass, extending its cooldown.
Fixed a bug where Ember Fusillade could fail to target enemies.
Fixed a bug where the Sacrifice Spirit Gem couldn't target minions with ProfaneRitual.
Fixed a bug where the Explosion from the Armour Explosion Support could explodeinanimate objects.
Fixed a bug where some Spirit Gems displayed an incorrect error message.
Fixed a bug where the Arbiter of Ash area level wasn't being increased with difficulty.
Fixed a bug where Emergency Reload wasn't put on cooldown if you were using twoEmergency Reload Skill Gems.
Fixed a bug where the Energizing Bolt Flask effect didn't work.
Fixed a crash on Gamepad where Concoction skills from the Pathfinder AscendancyClass would cause a crash when changing areas.
Fixed a bug where some players would disconnect when trying to enter maps in the Ziggurat Refuge, or guild hideouts while in a party.
Fixed a bug where the Explosion from the Armour Explosion Support could triggeritself recursively.
Fixed a bug where Ice Shot was unable to cause Freeze buildup.
Fixed a bug where some volatiles in the Trial of Chaos would follow the player up elevators.
Fixed a bug where Inscribed Ultimatums and Djinn Baryas dropped in Cruel would incorrectly tell you that you could get Ascendancy Points by completing them, even if you wouldn't.
Fixed a bug where Ballista skills didn't work with Tornadoes created by TornadoShot.
Fixed a bug when using a Gamepad where the Hide Sockets option did not work.
Fixed a bug when using a Gamepad where you couldn't see Distilled Emotion recipes on the passive tree.
Fixed a bug when using a Gamepad where you couldn't access the Portal Access settings while viewing the hideout stash.
Fixed a bug where creating Solo Self-Found characters wasn't possible when using a Gamepad while Migrations are disabled.
Fixed a bug when using a Gamepad where you couldn't use the shortcut bind to open chat.
Fixed a bug when using a Gamepad that caused it to take multiple attempts to change the tier selector of Microtransactions.
Fixed a bug when using a Gamepad where you couldn't set an individual price on an item in premium stash tabs.
Fixed a bug when using a Gamepad where you couldn't socket jewels into specificunique items.
Fixed 12 Client Crashes.
Fixed 3 Instance Crashes.
修正了獨特物品 Maligaro's Virtuosity 提供錯誤的暴擊傷害數值的問題。
修正了 Crumbling Walls Atlas Passive Notable 會影響不包含裂隙的地圖的問題。
修正了 Organized Forces Atlas Passive Notable 提供的數值導致 Waystones 掉落數量減少的問題。
修正了 Unearth 無法與 Sacrifice Spirit Gem 搭配使用的問題。
修正了 Invoker Ascendancy Class 的 Elemental Expression 技能命中框不正確的問題。修正了 Monk Ascendancy Node「Embrace the Darkness」 在失去生命與能量護盾時會導致不同步的問題。
修正了隊伍成員在 Xesht 戰鬥開始後無法進入的問題。
修正了 Trialmaster 戰鬥中對話未播放的問題。
修正了 Rising Tempest Support 提供的傷害加成計算錯誤的問題。
修正了 Frost Wall 分段可能遺留幻影牆導致不可見阻擋的問題。
修正了 Chronomancers「Debuff Expiry Rate」 節點會影響 Quicksand Hourglass,延長其冷卻時間的問題。
修正了 Ember Fusillade 有時無法鎖定敵人的問題。
修正了 Sacrifice Spirit Gem 無法瞄準僕從進行 Profane Ritual 的問題。
修正了 Armour Explosion Support 的爆炸會觸發無生命物件的問題。
修正了某些 Spirit Gems 顯示錯誤訊息的問題。
修正了 Arbiter of Ash 地區等級未隨難度提升的問題。
修正了同時使用兩個 Emergency Reload Skill Gems 時未觸發冷卻的問題。
修正了 Energizing Bolt Flask 效果無效的問題。
修正了在使用控制器時,Pathfinder Ascendancy Class 的調製技能更換區域時崩潰的問題。
修正了部分玩家在進入 Ziggurat Refuge 地圖或公會藏身處時掉線的問題。
修正了 Armour Explosion Support 的爆炸可能遞歸觸發自身的問題。
修正了 Ice Shot 無法造成冰凍累積的問題。
修正了 Trial of Chaos 中的部分不穩定物件會跟隨玩家上升降機的問題。
修正了在殘酷模式掉落的 Inscribed Ultimatums 和 Djinn Baryas 誤導玩家可以通過完成來獲得 Ascendancy 點數的問題。
修正了 Ballista 技能無法與 Tornado Shot 創造的龍捲風搭配使用的問題。
修正了使用控制器時無法查看被動樹中的 Distilled Emotion 配方的問題。
什麼時候可以修 大地圖讀取時間 每次都要在那轉齒輪
bug修正第三條 重複腐化的天賦會有可能導致那張圖的換界
記錯 不是重複腐化 是加boss等級的天賦的樣子
[情報] 法環1.03更新官網note 新增 可在地圖記錄NPC位置和名稱 新增NPC Jar-Bairn.爆
[情報] POE2 12/16 預公告改動 (PN之後釋出)Path of Exile 2 has been live for just over a week! We’ve addressed some feedback already and are working on more fixes for key pain points in an upcoming patch. The full patch notes are coming soon, but check out some of the more significant changes below. (略),正式公告之後會放出78
[情報] POE2 0.01d patch note0.1.0d Patch Notes 只翻想翻的,並且帶有強烈個人主觀意識,FAQ GGG General Improvements and Changes Passive Block chance now applies to blockable hits from all directions, as opposed to just hits from in front.32
[情報] 9.1.0更新說明 - 職業情報網址: [死亡騎士] 反魔法力場持續時間降低至 8 秒(原為 10 秒), 且現在會在吸收相當於施法者 150% 生命力的傷害後消失。21
Re: [情報] 官方公布改動12/17幫忙雀雞翻譯一下: 《流亡黯道 2》已經上線一週了! 我們已經根據一些回饋進行了修正,並計劃在即將推 出的補丁中修正其他關鍵問題。完整的補丁說明即將發布,以下是一些重要改動: 遊戲功能 正如我們上週提到的,我們將增加區域內「檢查點之間的快速旅行」功能,並在區域中增18
Re: [情報] 3.22 牙膏開始(8/10更新新輔助)編年史版PN 欸我這麼期待連結技能能整修,結果你是整修殘暴模式喔 然後還是有放新牙膏15
[情報] 11.05 版本 hotfix版本內更新 2021/03/05 維爾戈、阿祈爾與悟空錯誤修正 阿祈爾 空砂防壁(R)錯誤修正:修正了一個會空砂防壁無法命中在他身後的英雄(即使視覺上他3
[閒聊] 星際戰士2 上市一個月首次大型更新預告出來後還以為至少會壓到10月底才會上 沒想到剛剛突然就更新了 以下gpt翻譯 戰鬥兄弟! 最新補丁已經發布!帶來了新內容以及各種調整和改進!請務必閱讀完整公告: