[閒聊] Siege of Atlas 改版方向

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edit:除了本篇講到的技能之外 正式PN還有更多沒提到的法術變動

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POE的英文用詞沒這麼熟,有誤還請提醒 謝謝

In Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas, we're making a number of balance
changes and have prepared this information for you to preview ahead of our
official announcement livestream at the end of this week. The full details ofthese changes will be available in the patch notes and are still subject to
change but this post should outline our perceived problems with current
balance and our intentions for their solutions.


In general, we're focusing on two particular archetypes that we feel were theleast competitive with other builds during Scourge. These are handcast spell
builds and hit-focused bow builds.

一般來說,我們在災魘聯盟時專注觀察兩種我們覺得不足以跟其他build競爭的基本build,手施類型 和 直擊(hit-focus 應該是?)類型的弓build.

Player Balance

Hit based Spellcasting
Most hit-based Spellcasting builds deal too little damage and have too few
defensive and mobility options when compared with alternatives like Traps,
Totems, Mines, Triggered Skills or Damage over Time.


Adjust the hit damage growth of most spells. The majority of spells gained
around 45% more damage at gem level 20, resulting in up to 60% more damage bygem level 25. Some spells have received smaller adjustments or no adjustment.These less affected spells are generally those that provide more mobility or
supplemental damage through duration mechanics.


Allow casters to obtain more cast speed through the Runic Dagger mod pool,
increase some cast speed values and give rings and amulets additional tiers
of cast speed modifiers.


Give Orb of Storms more damage and a mechanical redesign to solidify it as a
great supplemental lightning damage skill.


Give Flameblast, Lightning Tendrils and Ice Spear some improvements to make
them great skills for dealing high damage against a single target.


Improve many skills that rely heavily on unique Threshold Jewels to enhance
their damage and remove or change these jewels. For many such skills, this
means granting more damage in exchange for efficient sources of extra
projectiles. This includes skills like Freezing Pulse, Frostbolt, Heavy
Strike and Cleave. For damage-focused spells, the result of these changes
means that their damage has increased on top of the damage multiplier noted

括冰霜脈衝,寒冰彈,重擊,劈砍. 對於其他著重於傷害的法術來說,這項改動代表著上面

Lower the power of the Unleash Support. Because it is the single most
impactful support for the kind of build that benefits from the aforementionedbuffs, it creates limited options for these builds by feeling like the only
option. With these builds otherwise being buffed, there should be more build
options available than before.


Lower the damage from Totem, Trap, Mine and Trigger effects to balance out
the buff to these spells. The intention is that in general, these builds
should deal the same damage at high levels as they did previously. While at
face value these changes will look like nerfs, for the most part they
shouldn't be due to the buffs to spells. However, we do acknowledge there
will be a small number of builds that will be negatively affected by these
changes. Additionally, because we've adjusted some support gems that multiplythe number of traps thrown, we've provided some compensation for this on
non-cooldown trap skills like Fire Trap and Lightning Trap.

降低圖騰,陷阱,地雷和觸發的傷害,因為大多技能被buff了. 這麼做的原因是一般來說,
這些build在高等級時會跟以前造成差不多的傷害量, 雖然直接看數值會覺得這是個nerf,但對大多技能來說因為法術本身的buff所以不是問題. 然而,我們知道有少量的build會
因為這個改動而變弱. 此外,因為我們調整了部分影響陷阱投擲數量的輔助珠寶,我們對

Lower the damage of player Ignite by 28% to partially offset the damage
increase that many Ignite-applying spells have received. For the majority of
high level spell gems, this is a slight damage buff when combined with the
above changes. Burning Arrow, Armageddon Brand, Explosive Arrow and several
other skills have received changes to compensate for the lower damage of
Ignite. Attack skills and a small number of spells that are not typically
aligned with Ignites will have weaker Ignites as a result of this change. We
plan to introduce a mechanic for Ignite damage with melee attack skills to
give some unconventional Ignite builds a new option for enhancing Ignites.
Details about this will be included in the patch notes.

降低了28%玩家的點燃傷害來抵銷大多點燃類型法術的buff. 對於大多數的法術來說,
在高等級時結合上述改動後會些微提高傷害. 而燃燒箭矢,末日烙印,爆炸箭矢和一些
其他技能將會有些改動來補償點燃傷害的降低. 而本來就不是拿來打點燃的攻擊技能
和少部分法術的點燃傷害會因為這個改動而降低. 我們接下來會介紹一個新的針對進
戰攻擊造成點燃的機制, 這會提供些非傳統的全新點燃build選擇, 細節會在正式的
patch note放出.


基本上都是LV1 LV20 效率的格式 括號內是舊的數值

赦免:21~31 873~1310(588~882) 200%(130%)
電弧:6~32 198~1122(133~754) 120%(80%)
虛空刀雨:43~65 595~893(411~617) 140%(90%)
熾熱魔炮:6~9 241~361(162~243) 55%(40%)
碎雷電閃:28~84 458~1375(317~952) 165%(115%)
聖怒:17~25 203~305(140~210) 110%更多每階段(100%) 45%(30%)
火球:9~14 1640~2460(1095~1643) 370%(240%)
烈焰風暴:23~35 361~541(250~375) 80%(55%)
怒焰奔騰:26~40 832~1247(563~844) 190%(120%)
烈焰爆破:31~46 405~608(280~419) 165%更多每階段(130%) 90%(60%)
冰川之刺:21~32 300~450(207~311) 65%(45%)
冰霜新星:18~26 769~1130(518~762) 190%(120%)
對冰緩目標增加3~4 118~172(79~116)
冰矛:22~33 568~852(383~575) 130%(80%)
燒毀!:3~5 207~311(140~210) 50%(30%)
電能釋放:1~4 55~1052(37~703) 較強脈衝造成200%更多傷害和異常(100%) 100%(65%)
淨化烈焰:8~11 1324~1986(884~1326) 300%(200%)
熔岩翻騰:9~12 1543~2315(1031~1546) 350%(230%)
閃電新星:34~101 537~1610(371~1114) 190%(120%)
風暴術符:36~107 444~1332(306~919) 160%(110%)
風爆:6~8 168~252(114~171) 35%(25%)
風暴呼喚:21~39 949~1762(640~1188) 250%(165%)
屍術矢:15~22 607~911(407~611) 140%(90%)
魔痕爆發:20~38 906~1683(611~1134) 230%(160%)

奧術烙印:69%更少(55%) , 63%更少(46%)
戰法戰吼: 44%更少(20%) , 38%更少(11%)
連鎖爆破地雷輔助:59%更少(40%) 53%更少(33%)
暴擊時施放輔助:19%更少(20%"更多") 10%更少(29%"更多")
覺醒暴擊時施放輔助:9%更少(30%"更多") 7%更少(32%"更多")
散彈陷阱輔助:61%更少(55%) 55%更少(36%)
多重陷阱輔助:58%更少(50%) 52%更少(31%)
高能地雷輔助:56%更少(35%) 50%更少(28%)
連結:直覺:44%更少(20%) 38%更少(11%)
法術圖騰輔助: 49%更少(28%) 40%更少(24%)
法術回音:37%更少(無) 31%更少(無)
陷阱輔助:20%更少(0%) 11%更少(38%增加)


刀鋒陷阱:76%武器傷害(55%) 96%武器傷害(67.5%) 效率同武器傷害%
爆裂陷阱:437~655(LV20 309~464) 效率100%(60%)
火焰陷阱:直擊10~15(11~17) 915~1373(644~966) 效率260%(200%)
持續傷30.9(35.7) 4170.7(2934.9)
對點燃目標額外點傷3~5(4~5) 286~429(201~302)
冰凍陷阱:88~132 1275~1912(898~1347) 290%(200%)
閃電陷阱:15~46(18~54) 659~1978(466~1399) 240%(170%)
震波圖騰:33~65 412~765(362~672)
神聖火舌圖騰:2~5 153~230(134~202)

釋放輔助:50%更少(30%) 41%更少(21%)

單手武器上的施放速度強化:最低階5~8%(5~7%) 最高階29~32%(23~25%)
雙手武器上的施放速度強化:最低階8~13%(8~11%) 最高階44~49%(35~38%)
現在戒指上的施放速度有三個階級了(原本只有單一階級5~7%),最低5~8% 最高13~16%
現在項鍊上的施放速度有四個階級了(原本有三個階級),最低5~8% 最高17~20%(11~13%)

改為"若範圍內含40點智力時,萎滅減少30%施放速度" (蛤?沒寫錯?)

冰霜脈衝:8~12 1458~2188(888~1332) 330%(200%)
寒冰彈:9~13 1594~2392(972~1458) 360%(220%)
電球:1~28 104~1983(70~1326) 190%(125%)
發射4個投射物(LV1) , 發射7個投射物(LV20,舊6)
沉重之擊:20%機率雙倍傷害(LV1) 39%機率雙倍傷害(LV20,舊20%)
劈砍:LV20時+8範圍(舊6) , 效率125%(LV1) 221%(213%)
毒蛇打擊:武器倍率90%(LV1) 140.2%(LV20,舊135%) , 效率90% 140%(舊135%)
虛空匕首:7~10 949~1423(633~949) 220%(120%)
發射9個投射物(LV1) 發射12個投射物(LV20 舊9)



Orb of Storms no longer requires splitting from the caster when they cast a
Lightning spell in its area. Instead it will zap an enemy in range every timeyou cast a Lightning spell from within the Orb of Storm's area, making
positioning much more flexible.


現在造成3~8(LV1,2~7) 304~913(LV20,185~555)點傷害 效率110%(65%) 持續7秒(6秒)

末日烙印:69~104(46~69) 924~1386(613~920) 200%(135%) 現在每1.5秒炸一次(1秒)
燃燒箭矢:200%武器傷害(150%) 300%武器傷害(214%) 效率同武器傷害
70%基礎攻速(90%),耗魔7(5) 12(8),攻擊動畫改成和放血相同
瓦爾燃燒箭矢:280%武器傷害(200%) 400%武器傷害(284%) 效率同武器傷害
爆炸箭矢:目標身上每支爆炸箭矢使爆炸造成5%更多擊中傷害和異常傷害(原本只有擊中)爆裂物:全等級的額外點傷多20%,紅玉藥水增加點燃傷害+60%(Lv1,40%) 98%(Lv20,78%)
贖罪烙印:第 1 次爆炸後,每個能量使爆炸造成90%更多異常狀態傷害(60%)

Hit-based Bow Attacks

Hit-based bow attacks require an unreasonable amount of investment to reach
competitive levels of damage. Builds that want to achieve this must utilise
critical strikes and many skills can't sufficiently invest in this mechanic
without sacrificing defensive options.


Give bows the same local added elemental damage modifiers as two handed meleeweapons do, which are much stronger than the bow-specific modifiers used

Improve the damage of bows in general, with some base types getting up to 50%more base damage than before.

Improve the Mastery options on Bow Passive clusters.




Make a number of improvements to quivers so that bows can receive much more
damage from rare quivers:

We have reworked the quiver progression with new quiver types that
provide a diverse set of useful implicits.
We have greatly improve Added Physical Damage modifiers on quivers.
We have replaced "Elemental Damage with Attack Skills" modifiers on
quivers with "Increased Damage with Bow Skills" to allow quivers to roll
another way to improve skills dealing Physical or Chaos damage.
We have taken the +1 Arrow prefix off influenced quiver modifiers and
added it to the core modifier pool of quivers as a suffix.
We have added an extra tier to the Attack Speed and Accuracy modifiers onquivers.



Instead of their own line of modifiers, bows now use the two-handed weapon
versions of local Added Fire, Cold, Lightning and Chaos Damage prefix

Quivers can no longer roll "Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills"
modifiers. Instead, they can now roll "Increased Damage with Bow Skills".

An example of the new highest tier modifier on quivers is: 43-50% increased
damage with bow skills

Essences of Woe no longer roll "Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skillson Quivers". Instead, they now roll "Increased Damage with Bow Skills".
Deafening Essence of Woe now provides values of 43-50%.

前面提過的弓改用雙手武器等級的點傷 , 箭袋攻擊元素傷改為弓技能傷
打個比方,箭袋上最高階的詞綴為 弓技能增加43~50%傷害


Quivers can now roll "Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow" as a Suffix. The
Shaper- and Hunter-influenced prefix versions of this modifier can no longer
be rolled.


Quivers no longer share the same modifier progression for "Added Physical
Damage to Attacks" as those on Amulets. They now have their own line of
modifiers, with increased values. For example, one of the new highest tier
modifiers on Quivers is, "Adds 17-23 to 34-39 Physical Damage to Attacks."


Quivers can now roll an additional tier of accuracy: "+481-600 to Accuracy

Quivers and dexterity shields can now roll an additional tier of Attack
Speed: "14-16% increased Attack Speed"

Essence of Zeal has been updated accordingly. Deafening Essence of Zeal now
provides "13-15% Increased Attack Speed on Quivers", up from 11-12%.

Quivers can now roll a "Malicious" prefix modifier: "Adds 27-41 to 55-69
Chaos Damage to Attacks"


We have replaced the Bow Mastery stats that gave "Movement Speed while
Phasing" and "Phasing on Kill". We've also replaced the mastery that gave
"Increased Damage while you are wielding a Bow and have a Totem".

New mastery: "Increases and Reductions to Arrow Speed also apply to
Damage with Bows"
New mastery: "+100 to Accuracy Rating per Green Socket on your Bow"
Existing mastery: "100% increased Mirage Archer Duration" (previously 50%) Existing mastery : "Blink Arrow and Mirror Arrow have 100% increased
Cooldown Recovery Rate" (previously 60%)

我們把弓圈專精的"迷蹤狀態下增加8%跑速,擊殺時有20%獲得迷蹤" 和


New Quivers
Previous versions of quiver base types no longer drop. This is the new set ofquiver base types, including their drop level and level requirement.

Level 4: Serrated Arrow Quiver (1-4 Added Physical Damage with Bow
Level 9: Fire Arrow Quiver (3-5 Added Fire Damage with Bow Attacks)
Level 14: Sharktooth Arrow Quiver (6-8 Life gained for each Enemy Hit by
your Attacks)
Level 20: Feathered Arrow Quiver (20-30% increased Arrow Speed)
Level 25: Penetrating Arrow Quiver (Arrows Pierce an additional Target)
Level 31: Blunt Arrow Quiver ((7-9) to (13-16) Added Physical Damage withBow Attacks)
Level 36: Two-Point Arrow Quiver (20-30% increased Global Accuracy Rating) Level 40: Spike-Point Arrow Quiver (20-30% increased Critical Strike
Chance with Bows)
Level 45: Blazing Arrow Quiver ((12-15) to (24-27) Added Fire Damage withBow Attacks)
Level 49: Broadhead Arrow Quiver (8-10% increased Attack Speed)
Level 55: Vile Arrow Quiver (Gain 10-15% of Physical Damage as Extra
Chaos Damage)
Level 61: Heavy Arrow Quiver ((12-16) to (24-27) Added Physical Damage
with Bow Attacks)
Level 66: Primal Arrow Quiver (20-30% increased Elemental Damage with
Attack Skills)


Level 4 Serrated Arrow Quiver:弓攻擊增加1~4物理點傷
Level 9 Fire Arrow Quiver:弓攻擊增加3~5火焰點傷
Level 14: Sharktooth Arrow Quiver:6~8擊中恢復生命
Level 20: Feathered Arrow Quiver:增加20~30%箭矢速度
Level 25: Penetrating Arrow Quiver:箭史穿透一個額外目標
Level 31: Blunt Arrow Quiver:弓攻擊增加(7-9)~(13-16)物理點傷
Level 36: Two-Point Arrow Quiver:增加20~30%全域命中率
Level 40: Spike-Point Arrow Quiver:拿弓時增加20~30%爆擊率
Level 45: Blazing Arrow Quiver:弓攻擊增加(12-15)~(24-27)火焰點傷
Level 49: Broadhead Arrow Quiver:增加8~10%攻速
Level 55: Vile Arrow Quiver:獲得10~15%物理傷害的額外混沌傷害
Level 61: Heavy Arrow Quiver:弓攻擊增加(12-16)~(24-27)物理點傷
Level 66: Primal Arrow Quiver:攻擊技能增加20~30%元素傷害


Sources of Added Damage
Added Cold, Lightning and Chaos Damage Support Gems provide significant
unconditional added damage that outclasses many damage options available to
some builds, most notably bow builds. By comparison, many other sources of
added damage are relatively weak.


Lower the strength of unconditional "Added Damage" Support Gems, and raise
the strength of "Local Added Damage" and "Added Damage to Spells" on weapons.


詳細改動(Lv1 , Lv20)

附加混沌傷害輔助:18~26 , 154~231(170~255)
覺醒附加混沌傷害輔助:176~251(190~284) , 189~284(234~352)
附加冰冷傷害輔助:4~6 , 152~228(169~254)
覺醒附加冰冷傷害輔助:165~248(187~280) , 188~282(227~341)
附加閃電傷害輔助:1~8 , 19~358(21~402)
覺醒附加閃電傷害輔助:21~391(23~445) , 24~449(29~543)

Local added Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Physical Damage Prefix modifiers on
Weapons have been increased by roughly 8% at the highest tier and increased
by more at lower tiers. The difference between tiers has been lowered, so
that there's less of a jump between tiers as you progress towards the


火點傷:雙手T1 新:(165-225)~(335-390) 舊:(153-208)~(310-361)
單手T1 新:(89-121)~(180-210) 舊:(82-112)~(167-194)

冰點傷:雙手T1 新:(149-204)~(300-348) 舊:(140-187)~(278-322)
單手T1 新:(81-111)~(163-189) 舊:(77-101)~(152-174)

電點傷:雙手T1 新:(28-38)~(549-638) 舊:(17-44)~(516-583)
單手T1 新:(15-21)~(296-344) 舊:(9-24)~(278-315)

物點傷:雙手T1 新:(34-47)~(72-84) 舊:(32-43)~(66-78)
單手T1 新:(22-29)~(45-52) 舊:(20-27)~(41-49)

Tier 2 local added Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage has been increased by
roughly 26%, with tier 3 being increased by roughly 40%.
Tier 2 local added Physical Damage has been increased by roughly 8%, with
tier 3 being increased by roughly 10%.

T2的火冰電點強化了26% , T3的強化了40%
T2的物點強化了8% , T3的強化了10%

Local tier 1 added Chaos Damage Prefix modifiers on Weapons have also had
their values increased:

混點傷:雙手T1 新:(98-149)~(183-280) 舊:(81-125)~(171-215)
單手T1 新:(56-87)~(105-160) 舊:(47-72)~(98-123)

Spell added damage weapon mods:

Added Fire, Cold, and Lightning Damage to Spells Prefix modifiers on Weapons
have been increased by roughly 35% at the highest tier, with lower tiers not
seeing as much of an increase. The lowest tier modifiers saw no increase.


火點傷:雙手T1 新:(66-88)~(132-155) 舊:(49-65)~(98-115)
單手T1 新:(49-66)~(98-115) 舊:(36-49)~(73-85)

冰點傷:雙手T1 新:(61-81)~(120-140) 舊:(45-60)~(89-104)
單手T1 新:(41-54)~(81-93) 舊:(30-40)~(60-69)

電點傷:雙手T1 新:(7-20)~(255-270) 舊:(5-15)~(189-200)
單手T1 新:(4-14)~(170-179) 舊:(3-10)~(126-133)

Skill interactions with Hydrosphere

Certain skills that have a chaining or shockwave effect can multiply their
damage against single targets by also hitting Hydrosphere. These skills
should not be balanced around using an off-class or off-theme skill like
this. Maintaining the ability to use this interaction would prevent us from
improving certain bow skills and hit damage spells without their maximum
damage output being too high.


Change Hydrosphere to have a one second cooldown before it can be hit again.
This maintains the ailment mechanic on Hydrosphere to still allow for some
special skill interactions but is no longer such a significant single target
damage multiplier for so many skills.


Triggering Marks

When applied through Mark-on-hit skills or unique items that trigger them,
Marks are far more efficient for clearing and easier to sustain on boss
fights. Builds that don't have access to these high-end items are
disadvantaged in comparison.


Make Marks permanent so they only require a single cast for boss encounters.
Add a new support gem that lets attacks trigger marks on hitting Rare and
Unique targets.


Mark curse skills are now permanent.
Mark curse skills no longer have the "Duration" tag.


Added a new Dexterity Support gem - Mark on Hit: Trigger Supported Mark Skillwhen you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy with an Attack. This support adds a
cooldown and a small curse effect penalty to the triggered Mark skill, but
does not need to be linked to the triggering attack.

增加一顆敏捷的輔助寶石: Mark on Hit

The Deadeye Focal Point Ascendancy Passive Skill no longer has "Marks you
inflict are not removed from Dying Enemies". Instead, it now has "Your Mark
transfers to another Enemy when Marked Enemy dies".

銳眼昇華的"你造成的印記不會從瀕死的敵人移除" 改為


Fortification and Damage Reduction

Fortification gain being scaled by the damage dealt by a fortifying hit meansthat hitting monsters with very high amounts of damage reduction (such as in
the Azurite Mine, the Simulacrum or against monsters that have just been
spawned by certain league mechanics) can grant little to no fortification,
even for builds with very high damage.


Fortification generation now ignores the target's damage reduction.


Skill Balance

Detonate Dead builds can gain significantly more damage by diluting the pool
of Desecratable monsters with high-life Spectres. Because of how Desecrate
selected monsters, the fewer monsters occurring in the area, the more damage
Detonate Dead dealt.


Change Desecrate to have a fixed chance to spawn a Spectre corpse. This meansDetonate Dead's damage should be more consistent based on which area in the
game you are in. This also means there is no incentive to bring multiple
different high-life spectre varieties, although you still benefit from
bringing one high-life spectre into areas.


Desecrate and Corpse Walk now have a static 15% chance to spawn a Spectre
Corpse, rather than a 2x relative weighting compared to all other possible
corpse types.

褻瀆跟屍行現在有15%機率叫出幽魂屍體 , 不再是以前的兩倍權重.

Seismic Trap has very high damage scaling as its damage scales with increasesto Area of Effect. Increasing the area of Seismic Trap impacts greatly
increases the chance of multiple large bursts hitting a target, as area
increases don't affect the area where the impacts can occur. Though this
mechanic is interesting, it provides far too much damage for the investment
cost and the damage of the skill would have to be lowered to by so much to
offset this that the skill would be very weak without the overlapping

地裂陷阱對於範圍效果有非常高的傷害成長,因為增加範圍效果不會增加他的總範圍大小,所以增加範圍效果非常有效的增加多次命中單一目標的機率. 這是個非常有趣的機制,但是這類投資提供了太多傷害,造成不依靠多次擊中機制的話又太弱.

Make modifiers to Area of Effect apply to the area Seismic Trap's bursts can
target at a ratio. This will slightly improve the area coverage of the skill
while lowering the damage growth from increases to Area of Effect without
removing their damage benefit entirely.


Toxic Rain has very strong damage over time and a low build cost compared to
other bow builds. It also benefits from some of the quiver and Mastery
changes made to improve hit-based bow skills.


Reduce the high-level damage of Toxic Rain in order to partially negate the
improvements to quivers and bring it more in line with other skills.


腐蝕毒雨:7.9秒傷(Lv1) 238(Lv20,285.1)

Unique Item Balance

March of the Legion is a very low-cost method to gain four extra auras on
some builds due to the change where Mana is not being required in order to
cast an aura. It also took full advantage of the Supreme Ego keystone in a
way that goes against the intent of the mechanic and gained a significant
amount of power in the process.


Rework the Blessing mechanic of March of the Legion to limit the number of
Blessings you can have to one. Change the skill to cost mana instead of
temporarily reserving mana. The process of making this change also
highlighted a number of problems with other mechanics which has led to a
ripple effect of other changes being required.

Release Blessing as a Support gem, to make the mechanic available to builds
that are not using the unique item. This is intended to be useful for
high-mana-use characters who wish to leave their mana unreserved and for
characters using the Blood Magic keystone.

改為消耗魔力. 這個改動也影響到了很多其他機制並突顯了一些問題,所以我們追加了一些改動.


Improve the aura level granted by March of the Legion so the item excels at
using a Blessing aura.

Remove Mortal Conviction and the life passives from behind the Blood Magic
keystone and make a Mortal Conviction-style support gem that makes an aura
free, and prevents you reserving mana. It will be mutually exclusive with
Blessing skills, so you won't be able to use both simultaneously. This
support gem provides slightly less aura effect to the skill than the BlessingSupport but has no cost or upkeep involved.

Change Blood Magic to also grant 10% more life to compensate for the removal
of the efficient life passives behind the keystone.

Change Supreme Ego to not limit you to one aura and instead give more aura
effect based on how much mana an aura reserves.

The full values for all of these changes will be available in the patch notes





這些東東的詳細數值在正式patch note才會放出來

The Shade Form skill (granted by the Shroud of the Lightless and Replica
Eternity Shroud unique items) could, with heavy investment, have its durationextended to be longer than its cooldown, granting permanent immunity to
physical damage.


Change Shade Form's cooldown to pause while the skill is active. Reduce the
cooldown from 45 seconds to 40 seconds


The damage reduction granted by the Strength of Blood keystone (from the
Lethal Pride unique jewel) incorrectly scaled with modifiers to life recoveryrate, allowing it to reach 100% and for characters to be immune to damage.

(肯定不是錯誤 是你們沒想到吧==)

Strength of Blood's damage reduction no longer scales with modifiers to life
recovery rate.


The Dancing Dervish unique item has no accessible way to sustain its mechanicon Boss fights, mostly due to Rampage stacks being difficult to activate in
these fights and the summoned minion's behaviour feeling sluggish while


Change The Dancing Dervish to cause you to gain rampage on melee hits and
improve its minion behaviour.


The Dancing Dervish's "Rampage" modifier has been replaced with "Melee Hits
count as Rampage Kills", allowing players to easily build up a new rampage
streak without having to kill monsters. This stat will not affect you while
rampaging as Dancing Dervish disables itself on rampage but the existing
behaviour where the minion generates rampage kills on unique hits is still


The minions summoned by Dancing Dervish now use the new, channelled version
of Cyclone. Their movement speed and AI have also been adjusted to feel more
proactive while clearing.


Perfidy's Dread Banner Fortification duration mod was causing issues with thenew Fortification system that could not be reconciled.


Replace Perfidy's Dread Banner mod.


Perfidy no longer has "Dread Banner has 100-200% increased Fortification
duration". Instead, it now has "Dread Banner grants an additional +2-4 to
maximum Fortification when placing the Banner". This change affects existing

背信忘義的"恐懼之旗增加(100–200)%護體持續時間" 改為

Voidfletcher outclasses rare quivers for many builds.


Review the damage of Voidfletcher arrows. This balance is still being
reviewed in comparison with all other changes to Rare Quivers, so specifics
will be included in the patch notes when confirmed.


一點開直接多1.5倍 慘烈


※ PTT 留言評論
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※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 05:05:55 ※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 05:47:01

chy1989051701/25 05:46現在才發現喔==

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 06:08:52 ※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 06:20:37 ※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 06:37:00

pobby226601/25 06:22圖騰衣不給圖騰剩什麼==

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 06:56:47

MoneyBlue01/25 06:45所以那個近戰呢

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 07:06:23 ※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 07:16:08

cowaksor01/25 07:16我們砍除一切藉以提升近戰

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 07:28:56

quamtum01/25 07:17 Ignite damage with melee attack skills在patch

quamtum01/25 07:17note會提

NyliePisceS01/25 07:18近戰呢==

Orenjifurai01/25 07:24防禦都沒提 我看未來怪物傷害設計標準直接拉高= =

stkissstone01/25 07:29翻譯還弄到一半 還沒出現的可能在後面

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 07:48:46

Orenjifurai01/25 07:31BEX回覆這版不會改堅定、法抑了

Orenjifurai01/25 07:31總之先幫水球上香\|/

mylove061701/25 07:32屍爆沒動@@

Orenjifurai01/25 07:33有阿 骰池抽獎部分修改了

ITEegg01/25 07:38回音不知道是招惹到誰,每波都有它

ITEegg01/25 07:39上次增加觸發耗魔這鬼機制的時候也中獎,結果也沒還他魔

ITEegg01/25 07:39力保留

RushMonkey01/25 07:43之前說傷害溢出才大砍 現在又補回傷害 真有你的

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 08:09:10

leocolin12301/25 07:51屍爆好像沒事?

good9015001/25 07:51圖騰砍爛,明明不熱門,但每季幾乎都會砍他,嘻嘻

leocolin12301/25 08:04不過他說的點燃傷害砍28%是哪裡? 直接角色的計算?

leocolin12301/25 08:04所以拿來玩點燃但沒被提高傷害的技能都是NERF?

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 08:23:40

Orenjifurai01/25 08:10125%基礎砍28%吧?

dase135201/25 08:15有料

ITEegg01/25 08:17屍爆一堆配套都被動刀了,怎麼還有人說沒事= =

ITEegg01/25 08:18有認真在看嗎

cowaksor01/25 08:21只剩下魔血大地主12l召喚沒事了

r6110201/25 08:21看來人數還是掉得不夠多,GGG堅持Nerf型教學,你各位記得

r6110201/25 08:21乖乖買贊助包解鎖更多教學。

不是,法術基本傷害都爆增耶 印記跟弓的改法也很意外不是砍強的而是buff爛的 還以為轉性了

killloli01/25 08:22之前才說近戰低人一等先BUFF自施XD

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 08:31:12

djjjk01/25 08:25有推薦的自施技能嗎

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 08:39:42

iamgaylan01/25 08:37唯一支持雙池泣月自詩電弧女巫==

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 08:54:48

Orenjifurai01/25 08:42等著看近戰點燃要怎麼玩==

hope4ever01/25 08:42靠背 又來明昇暗降 對弓來說光水球的改動 其他東西就補

hope4ever01/25 08:42不回了 嘴上說要加強結果在其他地方偷偷來

gkkcast01/25 08:43請問有人觀落陰出 版本之子(女)了嗎?

c87111111601/25 08:43GGG這是轉性吧 像爆裂陷阱砍輔助竟然還buff寶石

adgbw872801/25 08:44先猜元素弓

zero24923801/25 08:46近戰不但低人一等,現在打擊敲水球擴散還被砍

zero24923801/25 08:47可憐哪

qd659001/25 08:52印記終於改的比較方便了 考慮下一季銳眼起手

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 09:10:52

c87111111601/25 08:55阿不過看到後面好像拓荒BD砍一輪惹

casas01/25 08:55我大自施電弧能重返榮耀嗎?

arcZ01/25 09:00我只覺得印記是好事 釋放被預防性砍完的直擊法術不一定 要算

arcZ01/25 09:00完才知道

fff41701/25 09:01幹 不是吧 前面看到bow buff很開心 結果後面水球1秒cd是三

fff41701/25 09:01

nahsnib01/25 09:06是我眼殘嗎?法壓沒動?繼續法壓謝謝

stkissstone01/25 09:14法術效率大增 不知道魔幻有沒有救

nahsnib01/25 09:15印記已經很鬼了現在還可以省掉施放的時間或者觸發裝

c87111111601/25 09:16整串看比較不懂的是門檻珠寶吧 有用的幾個都沒了==

nahsnib01/25 09:19回音還可以砍喔...

nahsnib01/25 09:21寒冰彈、冰霜脈衝拿掉門檻珠寶,那就得要裝其他東西補

nahsnib01/25 09:21投射數量,這樣一來一往實際傷害真的是增加的嗎QQ

c87111111601/25 09:24技能本身buff是還OK 後期應該還行吧?

c87111111601/25 09:24但問題是這兩個就拓荒在用的 結果砍前面==

pilirich01/25 09:31宣稱要增加自施流派機動性卻nerf釋放輔助??

zxc9014701/25 09:32陷阱好像還能飛喔 冰川之刺起飛了嗎

TaeYang77701/25 09:32這樣地裂抽血還能玩嗎 這季沒爽到

yehjack01/25 09:34自私又双起飛惹嗎

pilirich01/25 09:37法術寶石的基傷提升,但一堆輔助寶石的more傷害被大砍

pilirich01/25 09:37一來一往好像更虧,而且能玩的流派更少了

stkissstone01/25 09:44一般輔助的more沒動阿 是地雷陷阱圖騰觸發

stkissstone01/25 09:45乘完之後那些間接扁人的水準跟之前接近

leooelleooel01/25 09:45弓到底算加強嗎

stkissstone01/25 09:45最苦就圖騰 衣服砍+1太慘烈

Barbarian12301/25 09:48砍釋放 又nerf bv了

ecnecsinimer01/25 09:50當時何必砍到不留情面呢...

ecnecsinimer01/25 09:50繞一大圈回到原點

stkissstone01/25 09:51對哦 bv完全變孤兒 被忘記了

stkissstone01/25 09:52反正這麼複雜的遊戲平衡點那個難度 繞圈圈跟幹蠢事也

stkissstone01/25 09:52不意外

BleachDeath01/25 09:53這樣水球 盾投這種水球懶人連鎖 還有搞頭?

a0515070701/25 09:54看你每秒打中幾下 現在1秒只有1下 攻速越快越虧

stkissstone01/25 09:54盾投比較慢 受害程度小一點

stkissstone01/25 09:55不過龍捲風沒動?那閃電箭矢返回還行不行

zxc233118901/25 09:56然後怪物變超強有改跟沒改一樣

stkissstone01/25 09:57沒講要改怪物阿 真改了再抱怨吧

theiceking01/25 09:58原本這季想回去電弧圖騰,但圖騰衣砍+1...看來還是繼

theiceking01/25 09:58續震波圖騰好了,還被buff傷害

Barbarian12301/25 09:59看起來這季是不是要秘術毒藥拓荒轉召喚了

steven7010101/25 10:10印記輔助只要跟印記2連,不用多搭一個主動技能,強..

steven7010101/25 10:10.

steven7010101/25 10:10沒人用的印記轉移手送給銳眼了XD

nahsnib01/25 10:11不過效果會變弱,加上當今的meta都挺缺插槽的

doob556601/25 10:15印記好爽喔

Orenjifurai01/25 10:17東西越出越多 插槽只會缺不會多

ilohoo01/25 10:19印記那顆輔助應該就是只要兩連,就可以在你的任何擊中上對

ilohoo01/25 10:19黃怪上印記,而不是吃掉主技能串的兩個洞

c87111111601/25 10:20問題是你就是要多生出兩個洞啊

stkissstone01/25 10:21真爽耶

Orenjifurai01/25 10:21綁在戒指詞綴上0L

stkissstone01/25 10:22另外凡塵萬念拔出來也挺有意思的

stkissstone01/25 10:22早期生兩洞簡單阿 戒指也可以洗擊中詛咒 只有擊中印

stkissstone01/25 10:22記掰

a0515070701/25 10:25印記值得花兩洞吧 效果比多1L強

nahsnib01/25 10:26印記輔助會弱化不是強化

ttosgion01/25 10:27毒雨天花板那麼點 還改弱...

Orenjifurai01/25 10:28而且印記也只會上稀有/傳奇 打王省1L自己丟一下也行

stkissstone01/25 10:28ziz的錯

dan524501/25 10:30寧願花2洞,我也不想自己丟印記~

c87111111601/25 10:30印記詞不是洗不出來了嗎 還是我看錯意思

ja220001/25 10:30手動施放要起飛了

dan524501/25 10:31是說印記改的真不錯,這樣還能用到印記上的品質

stkissstone01/25 10:31省1l的意思是直接手施 省那顆輔寶吧

dan524501/25 10:32機率拿球之類的,好爽

davidliudmc01/25 10:32嘻嘻砍錯了快buff回來

hanmas01/25 10:43狙擊頭燃燒箭不知道能不能玩

Raidensnake01/25 10:46感謝翻譯

yabeeboo01/25 10:53圖騰衣不給圖騰+1那跟鹹魚有什麼兩樣

michaelfat1901/25 10:58究竟有多少人是真的把文章看仔細在講話的呢ㄏ

ja220001/25 11:00圖騰衣本來就太強了,內建7L+1最大圖騰,詛咒現在也很好解決

mangoand101/25 11:02沒+圖騰的圖騰衣到底能幹嘛

SivLoMario01/25 11:05幾年了,GGG終於注意到自施有多可悲了,可喜可賀

michaelfat1901/25 11:08其實當初釋放跟強化這兩顆輔助就是來buff 自施的

Arebize01/25 11:12cleave有夠可憐lul 夠廢了還被拔護體珠寶

Arebize01/25 11:12看來是可以玩判官storm call + orb of storm了

a201659601/25 11:14看來風暴烙印可以再戰一季

aurorasea01/25 11:14所以那個近戰呢?

ja220001/25 11:15沒看到天雷,難道沒buff到?

stkissstone01/25 11:15有講到方向但沒有的就要等正式

stkissstone01/25 11:16不過官方的字有夠小 正式的不搞了 超傷眼

mitsuhah01/25 11:17弓加強這些不會讓玩家投資防禦反而追求更高的攻擊吧

hanmas01/25 11:19上次覺得自施太可悲的時候加了大法師 然後大法師就死掉了

MoWilliams01/25 11:19大自施時代

stkissstone01/25 11:21不過免保留光環出來+倍率上升 魔幻有點機會

hanmas01/25 11:22弓這樣弄一輪 拓荒點傷變低更爛 元打箭袋+1變後綴還變爛

steven6868001/25 11:23熔岩翻騰的傷害倍率有夠猛,還能強化輔助+精確輔助

rockheart01/25 11:23大多數玩家還是不會玩自施啦,走位走一走就死了

ja220001/25 11:26冰霜脈衝跟寒冰彈65%更多傷害,但少門檻,沒有強很多

ja220001/25 11:26因為其他手動師放都45%左右更多傷害

hanmas01/25 11:30不過弓本身的點傷總算要有點用了 可以期待一下胖子做裝?

hanmas01/25 11:31或是直接拿精髓點應該也還行

hanmas01/25 11:37想了一下 復古的閃電箭+火雨可能不錯

c87111111601/25 11:41說啥 自施把王秒了就不用走位了(X)

funkD01/25 11:41又亂砍水球 ㄏ

stkissstone01/25 11:45水球算意料之內 只改這樣算好了

hanmas01/25 11:45弓箭點傷大放送 t1點+t1攻速兩條就500edps

hanmas01/25 11:46水球rip

dan524501/25 11:47不過印記輔助,如果扣太多的話,就變nerf了

dan524501/25 11:48以12等刺客印記來看,新的輔助如果20%less,就比原本還弱

dan524501/25 11:48而且還要多花2洞

hanmas01/25 11:49新的那條箭矢速度轉inc的專精感覺不錯強

stkissstone01/25 12:01說起來這種東西投射物加速輔助有沒有用阿

c87111111601/25 12:04速度那條串投射物加速感覺真的不錯

c87111111601/25 12:06除了特定一些投射外 這樣應該都不用減速了

bij83101/25 12:09還敢說到防禦,不知不覺笑出來了

good9015001/25 12:11這季連輿圖都沒進就中離了,下季本來想試試一直想玩到

good9015001/25 12:11底的近戰圖騰,但改打水球下季大概pass了

jasop01/25 12:14拔門檻珠寶差有點多

stkissstone01/25 12:22不然咧 防禦這問題一直無視就會一直存在 肯搞也不差

c87111111601/25 12:24我覺得3.16的防禦機制有比較好一點了說

c87111111601/25 12:24雖然有部份也是因為前幾季太智障

jardintw01/25 12:28居然沒有提到要動法壓,還是我漏看了

stkissstone01/25 12:29沒有 雖然那是大方向的東西要改應該會講 但最終定案

stkissstone01/25 12:29要看完整patch note

stkissstone01/25 12:30沒動是滿意外的 原本以為他們的尿性會砍個減傷率

stkissstone01/25 12:3050%->35%之類的 像側身那樣

gustavvv01/25 12:31法壓還需要砍==?嫌天賦點太多哦==

stkissstone01/25 12:32以現行表現來看 會想削的機率很大

gustavvv01/25 12:34buff 內容看看就好啦 上季天賦樹專精吹上天 出來還不是

gustavvv01/25 12:34砍一堆大點要你花更多天賦點變相nerf

stkissstone01/25 12:36鐵錚錚給數字的東西也能哭 那也就算啦

CityRanger01/25 13:00

CityRanger01/25 13:00法壓 堅定 沒事

henry2787601/25 13:093.18 就不一定了 嘻嘻

CityRanger01/25 13:10反正防禦面大砍就是大家回去撐攻擊

CityRanger01/25 13:11GGG最討厭大家只撐攻擊

gkkcast01/25 13:21有些東西移到專精讓Build提早成形還算不錯吧。

mavs0701/25 13:22屍爆點燃感覺不痛不癢啊....,然後冰錘沒擴散這樣連原本會

mavs0701/25 13:22玩的都不會去玩==

poppipe01/25 13:24垃圾技能出太多ggg到底會不會減法啊

hecaton01/25 13:31自施加的太少,CoC傷害還是多了至少兩倍以上還比較快

ja220001/25 13:35很多門檻珠寶的技能廢掉

b2316632101/25 13:40謝謝翻譯,辛苦了

marlboro152701/25 13:472022電弧重返榮耀= =

quick51141301/25 13:50水弒界應該算下去了(吧) 1秒CD有夠長

ja220001/25 13:51下季考慮電弧

quick51141301/25 13:52阿什麼時候才肯改掉高等裝依然一堆低階詞的問題 哭啊

aa237892401/25 14:19corpse walk不是屍術矢 是那雙走路造屍體的鞋子

改了 謝謝

nahsnib01/25 14:22按照官方說法25等技能傷害1.6倍,但是COC從1.2變成0.8,

nahsnib01/25 14:23不對,是29%更多變10%更少,所以大約是1.3變0.9

nahsnib01/25 14:24也就是1.6/1.3*0.9=1.1,咦,怎麼變多

babyalley01/25 14:40欸幹 為何凜冬之眼沒有強化阿 我想要玩凜冬之眼地雷阿

IAmLaguna01/25 14:42砍門檻珠寶然後近戰中一堆刀 Q_Q

babyalley01/25 14:43熾熱魔炮傷害變高 可是依舊沒凜冬之眼把怪凍住好用

babyalley01/25 14:44該不會下季要玩電弧?????

wedman01/25 14:48我們穿越了嗎? 來看看ninja網在玩啥 :自施電弧

lordguyboy01/25 15:02電弧手感太優秀 要不是傷害下修會季季熱門吧

chaoskyuriop01/25 15:06手施傷害不足機動不夠 BV:幹那砍我幹嘛

cowaksor01/25 15:21又是電弧聯盟 做這麼多年還在電弧

lapis052301/25 15:40回音感覺掃到颱風尾,明明是屍爆的鍋,結果砍回音。

lapis052301/25 15:46末日烙印是不是更爛了。。。1.5秒,是人要站著給打死嗎

mavs0701/25 15:55屍爆沒啥事..

stkissstone01/25 16:22末日烙印直擊相當 點燃強化 他是機動好的招

stkissstone01/25 16:24回音是對應技能buff 跟屍爆沒啥關係

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 16:32:21

davidliudmc01/25 16:35末日1秒偶爾都會miss了 1.5秒感覺會很常砸空

stkissstone01/25 16:361.5是間隔 不是落下速度

修正: Mark on hit部分 , 他限攻擊

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 16:37:51

babyalley01/25 16:39電弧的附加傷害效用錯了 應該新的是120% 舊的80%

babyalley01/25 16:39要是現在電弧就有130%附加傷害效用 我還不玩暴

改了 感謝,跟上面那條看混了,這字的大小對眼睛太苦了

babyalley01/25 16:41地雷已經從電弧玩到熾熱魔炮再到凜冬之眼 現在難道又要

rockheart01/25 16:41看一看怎麼感覺沒砍什麼…

babyalley01/25 16:41輪迴到回過去玩電弧喔 笑死ㄟGGG

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/25/2022 16:42:53

babyalley01/25 16:47沒事啦原po 肯幫翻譯就很感謝了 我只是剛剛看玩之後感

babyalley01/25 16:48覺怪怪的 想說都玩把三元素法術地雷都玩遍了怎麼怪怪

stkissstone01/25 16:49之前拿新星杖玩過熔岩翻騰地雷 還行

babyalley01/25 17:04火球的點傷會不會太扯 而且附加傷害效用變成370%?????

Silwez01/25 17:21問問路人現在的meta是什麼?

Silwez01/25 17:21路人:電弧地雷

Silwez01/25 17:21看來我們成功穿越到過去了

joeboy01/25 17:30好ㄟ好ㄟ 繼續丟電弧

c87111111601/25 17:31不過電弧本身機制打王還是要另一串技能就是惹

yabeeboo01/25 17:404L電弧地雷+6L天雷地雷 有沒有搞頭

babyalley01/25 17:41不知道風暴漩渦搭配電弧地雷能不能好打王???

yabeeboo01/25 17:41這樣是不是直接天雷地雷就好........

babyalley01/25 17:43可以直接天雷就好 不然就是清圖用電弧 打王換天雷

babyalley01/25 17:43或是你乾脆兩把6L地雷杖 我以前就這樣玩過

Barbarian12301/25 17:46地雷砍得多還是法術buff得多

stkissstone01/25 17:57用20等 +45%來看高能地雷的話 新:0.725倍 舊:0.72倍

stkissstone01/25 17:5720等法術"

BleachDeath01/25 18:08原本想盾投拓荒 看來思考別的了 感恩大大

babyalley01/25 18:13無聊拿一下最近玩的地雷杖電弧機體算一下好了

su4vu601/25 18:28雙人舞是不是消失了

stkissstone01/25 18:55因為寓言要掰 所以強化前改到跟強化後一樣強 另外buf

stkissstone01/25 18:55f啟動條件跟ai

babyalley01/25 18:56剛算了一下用新版本L20電弧+Lv5覺醒附加閃電點傷

Orenjifurai01/25 18:56AI才是最大Buff==

babyalley01/25 18:56以及預估Lv10等連鎖爆破地雷是56%更少傷害的話

babyalley01/25 18:57其餘的數值都不動 舊版傷害是13.4萬 新版傷害是13.8萬

babyalley01/25 18:57數字只差4000..而且這是對賽勒斯的傷害 感覺沒差多少

babyalley01/25 19:02不過這次沒看見凜冬之眼被buff 地雷輔助又被砍 哭阿

stkissstone01/25 19:06這樣挺符合他們想要的 地雷這些不動 手施強化

stkissstone01/25 19:06沒有算完給你ninja nerf就感謝了

babyalley01/25 19:11哈哈 我剛剛有地方小小算錯 舊版傷害應該要是14.2萬

babyalley01/25 19:12看來是小小的nerf了

babyalley01/25 19:12不過差異不算大

babyalley01/25 19:13不過沒有意外 可以當作沒差異 因為真的傷害差異很小

babyalley01/25 19:26再算了一下熾熱魔炮基本上也是差不到3000傷害

babyalley01/25 19:26看來可以當作沒差了 各位可以回家啦

theword01/25 19:59近戰的靈壓 ......

hanmas01/25 20:07近戰莫名奇妙中兩刀被砍死超好笑 水球跟門檻珠寶bye了

lorhokok01/25 20:07正火沒動? 下季繼續燒==

hanmas01/25 20:08可能剩回天劍舞跟狂怒漩渦能玩吧

hanmas01/25 20:09正火buff了 開季可以用新傳奇頭轉es開燒

stkissstone01/25 20:20武器有buff點傷

adsl3339401/25 21:02秘術冥使之體應該可以繼續刷

sdriver01/25 21:21自施打圖比起來還是太慢啊

ewpnawt801/25 21:32純看改%數以為在看D3

iamgaylan01/25 22:09我覺得自施出幻影施法者輔助就是超絕buff了

nahsnib01/25 22:17應該設定施放法術不會中斷移動就是超絕BUFF了

a0515070701/25 22:23新cwc cast while walk

yehjack01/25 22:25是說狂舞改了 那怎不順便改下那個召喚破弓==

mjmj5874701/25 22:27投射還有龍捲,近戰剩句點

chiefviola01/25 22:30冰霜之錘100%轉不錯喔 感覺有搞頭

chiefviola01/25 22:30啊筆的CD都Buff了 雷錘解放咧

nahsnib01/25 22:30我覺得這遊戲所有擊殺時OO的效果應該都要補上擊中稀有

nahsnib01/25 22:31怪也能觸發(自殘之類的除外...嗎?)

Orenjifurai01/25 22:34召喚弓打王超智障,素質在現在準備裡也很弱

mavs0701/25 22:45說冰霜改不錯的太雲了吧==

gustavvv01/25 23:09冰霜之錘被拔門檻 搞個頭==

stkissstone01/25 23:26筆的CD是nerf

MORIH01/25 23:39冰霜門檻珠寶要的是近戰擴散阿...

dan524501/25 23:47除了冰霜是為了拿擴散,40%轉傷就一點專精點的事,擴散要

dan524501/25 23:47花一連,明明是超級nerf, 哪裡有搞時,而且筆的cd是nerf

dan524501/25 23:47吧……

hecaton01/26 00:52冰霜新星、熔岩翻騰、電能釋放 有改的能用大概就這些

hecaton01/26 00:53火雨和噴火傷害還可以但是手感極差==

UniversalGod01/26 09:21COC也被nerf惹@@

CCcup01/26 09:44COC常用的法術大多有在Buff清單上 還好

john70196601/26 11:11這年頭還在講近戰改得不錯的87%根本沒玩過

stkissstone01/26 11:29門檻下去的下去 其他沒改動的基本上還是buff

stkissstone01/26 11:29武器變好搞一點 有沒有感就未必

babyalley01/26 11:49近戰的靈壓消失了...

gkkcast01/26 11:50旋風使用率最高。難道近戰不該nerf嗎?

babyalley01/26 11:52旋風斬..笑死..那不是CoC的附屬品嗎 LUL

nahsnib01/26 11:53把戰吼BUFF回來啦幹

nahsnib01/26 11:54旋風斬太鬼扯了,COC,CWC,甚至自己拿去砍都強

nahsnib01/26 11:54副作用?一雙潰逃直接抵銷

gustavvv01/26 12:05近戰沒被砍就算是buff了 再問就是居心叵測

arcZ01/26 12:41之前砍近戰攻速不知道在砍什麼 嫌死得不夠快?

zero24923801/26 13:47法術直擊都buff50%了,近戰buff個30%不過分吧

gkkcast01/26 14:01大概GGG預設近戰都是6T1等級的武器在做平衡吧 = =

nahsnib01/26 14:03近戰搞6T1武器是很爽沒錯啦,但我寧願小資生意玩法術

nahsnib01/26 14:04便宜買個+2項鍊、兩把+2法杖,配21等寶石就27等,很爽了

ja220001/26 14:10陷阱串迅速組裝輔助好像會比較強,但比較不穩

babyalley01/26 14:13沒玩過陷阱 但是自從地雷網被改爛我就都用迅速組裝了

babyalley01/26 14:14我記得以前算過 串迅速組裝 平均丟一次1.6顆

babyalley01/26 14:14撐高投速..就很好用..我玩地雷迅速組裝+地雷充能 讚讚

babyalley01/26 14:17地雷網被改成魔力加成140%就廢了 如果是120%還可以接受

iamgaylan01/26 15:32地雷網那個手感真的…

babyalley01/26 15:43應該這樣講 天賦改之前 如果天賦有走到中間拿毀滅裝置

babyalley01/26 15:44然後頭盔或是項鍊有一條12%地雷投擲速度 其實還可以

babyalley01/26 15:45但誠如上面說的魔力加成改廢了 再加上這次天賦投擲速度

babyalley01/26 15:45變少了 所以地雷網就88啦 請串迅速組裝

gkkcast01/26 15:49我覺得近戰該改的是詞綴權重啦。cp值低到哭喔

nahsnib01/26 16:03真的,高等底應該要砍掉幾個低級詞,不然做近戰武器的

nahsnib01/26 16:03難度高出法術武器的難度太多了

Deron88801/26 19:10為啥砍精髓那個火焰爆破cd QQ

yehjack01/26 21:51感覺引導技能又被放生了 meta根本沒辦法給你站著引導==

ja220001/27 06:39下一季一開始手施會比較多,但最後還是回歸陷阱地雷圖騰COC

haveastar01/27 09:54受傷施放有砍嗎? 沒有的話感覺可以玩玩

Barbarian12301/27 09:59前幾版還有玩燒毀 感覺完全被遺忘了

babyalley01/27 20:25法術提升很多玩地雷應該還是會比3.16好 除非你有串附加

babyalley01/27 20:26冰冷或是閃電點傷 這附加點傷輔助被砍了如果之前你有串

babyalley01/27 20:26同樣的串法在3.17在地雷上 應該會比較輸一點點

※ 編輯: stkissstone ( 臺灣), 01/28/2022 12:43:22