[閒聊] 劍星迷你OST - Everglow 非官方歌詞

看板PlayStation標題[閒聊] 劍星迷你OST - Everglow 非官方歌詞作者
時間推噓18 推:18 噓:0 →:18



有人跟據reddit 用戶分享的歌詞,自己重聽配上字幕,並剪了一個MV


Sometimes feel harder.
But things will be alright Without a doubt.
When they judge me until today I'll be a knight brave and benign.
No more lies to blind my eyes.
Choose what you lose.
And now, I'll take a piece of your world
Gonna fight through what I want.
That's what it takes.
So close to the glow.
Headed to light that I will hold.
Now it's time to gather what's lost.
Show me how stars fall down and still shine bright.
Wherever you go.
There I'll be your sight.
So that we can seek on through the night.
These are words.
I'll keep through our time.
Sometimes it's louder.
the voice that screams out
unspoken doubt.
When they push you on, don't fret
Here's a knight who proves what's right
No more lies to deceive the fright
Choose what you lose
And now, I'll take a piece of our world
Gonna fight through what we want
That's how a story is made
Time is running short, so why are you lost? Can't you believe the true story?Don't you worry, cause I'm here now
And we'll still shine
Time is coming close, let's gather what's lost Collect our lone dreams and history
These are words
I'll keep through our time.







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※ 編輯: sunlockfire ( 臺灣), 05/10/2024 23:40:32

※ 編輯: sunlockfire ( 臺灣), 05/10/2024 23:46:27

※ 編輯: sunlockfire ( 臺灣), 05/10/2024 23:46:58

JuanWang05/11 00:24音樂團隊跟尼爾是一樣的

Snakeshe05/11 00:28這首真的超讚

ShenMue05/11 01:49真是Nier的音樂團隊?

ShenMue05/11 01:50有 Beyond Fate 的歌詞嗎?這首動聽。

sunlockfire05/11 01:54Beyond Fate 我還在找,聽說是韓文XDD

jhihansyu05/11 06:10視覺 聽覺 大滿足

ilovetoy05/11 06:22劍星約一半的音樂是幫尼爾配樂的monaca做的。不得不說s

ilovetoy05/11 06:22hift up自己做音樂也蠻強的

ilovetoy05/11 06:26個人覺得美中不足的地方,是戰鬥的音樂有點弱。最熱血

ilovetoy05/11 06:26的竟然是打小王...

jhihansyu05/11 06:29這首MV歌詞寫的很棒捏

Lumial02005/11 07:10不知道有沒有raven的歌詞 一直聽到妮口妮口

seki886473105/11 07:17天命號跟機關魁儡的戰鬥配樂充滿速度感,而且旋律我

seki886473105/11 07:17覺得很契合當下的氣氛,目前最喜歡這兩首

Sk8erBoi05/11 11:40都沒有像2B主題曲那種悲壯的,也沒有像魔兵那種HIGH歌

sunlockfire05/11 11:46嗨歌是大概哪種風格?軌道的快速通道那首還蠻嗨的XD

Sk8erBoi05/11 11:59Moon river.Fly me to the moon.都是老歌改的

Sk8erBoi05/11 12:01上班中不能放出聲音回家再聽聽

ilovetoy05/11 12:05回16樓,某boss二階段那首不夠悲壯嗎…

Suleika05/11 12:29雖然bgm都不錯,但最有印象的還是妮口妮口==

child199105/11 12:51Raven的是這首吧 尼扣尼扣的

sunlockfire05/11 12:58Raven這首我當初剛打她的時候聽到真的笑了出來,配

sunlockfire05/11 12:58合她不疾不徐的扭著屁股慢慢向我走來真的很符合情境

sunlockfire05/11 12:58XDDD

ilovetoy05/11 13:01妮口這首超詭異的...雖然重低音那段配合對刀很過癮

phix05/11 13:47tenico

lolicat05/11 20:34我最近在車上都在聽Spotify上面有個8首的ost 應該也是同

lolicat05/11 20:34好整理的 很棒

ilovetoy05/11 21:16YT有個曲目蠻完整的頻道

sunlockfire05/11 21:36我也是追蹤上面那個頻道,用YTmusic整理成播放清單

sunlockfire05/11 21:36,超讚,幾乎所有曲目都有(除了demo)

j0918jack05/13 11:44原來音樂團隊一樣,怪不得聽起來很像