Re: [情報] PS5 GOW Ragnarok Digital Foundry 評測

看板PlayStation標題Re: [情報] PS5 GOW Ragnarok Digital Foundry 評測作者
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God of War: Ragnarök on PS5 is like a maxed-out PC port with flawless
A different take on cross-gen development.

標題:PS5 上的諸神黃昏就像一個表現完美的 PC移植

First and foremost, the game's lighting has received a significant overhaul,
especially when it comes to indirect illumination.
Yes, it's pre-calculated but it does a much better job approximating the
behavior of light. The way it pours into enclosed spaces,
indirectly illuminating the environment around Kratos tantalises the senses.
This is perhaps the single most impactful enhancement
over the prior game. God of War 2018 is a beautiful title no doubt, but
indirectly lit environments often suffer from visible
light leak and other issues related to the lighting system.

這可能是對之前遊戲的最有感的加強。戰神 2018 無疑是一個美麗的作品,但間接照明環境常遇到可見光洩漏和其他與光線相關的問題。

With Ragnarök, the resolution of the pre-baked lighting is increased,
significantly minimising light leaking as a result.
This is then further augmented through the inclusion of screen space
directional occlusion - a feature included in the PC version of the 2018
SSDO is used to approximate a single bounce of indirect illumination in
screen-space complete with colour transfer.
This helps better ground character and objects within the environment. Detaillevels receive a boost as well - you'll explore richly decorated landscapes,
with ancient structures now withering beneath almost alien plant life while
being treated with more dramatic, larger scale vistas on a more regular basis.



Ragnarök is a very tightly directed game relying exclusively on bespoke
assets created and arranged for each specific area within the world.
The sheer volume of unique meshes and materials featured throughout the game
is staggering. Enhanced tessellation is another feature on offer for PS5
This enables an increased level of detail within the ground surface which
combined with the more physically accurate materials, produces far more
detailed results.
Snow deformation also makes a return and on PS5, the tessellation quality is
increased over the prior game allowing richly detailed trailers to form as
you navigate
the snowy landscapes. The aftermath of a snowy battle leaves trampled snow inits wake.

前略....增強的曲面細分是為 PS5 用戶提供的另一項功能,這可以提高地表的細節,結合更精確的材質,產生更具細節的畫面。


Another aspect critical to the simulation of light are reflections, an area
where I feel the prior game fell flat. Many areas rely on exceptionally
low-resolution cube-maps exclusively
while the implementation of screen-space reflections felt constrained,
especially when it comes to water rendering which was a weak point.


God of War: Ragnarök rectifies this in a couple different ways. Firstly,
while true hardware accelerated ray traced reflections are not featured in
this game, it does seem to utilise a solution
like Mafia: Definitive Edition where rays are traced into a cube-map with
high quality lighting data baked into it to determine the most appropriate
colour but also trace into a more accurate
version of the scene geometry to determine the best cube-map placement. This
is then combined with a greatly improved implementation of screen-space
reflections which now extend deeper into the
reflective surface producing a much more pleasing result compared to the
prior game.


1 雖然不支援硬體加速光追,但諸神黃昏跟黑手黨重製一樣精心手工打造貼圖
2 結合更加進步的螢幕空間反射



If you have a 120Hz-capable, HDMI 2.1 display with VRR support, the high
frame-raet performance mode is our pick as the best way to play.
No VRR support? Stick to the 60Hz performanced mode for a judder-free




And that brings us back to the topic of cross-gen - God of War: Ragnarök is
unabashedly a PlayStation 4 game that has received an enhanced release on PS5and, overall,
it does work out, but my feelings are slightly mixed. The benefits of this
approach include extremely high levels of performance and polish. I'm fairly
certain that a
'from the ground-up PS5 God of War' game would not deliver a completely
locked 60fps let alone the 80-90fps you get in high performance mode. In a
sense, playing this on
PS5 feels like playing any other multi-platform game on a gaming PC. It's
the same experience but improved and that is a good thing.

這讓我們回到了跨世代的話題——《戰神:諸神黃昏》無疑的是一款 PlayStation 4 遊
戲,它在 PS5 上有了諸多增強。整體而言,它運作得很好...中略

作者相當肯定,純 PS5版 戰神”遊戲不會提供完全鎖定的 60fps,更不用說在高性能模
式下獲得的 80-90fps(言下之意就是PS5根本沒被榨乾XD)

從某種意義上說,在 PS5 上玩這款遊戲就像在遊戲 PC 上玩其他多平台遊戲一樣。

心得: 諸神黃昏相較前代在光照和材質(PS5版限定)有進步。相信下一代PS5獨佔戰神一定會有更強表現


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OscarShih11/04 14:12更像DLC了

2018畫面其實就很強惹,這代改善缺點,資源放在gameplay,沒啥不好 但還是會期待純PS5戰神就是

ShenMue11/04 14:42原文意思沒有肯定。

ShenMue11/04 14:43我是說原文不是覺得沒榨乾

ShenMue11/04 14:44原文是說 60 都難穩定,90fps別去想

PTTfaggot11/04 14:47不要再一直說榨乾了 2070顯卡幻想有3080的潛力嗎

i38611/04 14:55性能沒榨乾是原PO自己的誤解,那段結論講的是,完全PS5版的戰

i38611/04 14:56神不會提供穩定60fps的模式甚至是更高的80~90fps模式,他覺得

i38611/04 14:57玩這款戰神的感覺和在PC上玩其他跨平台遊戲的感覺一樣,有更

unorthodoxy11/04 14:57之前莎木大有分析過 是2080的潛力!

i38611/04 14:58高的FPS.言下之意比較像是從PS5完全開發的戰神,會為了提供更

vict111/04 14:59老黃次世代主機打不贏2080 反正就這區間

unorthodoxy11/04 14:59到時PS5 pro的patch 應該就會靠性能輾壓了

unorthodoxy11/04 14:59這家工作室不是ND 不會一直手工調整

i38611/04 14:59好的畫面,不會把性能放在拉高fps上

同意你的說法,就1440P+30fps然後畫面更強(1440P偽裝成4K w) 好吧,我錯了,已經乾了,沒東西可榨惹

OscarShih11/04 15:01先換掉或更新引擎吧

※ 編輯: alanjiang ( 臺灣), 11/04/2022 15:02:03

OscarShih11/04 15:01看得出來戰神已經在可能去加強畫質的地方都加了

unorthodoxy11/04 15:02連莎木大都承認榨乾PS5了 這真的是不得了

OscarShih11/04 15:02你不鎖FPS讓FPS飛天就榨乾PS5啦 到底在說啥

OscarShih11/04 15:03有效利用效能和放飛燃燒效能對主機來說都是一樣的

an13811/04 15:05下一代出在ps6了吧

vict111/04 15:05開VRR不就榨乾PS5效能了 還是有啥可以多的效能

i38611/04 15:06就看索尼願不願意讓功耗再跑得更高而已吧

vsepr5511/04 15:07榨乾效能到時候要做移植pc不就搞自己而已

vsepr5511/04 15:07不會這樣搞吧==

OscarShih11/04 15:09基本上都會事先做方便自己的參數用吧

OscarShih11/04 15:09不一定是用來移植的 也是用來調整家機目標張數的

i38611/04 15:21榨乾PS5的效能移植PC又不會搞自己,除了SSD,PS5在CPU/GPU有什

i38611/04 15:22特規設計是PC沒有的嗎?

etetat211/04 15:25這畫質也幾乎是現在遊戲前幾了

an13811/04 15:28畫質有安魂曲好嗎?

mikeneko11/04 15:38這就是我們要的 更多的PS4遊戲

e44658228411/04 16:23早說了PS4在扯後腿,前幾篇還吵不是PS5已經極限了,

e44658228411/04 16:23笑死

e44658228411/04 16:25一直拿顯卡2070說嘴的更好笑,I/O設計就贏PC架構,就

e44658228411/04 16:25沒榨乾

superRKO11/04 16:28可以看明年的蜘蛛人 是不是PS5獨佔 失眠社技術也是不錯

superRKO11/04 16:28雖然吹幾百次了 但是拉傑特那個設計真的屌

i38611/04 16:33現在PS5執行遊戲的時候功耗強就200W左右,是要榨乾什麼

i38611/04 16:33*功耗牆

PTTfaggot11/04 16:38反正某些人就愛幻想他們買的兩三萬元大禮包有3080的潛

PTTfaggot11/04 16:38力 我們無法改變

vict111/04 16:45老黃都說2080比兩台主機還強了 淺力哪來的

crono011/04 16:58同樣RDNA2差不多效能是6600XT 2070S左右 10TFLOPs上下

crono011/04 16:59基本上 就算針對主機端優化 也不太可能有突出太多差異

crono011/04 17:01最多就是取一個 大眾可接受的畫面跟流暢度

superRKO11/04 17:16透過api針對單機去榨 是有機會拉 不然看ps4那個硬體

kuninaka11/04 17:23GOW有針對PS5的I/O特性做什麼革新嗎

kuninaka11/04 17:24還是單純遊戲容量比較低而已?

TETUO11/04 17:42手工打造光線質感讓我想到RDR2,花時間的功夫活,呈現超讚

crono011/04 18:04印象中PS5有針對材質壓縮有優化 所以容量可以比較少

OscarShih11/04 18:10雖然PS5不能飛天 但2080有2台主機這說法

OscarShih11/04 18:11只能說老黃賣瓜

OscarShih11/04 18:11老黃還是快點接7900XTX的招吧

superRKO11/04 18:154080 慢慢切 總會切到適合你的一張卡

moswu11/04 18:20上打2080不就大將軍自己說的

ShenMue11/04 19:19截圖都不看內文的?

brightest11/04 19:20硬體有光追 卻只有假反射

ShenMue11/04 19:20Kotaku 有看到嗎?

ShenMue11/04 19:22國外媒體報導,怎麼變成我講?

ziya11/04 19:43別人說你就相信然後四處洗版嗎 當大家都忘記你當年多噁心嗎

moswu11/04 19:45「尤其這沒有什麼不可思議的….」這段巴拉巴拉是你的心得

moswu11/04 19:45沒錯啊

splendidpoem11/04 19:46拿主機跟PC直接比效能,真的是很奇怪的思維。剛好

splendidpoem11/04 19:46跨平台的戰神可以做比較:同樣是1080p解析度,PS4

splendidpoem11/04 19:46版可以跑30幀,而PC版在Xeon E5-2650 + GTX760 + 1

splendidpoem11/04 19:466G RAM下,硬體等級大約跟PS4差不多,但最低畫質平

i38611/04 19:46噗XD, 註的部分不就你講的,現在突然變成都是別人說的XD

splendidpoem11/04 19:46均跑不到10幀。

moswu11/04 19:477奈米製程超越12奈米原文沒說啊?

i38611/04 20:02PC版的戰神有提高貼圖素材的材質吧

Well298111/04 23:27大將軍果然能屈能伸 當年噴的又都改口都別人說的 ㄏㄏ

ShenMue11/05 00:232080 < PS5 來源 KOTAKU 不是我本人

ShenMue11/05 00:24我 Po 新聞 寫心得,然後我就變成消息源頭嗎

ShenMue11/05 00:27或者連內文也看不懂?

moswu11/05 01:16Kotaku那算乳摸哪來的新聞,現在就是在說你抓著乳摸

moswu11/05 01:16自嗨還不肯認帳咧

kuninaka11/05 01:537奈米製程超越12奈米也是KOTAKU說的?

OscarShih11/05 02:10那你PO新聞也過濾一下好嗎

i38611/05 02:16那幾篇在版上都找的到,拿著乳摸一直吹的可精彩了,結果現

i38611/05 02:16在變成都是別人說的不關我的事,笑死

j5902211/05 04:39商務艙信仰堅定,心態炸裂

TotalBiscuit11/05 08:10重點不是PS5效能搾乾了沒啦,原文講的主要是遊戲設

TotalBiscuit11/05 08:10計的方式跟心態

TotalBiscuit11/05 08:11所以標題才說different take,就是不同的開發方式

kuninaka11/05 08:54為什麼SONY第一方工作室不全力炸乾

ziya11/05 09:14因為ps5效能不足啊 要榨乾也是等之後上pc

kuninaka11/05 11:06不是這樣吧,目前PS5和PS4版畫面看起來差不多耶

ziya11/05 11:17Ps4裝機量就擺在那裡 你要衝遊戲銷量 會選優化哪一個主機

kuninaka11/05 11:57所以你講錯了

kuninaka11/05 11:57不是因為效能不足

cocowing11/05 12:14這款還是PS4遊戲,看材質細節就知道了,不像老鼠2那畫

cocowing11/05 12:14面一看就覺得PS4跑不動

ziya11/05 13:33 樓上說得好 就真的效能不足 還有人不敢面對

kuninaka11/05 17:49共三小