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作者: TomasMao (毛叔) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] Manu名人堂演講逐字稿
時間: Mon Sep 12 02:51:58 2022

嗨,每次有長到哭的演講就是我來著手 (目前以馬刺球員為主啦)



有閒暇之餘再去粉專 (臉書: 毛叔譯球) 幫我動動手指按個追蹤吧。




Manu: (向TD) 你確定你不來講嗎?我知道你超愛鎂光燈的。 (觀眾: LOL)

Manu; You sure you don't want to do this? I know you love the spotlight," he
said to Tim Duncan as the crowd laughed.

Manu: 好啦,感覺真的很不切實際,尤其這些影片實在是讓人感動到不要不要的,有夠精彩。 這是段漫長的旅途,而對我這樣的球員來說,個人成就等同於團隊榮譽。我能夠站在這裡,不是因為我有多特別,而是因為身處於2000年代最重要的數支球隊之二,一支是拿下四座冠軍的馬刺、另一支則是04年奧運金牌的阿根廷隊。還有不下前述兩支球隊的,由Messina教練在歐洲聯賽率領的博洛尼亞俱樂部


Manu: All right. Amazing. Those videos get you man, incredible. It's been a
long journey. For players like me, individual accomplishments are team
honors. I'm not here because I was super special. I'm here because I was partof two of the most important teams of the 2000s with the Spurs winning four
NBA championships with my Argentina national team winning gold in 04, in EuroLeague one in Bologna with Coach Messina, and you get the reason why I'm here.

Manu: 但今天我也想提及、談論那些成就沒那麼輝煌的球隊,對我來說,他們是造就現在的我、使我成長至今的墊腳石。沒有這些歷練,我就不會有今天。這一切始於六、七歲時,在離我家一個街區遠、位於布蘭卡港(Bahía Blanca)的一個小俱樂部。我在那待了不

Manu: But today I also want to mention and talk about the teams that were notthat successful, but for me were fundamental stepping stones to get here
without those steps, I was not here today, and it all started at six, seven,
in a little club team in Bahía Blanca, one block away from my home. So I
spent a lot of time and my dad was the president of that team. He was one of
the founders. He was always there. If he was not working, he was in the club.My two brothers played there, older brothers, they were always there too.

Manu: 我媽媽是個教練......不,她真不是,開個玩笑啦。她不會打球、對籃球是一無所知。但她會在中午接我放學,給我餵食,幫我過馬路,讓我一路玩到吃晚飯為止。我每天運球,投籃,運球,投籃,投籃,交朋友,每天六到七小時不等。這對我來說是完美的理想之地,除了健全又令人熟悉的環境之外,同時能讓我加強、長出對籃球比賽的激情及熱愛。所以,我感謝所有參與我生活的人。

Manu: My mom was a coach... nah she wasn't a coach I'm kidding. She couldn't
play, she didn't know anything about basketball. But she would pick me up
from school at noon, she would feed me, help me cross the street, let me justgo play all day long, all the way till dinner. And I would dribble, shoot,
dribble, shoot dribble, shoot, make friends six, seven hours a day. And it
was perfect the ideal spot to strengthen and develop my passion and love for
the game in a very healthy, and familiar environment. So I thank everybody
that was part of that side of my life."

Manu: 我在那一直打到18歲,爾後成為了一名職業球員。這段經歷也沒有說多特別,就這裡的某個教練給我打電話來問。我就回說,'哦好啊,當然要去'。我先是為安地諾

Manu: "From there I played til 18 and at 18 I became a pro. Well, wasn't
that special, but a coach that is here called me up. I said, 'oh yes, I'm
going of course.' And, you know I was first with Andino, then back in my
hometown with Estudiantes and you know, playing in front of my family and
friends at the highest stage in Argentinian basketball was a blast and I
loved every minute of it," he said. "I even had the pleasure to play with my
brother, gave me every single ball. We had a blast. Everybody that was part
of my Argentinian experience, coaches, players, thank you so much."

Manu: 逐漸的成長和發展為我捎來成為國家隊一員的首次機會。這會是我獲得關注、並向海外發展的機會,而義大利的雷焦卡拉布裡亞(Viola Reggio Calabria)俱樂部便是第一站。這支球隊裡,教練在比分緊張的時刻會真正信任我,優秀的老將們也同時向我展示了這種時刻的打球方式,這是我打歐洲籃球美妙的第一站。接著我跳到博洛尼亞籃球俱樂部(Virtus Bologna),這是由Ettore Messina執教的球隊,他基本上教會了我如何拿下勝利、並獲得冠軍。我們學以致用,效果立竿見影。謝謝你,教練。

Manu: "My gradual growth and development came the first call to be part of
the national team," he said. "With it, the attention and the possibility to
go overseas, and Italy was the first stop, Viola Reggio Calabria with a coachthat really trusted me in tough moments, great veteran leaders that showed mehow it's done, and it was a fantastic first step in European basketball. Thenthe jump to Virtus Bologna where I was coached by Ettore Messina, he
basically taught me what was necessary to get some Ws and championships, and
we learned, and fast, thank you coach."

Manu 在為您(梅總)及這群優秀的球隊一同奮戰、並足以贏下歐洲聯賽後,進入NBA從一個遙不可及的夢想,變成一個得以觸及的目標。在義大利的經歷對我來說十分珍貴,不僅是造就我在NBA最終的模樣,也使我更加純熟。因此,我感謝所有參與過這段經歷的人。

Manu: 在我仍效力於雷焦卡拉布里亞的那些年裡,有一次為國家隊打球時,我接到一個電話,說我被聖安東尼奧馬刺隊以57順位選中。

Manu: "NBA moves from being an unreachable dream, to a realistic goal after
playing for you and the wonderful group of teammates that I had and we were
successful enough to to win that Euro League," he said. "The Italian
experience for me was so valuable, that's where I became not only the player
that I ended up becoming here in the NBA, but also the man. So I appreciate
everybody that was part of my Italian experience."

"During those years, I was still in Reggio Calabria. One time I was playing
with the national team and I get a call saying that I was selected by the SanAntonio Spurs with the number 57 (pick)," he said.

Manu: 我不敢置信..就真的是無法相信。因為我認為這是一個錯誤,可能是語言問題吧,他們認為... ... 我的期望值為零。是零啊。我從未與馬刺隊進行過交談。我的經紀人也從未告訴我說我可能會被選中。我沒有亮麗的西裝、沒有帽子、沒有記者會、什麽都沒有。我對正在發生的事情根本一無所知。我甚至不知道聖安東尼奧在世界上是怎樣的存在。認知是完完全全的零。但你也了解這段故事後來的走向了。馬刺隊是支持我16年、一個

Manu: "I could not believe it. And I mean literally I could not believe it
because I thought it was a mistake, that it was a language thing that they
thought...I had zero expectations. Zero. Never had a conversation with the
Spurs. My agent never told me that I could have been drafted," he said. "I
had no fancy suit, no hat, no press conference, no nothing. I got no clue thatit was happening. I didn't even know what San Antonio was in the world. Zero.But you pretty much know that side of the story. The Spurs were one big strongsupportive family for me 16 years."

Manu: 16年來為同一名教練打球,隊友大部分也是相同的球員,代表著同樣的顏色和城市。有過諸多的輸贏,有那麽多的朋友,以及不可思議的經歷。為此,我有很多人要感謝,就跟大多數人一樣。Pop,我還能說什麼呢?這次我就不多說了。但你在球場內外對我和我的家人是如此重要,我將永遠無法表達對你的感激。

Manu: "16 years playing for the same coach with mostly the same players
representing the same colors and city," he said. "So many wins, losses, so
many friends so many incredible experiences. And for that I've got a lot of
people to thank of course you've got some of these ones. Pop, what can I say?I'll be short this time. But you've been so, so important for me and my
family on and off the court that I will never be able to thank you enough."

Manu: 就坐在我身旁的、有史以來最好的球員之一,也是最重要、最好的隊友之一 (談論TD)。 兄弟,我從你身上學到很多,如何成為一名領導者、如何在球場內外皆成為一個榜樣,所以謝謝你,T。

Manu: "The one next to me, one of the best players to ever play the game, butalso the most important one, one of the best teammates," Ginobili said of TimDuncan. "Man I learned so much about you, how to be a leader how to be an
example on the court and off the court, so thank you T."

Manu: TP (跑車),老兄,我們有搞懂所謂的優先順序呢!我們從未讓自身的自尊受到影響,我們清楚何時要由你來主導、何時由我來扛起擔子。當然,大多時間都會是交給他

Manu: "TP, we had our priorities straight man," he said to Tony Parker. "We
never let our egos get in the way. We knew when it was your time, when it wasmy time, when it was his time that was most of times for sure. You got a
little bit of time, I got a little bit, him most of it, but we got it done
man, we got the job done and it was a pleasure."

Manu: 有這三個傢伙在隊上就能帶給你很多勝場,有全明星球員、數名MVP還有最佳教練...等,但要拿下冠軍,你得要組織真正的隊伍,為此,你需要許多其他拼圖一齊到位。我們就有很多這樣的球員!因為很重要所以再講一次,我們有很多這樣的球員!就好比以下這些球員吧...

Manu: "You guys know these three guys will get you a lot of wins, All Stars,
MVPs best coach ever, whatever," he said. "But to win a championship and to
become a real team, you need a whole bunch of other little pieces in place.
And we had a lot of them. And I repeat, we had a lot of them. And here there
are a few.

Manu: Bowen,你讓我的工作更輕鬆了。你基本上會防守所有人,不論你的對位、我的、還有所有人的,這點我很清楚,謝謝你。Matt Bonner,不論你在哪,我這次可不會忘記你的。 你是個很棒的隊友,我們也有過好多有趣的時光!Patty (Mills)、Tiago
(Splitter)、Bobo (Diaw),你們讓客場之旅變得好玩許多!我愛你們。Fin (Finley)和Bones (Barry),是跟我打同位置很優秀的老鳥們。我從你們身上學到很多,不論何時,和你們打球真的很開心,我知道你們也在這的。Fabri (Oberto),人就在那,他是我理想的隊友。

Manu: Bruce Bowen, you made my job easier man. You guarded everybody, yours,
mine, everybody. I knew well. Thank you. Matt Bonner, wherever you are, I'm
not gonna forget you this time. You were a fantastic teammate. So many fun
times. Patty, Tiago, Bobo, you made those trips fun, man. I love you. Fin andBones, great veterans in my position. I learned a lot from you and I had a
blast playing with you wherever you are, and I know you're here. Fabri, out
there, my ideal teammate.

Manu: 我可以持續列舉100個名字,因為我有過諸多隊友,我很感謝你們,老實說,我也很喜歡跟你們在隊上共享的時光。我們過得很開心,不論是備賽、一起共進晚餐、在場上一起奮戰、不論輸贏...等等。這段時光真的很棒,謝謝你們。

Manu: I could keep going and going and going with 100 names because I had a
lot of them. But I appreciate you all and I'm being completely honest. I
loved sharing teams with you. We've had a blast. Preparing those games, goingto those dinners, winning together and losing together. It was fantastic.
Thank you."

Manu: 談論馬刺球團時,你不能只是列出其球員的名字,這支球隊遠不止如此。這支球隊厲害的還有能找到符合球隊文化、同時具備高素質人才的能力。Tom James、Will
Sevening和 Alicia Rodriguez在球團裡工作了25年,是相當了不起的人物。助理教練、影片協調員、訓練師、物理治療師、設備經理、總經理、還有RC,不論你現在坐在哪。你們和我提到的前三個人一樣重要,我知道這一點。謝謝你們。感謝你們選擇了我。感謝你們把我帶來這裡。也謝謝你們留住我。我真的很感謝Pop,不論是對整個家庭、對整個馬刺球團,或是為這個城市、社區和我們所有人所做的一切。我很感激,真的謝謝你。

Manu: "When you talk about the Spurs organization, you cannot only name
players. The organization is way more than that. It is the ability to find
highly qualified people that fit the culture," he said. "Tom James, Will
Sevening, and Alicia Rodriguez, 25 years in the organization, amazing people.Assistant coaches, video coordinators, trainers, physios, equipment managers,GM, RC wherever you are. You are as important, I know this as the first threeI mentioned. Thank you. Thank you for selecting me. Thank you for bringing
me. Thank you for keeping me. I really appreciate what you Pop, the whole
family and the whole Spurs ownership did for the city for the community and
for all of us. Appreciate you. Thank you very much."

Manu: 我職業生涯的瘋狂之處在於,在這16年效率於馬刺的同一時間裡,我還有另一段生涯,它和馬刺隊的功績一樣耐人尋味、令人振奮且有趣,也就是我為阿根廷國家隊效力的日子,那支隊伍有幾個人也在現場。我可以繼續把所有隊友一個個抓出來、不停地談論下去。但我會談的,是我們任何事都是以團隊為重。這對我來說是最為重視的。我非常感激我們在一起的日子,冠軍當然包含在內,失望亦然。它們讓我們團結一致。那些談天說地、那些可怕的旅行、遲到的晚餐、早起的早餐還有各種時差,都是非常值得的。我的天啊,你們這些傢伙,我愛你們。這就是友誼,這就是兄弟情。我認為這很了不起,也期待著與你們在球場外的更多冒險。

Manu: "The crazy thing about my career is that while all of this was
happening with the Spurs, 16 years, at the same time in parallel I was havinganother career, and it was as nurturing as fulfilling as exciting and fun as
the one with the Spurs, and it's with my national team in Argentina, a few ofthe guys who are here," he said. "I could go on start talking about you
individually, nonstop for a long time. What I'll stick with, what we've
always done is to do it as a team. And there's nothing I value more than
that. I appreciate our run together so much and the championships of course,
but the disappointments also, they got us together. The conversations, the
terrible trips, the late dinners, the early breakfasts, the jet lag, it was
so worth it. My gosh you guys I love you. That's friendship, that's
brotherhood. I think it's been amazing. I'm looking forward to more
adventures off the court now with you guys."

Manu: 我還想感謝NBA給了我們這個特別的舞台,讓我們做喜歡的事情。先是David Stern,現在是Adam Silver,還有出色的團隊。你們是這段期間世界最棒的運動聯盟之一。感謝各地的球迷,感謝我曾經打過球的地方,感謝你們不斷的支持、喜愛和無限的熱情。我每天都能感受到你們的愛。非常感謝你們。

Manu: "I also want to thank the NBA for giving us this extraordinary stage todo what we love," he said. "David Stern first, Adam Silver now and the
wonderful team. Best sports league in the world period. Thank you fans
everywhere, everywhere I've ever played for your constant support, affection
and boundless passion. I felt your love on a daily basis. Thank you very

Manu: 現在請允許我用一分鐘時間用西班牙語向我的家人講話。啊可能會有點激動,但請忍耐一下。

Manu: "Now allow me just one minute to address my family in Spanish," he
said. "It may get a little emotional here, but bear with me."

(Manu在感謝他的妻子Marianela Oroño時確實有些激動。當他感謝他的第一個球迷,也
就是他的父親Jorge時,他的聲音斷斷續續,說他非常想念他。他感謝他的母親做出的犧牲。他又用英語分享了對他的三個兒子Dante、Nicola 和Luca的衷心話語。)

Ginobili indeed got emotional as he thanked his wife, Marianela Oroño. His
voice broke as he thanked his first fan, his father Jorge, saying that he
missed him a lot. He thanked his mother for the sacrifices she made. He went
back to English to share a heartfelt message to his three sons, Dante, Nicolaand Luca.

Manu: 正如你們所聽到的,我的職業生涯中發生了許多事情。如果真要選出一個時間全部暫停並能夠永遠享受的當下,那就是現在與你們一起,做我們正在做的事、我們一同相處的時光、我們的旅行、相處的每一晚及所有的一切。我愛我們現在的樣子、我愛我們至今一起達成的點點滴滴。我愛你們的樣子,真的非常愛你們。

Manu: "As you heard, a lot of things happen to me in my career. If I had to
choose one moment where stop time and enjoy forever, right now with you doingwhat we do, our time together, our trips, our rights, our nights, our
everything. I love we are, I love what we accomplished. I love what you are,
I love you guys so much,"

Manu: 我想我是這次典禮的最後一人,所以感謝名人堂和整個2022班。這是我的榮幸。感謝你們今天的參與,期待未來與你們一起的更多冒險之旅!

Manu: "I think I'm the last one here, so thank you to the Hall and the whole
class of 2022. It's been a pleasure," he said. "Thank you all for being here,I'm looking forward to more adventures together."



心得: 有誤請指正,不論是演講內容或是翻譯內容
Manu Ginobili,我最想成為的球員,謝謝你的付出。

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: TomasMao ( 臺灣), 09/12/2022 03:00:27

Hanksome09/12 07:43謝謝毛叔!

wolfinwild09/12 07:56推翻譯!

Jye09/12 07:58翻譯辛苦了,恭喜Manu

roy065109/12 09:28Manu我永遠的超人

shiyuu09/12 09:28感謝毛叔!

tzongyao09/12 10:32辛苦翻譯了

reallen09/12 10:37

circuswu09/12 10:47再推一次

clivezzz09/12 11:15讚讚

b03o20y09/12 12:27推推

GinoBelieve09/12 12:45推翻譯&一生摯愛Manu

Timmy2109/12 13:02大推毛叔與鬼切 看完好感動QQ

howbinlau09/12 13:23

lordray109/12 14:18推翻譯!謝謝

jerry8670409/12 18:12感謝翻譯

cattle709/12 18:28只能推了

alanjiang09/12 18:56推翻譯

liuqw09/12 19:56推,已到粉絲團按讚

ccchenny09/12 20:54推 感謝

anderson197909/12 21:04

itryla09/12 22:45推!

umyiwen09/13 01:13感人,翻譯真用心

mykerr09/13 10:23超讚!

k98741236509/13 13:59推推

rabbitu0409/13 14:50

fated09/14 09:46推毛叔認真翻譯,感謝有你

anijain09/14 11:29推翻譯

lovemanu2009/14 22:38推~有幸在Manu退休前現場打球~懷念

jeremiah8109/15 01:03Manu我的超人

Zayre09/21 06:58

Raistlin051009/23 02:57